Thanks to the Center for Media and Democracy, for whom we wrote this book and love working, and thanks to our CM & D colleagues Margo Robb and Laura Miller. The Center extends its appreciation to the staff and board members of the following nonprofit foundations whose financial support helped make this work possible: The Jenifer Altman Foundation, The Bydale Foundation, Carolyn Foundation, Changing Horizons Charitable Trust, Deer Creek Foundation, DJB Foundation, Foundation for Deep Ecology, Richard & Rhoda Goldman Fund, Grodzins Fund, HKH Foundation, The Litowitz Foundation, Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation, Inc., Rockwood Fund, Inc., The Stern Family Fund, The Florence and John Schumann Foundation, Turner Foundation, and The Winslow Foundation.
Many individuals provided us with friendship, support, ideas, criticisms, and inspiration over the years spent discussing, researching, and writing Trust Us, We’re Experts. In particular we thank Grant Abert, Dan Barry, Sharon Beder, Ellen and Eddy Bikales, Charlie Cray, Chris Crosby, Harriett M. Crosby, Ronnie Cummins, Carol Bernstein Ferry, Sharon Holland Force, Michele Gale-Sinex, Jonathan Frieman, Ross Gelbspan, Wade Greene, Wendy Gordon, Michael Hansen, Emily Headen, Linda Jameson, David King, Eric Koli, Sheldon Krimsky, Donna Balkan Litowitz, Sue and Art Lloyd, Chris Manthey, Gerald Markowitz, Camy Matthay, Kevin McCauley, Bob McChesney, Joe Mendelson, Dave Merritt, Alida Messinger, Margaret Mellon, Peter Montague, Tim Nelson, Dan Perkins, Tom Pringle, Arpad Pustzai, Carolyn Raffensperger, Scott Robbe, Abby Rockefeller, David Rosner, Debra Schwarze, Judith Siers, Louis Slesin, Paul Alan Smith, Sandra Steingraber, Virginia Waddick, Nancy Ward, Denise Wilson, John Woodmansee, and Winifred Woodmansee.
We especially welcome the contributions of three gifted investigative journalists who allowed us to incorporate into the text some of their research and writing that originally appeared in the quarterly journal PR Watch: Joel Bleifuss for parts of Chapter 3, “Deciding What You’ll Swallow”; Bob Burton for parts of Chapter 5, “Packaging The Beast,” as well as Chapter 10, “Global Warming Is Good for You”; and Karen Charman for parts of Chapter 7, “Attack of the Killer Potatoes.”
John extends special appreciation to his parents, John H. and Jean M. Stauber, and to his wife, Laura—thanks for your endless faith, love, and patience. Sheldon thanks Dr. Carol Bernstein Levy and family members Renee Rampton, Debi Blanco, and Kenny Rampton for providing inspiration and examples.
Finally, we give our deep appreciation to some people without whom this book would not be: our insightful and patient editor, “Hurricane” Mitch Horowitz; our agent and sage adviser, Tom Grady; our trusting publisher, Joel Fotinos; Ken J. Siman and Allison Sobel of Jeremy P. Tarcher; and John’s longtime friend and mentor, Jeremy Rifkin.