Turkey and Filbert Soup

This is a great way to use leftover turkey. It also works well with chicken.


1 medium white onion

2 cups cubed skinless turkey meat

14 cup butter

12 cup filberts

8 cups chicken broth

14 cup dry red wine

12 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1 tablespoon dried parsley

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon ground black pepper

  1. Remove the skin from the onion and chop into 14" pieces.
  2. Melt the butter in a small frying pan at medium heat and sauté the filberts for 5 minutes. Drain off the butter and discard.
  3. Place the filberts, 12 cup of the turkey meat, the onions, and 1 cup of the stock in a blender or food processor. Blend at medium speed until you have a purée—a thick substance with all the ingredients melded.
  4. Combine the mixture with the remaining chicken stock in a large stockpot. Add the remaining ingredients. Heat on medium temperature for 30 minutes, stirring frequently.

Edible Soup Bowls

Use squash as a soup bowl. Many small squashes make excellent complements to soups and stews. Cut them in half, remove the seeds, and prebake in the microwave or oven. Ladle your soup or stew into the squash for a festive look.