- accountability, lack of, 11, 12–13
- activity logs, 55
- after-action reviews, 25, 184–188
- alignment
- about, 51–52
- with boss, 56–58
- diagonal, 67–74
- with direct reports, 17, 53, 59–61, 76
- extreme, 54–55
- knowledge sharing and, 66–67
- sideways, 67–74
- vertical, 52–53, 56–67, 75–76, 79–80
- appreciation, 177–184
- asks
- fine-tuning, 93–99
- ghosting, 96
- half-baked, 130
- identifying, 87–91
- mastering no in response to, 99–103
- mastering yes in response to, 103–107
- tuning in to, 96–99
- well-defined, 86
- attention shifting, 145–146
- attitude, 44–45
- authority
- conundrum, 48–50
- decision-making, 49, 52, 79–80
- versus influence, 16–17
- unclear lines of, 16, 74–75
- autopilot, 120–121, 122
- bad attitudes, 44–45
- badgering, 41–42
- best friends, 170–171, 172
- best practices, 114–117, 119–121, 136–137
- blamers, 44, 167–168, 169, 174
- blaming others, 42–43, 184
- boss
- alignment with, 51–53, 56–58, 76, 79–80
- communication with, 57–58, 65
- feedback from, 40–41
- going over someone’s head to, 40–41, 48, 49
- information sharing with, 66–67
- bribes, 34–36
- burn out, 15
- career changes, 132–133
- Carnegie, Dale, 184
- cause and effect, 84
- celebration, of success, 25, 177–184
- chain of command, 16, 17, 21, 24, 40–41, 48, 49, 51–52
- change, 144
- charm, as false influence, 39–40
- checklists, 118–122
- Christiansen, Dave, 193–195
- cliques, 200–202
- collaboration
- challenges of, 4–5
- cross-functional, 8–9, 123
- getting better at, 25
- goal of, 8–9
- history of, 6
- overcommitment and, 2–3
- problems with, 9–15
- reasons for increased, 7–8
- resisting, 14–15
- revolution, 6–7, 9, 48, 49, 54, 74–75
- shift to, at work, 3–9
- colleagues
- blaming, 42–43
- dependence on, 61, 64–65
- going over head of, 40–41, 48, 49
- interdependency among, 3–16, 74–75
- lack of accountability for, 11
- low-performing, 203–204
- overload from requests by, 10–11
- relationships with (see relationships)
- resolving disagreements with, 47–48
- undermining, 42–43
- commitments, 33
- communication
- with boss, 57–58, 65
- information sharing and, 66–67
- one-on-one dialogue, 55
- structured, 53, 56–61, 67–68, 164
- as tool for leadership, 75
- unstructured, 50, 68, 70–73
- complainers, 44
- complaining, 42–43, 184
- conflict resolution, 48–50
- continuous improvement, 25, 174–190
- after-action reviews and, 184–188
- celebration of success and, 177–184
- planning ahead and, 189–190
- corporate culture, 193–197, 199, 202–205
- critical feedback, 42–43
- criticism, responding to, 43
- cross-functional collaboration, 8–9, 123
- Crouse, Geoffrey, 7–8
- culture. See corporate culture
- customers
- amazing, 213–214
- high-maintenance, 73
- internal, 2, 6, 10, 123, 134, 172
- preferred, 189–190
- decision/action trees, 85
- decision-making authority, 49, 52, 79–80
- decisions
- due diligence for, 85–86
- on how to spend time, 81–82
- human factor in, 91–92
- identifying the ask and making, 87–91
- making bad, 82–84
- making better, 107
- making good, 84–85
- micro-decisions, 82–83
- opportunity costs of, 80–81, 100
- deliverables, 33
- diagonal alignment, 67–74
- diagonal relationships, 50, 53, 73–74, 76
- diagonal roles, 49
- diaries, 55
- direct reports
- alignment with, 17, 53, 59–61, 76
- building up, 216
- workloads of, 60
- See also employees
- disdain, 181
- distractions, 144–145. See also interruptions
- diversity, 202
- “do” list, 150–152, 164
- drafts, of work in progress, 54
- due diligence, 85–86, 164
- elite organizations, 197–199, 203
- email, 147–148
- email hygiene, 146–147
- employees
- providing opportunities to, 195
- recognition of, 177–184
- training of, 113
- See also direct reports
- entanglers, 108
- Enterprise Rent-A-Car, 198
- ethics, 35
- everything is my job (EIMJ), 11–12
- exclusivity, 197–198, 200–202
- expectations, setting realistic, 10
- expertise, expanding your, 113, 127–137
- experts, 62–63, 124
- extreme alignment, 54–55
- false influence
- appeals to personal rapport as, 39–40
- badgering as, 41–42
- bribes as, 34–36
- charm or flattery as, 39–40
- finger-pointing as, 42–43
- freeze-out as, 38
- going over someone’s head as, 40–41
- networking and, 208–209
- politicking as, 39–40
- quid pro quo as, 37–38
- versus real influence, 16, 18–19, 24
- rejecting, 43–46
- types of, 33–43
- feedback
- asking for, 55
- from boss, 40–41
- critical, 42–43
- finger-pointing, 42–43, 184
- flattery, 39–40
- focused attention, 149–150, 152
- follow-up process, 175–176, 184–188
- freeze-out, 38
- friendships, at work, 39–40, 170–171, 172, 177
- frustration, 11
- generosity, 45
- generous fools, 108–109
- get sh-t done (GSD), 144–145, 164
- globalization, 7
- good attitude, 45
- go-to-ism, 193–218
- cliques and, 200–202
- culture of, 193–197, 199, 202–205
- elite organizations and, 197–199
- heart of, 195–197
- infectiousness of, 206–207
- promoting, 26
- upward spiral and, 205–217
- value of, 217
- See also go-to people
- go-to people
- among low performers, 203–204
- becoming, 209–210
- building, 190, 214–217
- characteristics of, 20–22, 31–33, 196, 209–210
- developing network of, 61
- factors in success of, 22–26
- finding, 130–131, 210–214
- job aids and, 122–123
- long game played by, 30–31
- networking by, 200–202, 208–209
- promoting, 26
- real influence of, 19–22, 28–33
- go-to teams, 196–197
- gratitude, 183, 184
- gratitude list, 182–184
- hall files, 212
- helpers, 62–63
- high-leverage time investments, 162–164
- high-maintenance customers, 73
- high-potential people, 214–217
- human factor, in decision making, 91–92
- indispensable
- becoming, 19–22
- overcommitment and, 2–3
- influence
- versus authority, 16–17
- false, 16, 18–19, 24, 33–43, 208–209
- fostering real, 43–46
- of go-to people, 28–33
- interpersonal, 33
- mathematics of real, 27–46
- peddling, 18
- problems with, 16–19
- real versus false, 16, 17–19, 24
- rejecting false, 43–46
- tactics of, 33
- through serving other, 19–22
- informal communication, 50, 68, 70–73
- information sharing, 66–67
- intake memos, 98–99
- intel, 66–67
- interdependent relationships, 3–16, 74–75
- internal customers, 2, 6, 10, 123, 134, 172
- interpersonal influence, 33
- interruptions, 72–73, 143, 146, 156–157
- management
- layers, 7
- top-down, 3
- managing down, 53, 59–61, 74, 76
- managing up, 53, 56–59, 74, 76
- McKinsey, 198
- meetings
- multitasking during, 147–148
- structured, 68–70
- value of, 148
- micro-decisions, 82–83
- micro-gap analysis, 161–162
- Mid-Kansas Coop (MKC), 193–195
- mindfulness, 121–122
- mindset, 112–113
- Mr. Best Friend, 170–171, 173
- Mr. Personality, 169–170, 171, 173
- multitasking, 121–122, 145–149
- Nass, Clifford, 145
- negative attitudes, 44–45
- networking, 200–202, 208–209
- no
- bad decisions and saying, 83–84
- bias for, 81
- mastering, 99–103, 104–105
- opportunity cost of, 80–81
- when to say, 24–25, 79–81, 101
- no gates, 101–103
- official recognition, of success, 178–180
- one-off errands, 131–132
- one-on-one dialogue, 55
- opportunities
- to expand repertoire, 132–133
- lost, 14–15, 100
- providing, to employees, 195
- opportunity costs, 80–81, 100, 104–105
- optimism, 45
- organization charts, 2, 4, 52, 212–213
- overcommitment syndrome, 1–26
- direct reports and, 60–61
- escaping, 15–19
- factors leading to, 9–13
- juggling tasks and, 141–143
- siege mentality and, 13–15
- as wrong commitment syndrome, 82
- overpromisers, 23, 109
- overwork, 10–13
- personal bias, 39–40
- personal rapport, 39–40, 169–173
- persuasion, 33, 45
- planning ahead, 189–190
- Ploumis, Eric, 133
- political power, 174
- politicking, 39–40, 167–169, 173, 174
- porcupine (attitude), 44
- positive attitudes, 11–12, 45
- postwork debriefing, 175–176, 184–188
- power
- of authority, 16–17
- indirect, 74
- influence and, 17, 32
- knowledge as, 66–67
- political, 174
- struggles, 48, 49
- preferred customers, 189–190
- priorities
- choosing between competing, 81–82
- setting, 23, 155, 158
- professionalization, 45, 112, 113–123
- keys to, 115–123
- power of, 114–115
- specialization and, 126
- projects, execution and completion of, 25, 141–165
- proposals, 97–98. See also asks
- pros and cons list, 84
- RainmakerThinking, 3
- rapport building, 39–40, 169–173
- rational persuasion, 33
- real influence
- characteristics of, 29
- versus false influence, 16, 17–19, 24
- fostering, 43–46
- of go-to people, 28–33
- long game of, 30–31
- tactics of, 33
- recognition, of success, 177–184
- relationships
- building, 25, 167, 171–174
- continuous improvement in, 174–190
- diagonal, 50, 53, 73–74, 76
- friendships at work, 39–40, 170–172, 177
- interdependent, 74–75
- managing, 4–5, 23
- personal rapport and, 169–173
- planning ahead for, 189–190
- sideways, 50, 53, 67–74, 76
- workplace politics and, 167–169, 173, 174
- repeatable solutions, 115, 117, 137
- repertoire, expanding your, 113, 127–137, 138
- reputation, 30, 35
- resentment, 14
- rogues, 62–63
- role creep, 56, 106
- sales performance, 178–179
- Sandberg, Sheryl, 144
- Schwarzkopf, Norman, 35, 75
- scope creep, 56, 105–106
- SEALs, 197, 203
- selectivity, 197–198
- self-managed teams, 49, 75
- self-monitoring tools, 55
- servant leadership, 32
- shared services, 9
- sideways relationships, 50, 53, 67–74, 76
- siege mentality, 13–15
- silos, working across, 4
- specialization, 112–113, 124–126
- expanding your repertoire and, 127–129, 132–137
- working smarter and, 137–138
- standard operating procedures, 118, 119, 137
- stink bomb thrower (attitude), 44
- strategic planning, 84–85
- structured communication, 53, 56–61, 67–68, 164
- structured meetings, 68–70
- success
- celebrating, 25, 177–184
- facilitating others,’ 33
- superhero complex, 12
- talent, identifying new, 61
- tasks
- best practices for, 115–117, 119–121, 136–137
- breaking into chunks, 158–162
- execution and completion of, 141–165
- focused attention on, 149–150, 152
- fruitless, 129–130
- juggling, 141–143, 145–149
- one-off errands, 131–132
- similar to your specialty, 132
- time-motion studies of, 160–161
- wrong person for, 130–131
- teams
- go-to, 196–197
- self-managed, 49, 75
- teamwork, 7
- technical experts, 20–21
- technology, 7
- thank-yous, 177–184
- time logs, 153–155
- time management, 25, 81–82, 149–164
- chunks of work and, 158–162
- “do” list for, 150–152, 164
- high-leverage time and, 162–164
- taking control and, 156–159, 163–164
- time logs for, 153–155
- time-motion studies, 160–161
- to-do lists, 143, 150–152
- top-down management, 3
- training, 113
- troubleshooting, 45
- Trout, Mary, 144
- undermining others, 42–43
- unofficial recognition, 180–181
- unstructured communication, 50, 68, 70–73
- upward spiral, of go-to-ism, 205–217
- US armed forces, 179–180, 185, 197–198
- Wagner, Anthony, 145
- Walt Disney World, 193–194
- wild-goose chases, 129–130
- Wolf, Lisa, 27–32
- working smart, 25, 111–139, 164
- expanding your repertoire and, 127–138
- mindset for, 112–113
- professionalization and, 113–123
- specialization and, 112–113, 124–126, 137–138
- workplace
- challenges in, 3–5
- interactions, 5–6
- politics, 39–40, 167–169, 173, 174
- work relationships. See relationships
- work samples, 54