Turnip and Mustard Leaf Rolls

Any combination of leaves works well. If your local store has a small supply of exotic leaves, try spinach and beet leaves.


1 bunch turnip leaves

1 bunch mustard leaves

14 cup fresh epazote leaves

4 tablespoons butter

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon ground black pepper

  1. Remove the stems from the turnip and mustard leaves and wash the leaves thoroughly. Pat dry with a paper towel.
  2. Remove the stems from the epazote leaves and mince the leaves.
  3. Layer 1 turnip leaf, then 1 mustard leaf. Add 12 teaspoon of butter in the center of the mustard leaf. Sprinkle with epazote leaves, salt, and black pepper. Roll up the leaves. Repeat with remaining leaves.
  4. Place the leaf rolls in a frying pan with a small amount of water. Cover and turn heat on low. Cook for 10 minutes on low heat.