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1039. Ae cix gwn raemxdiengz hing.
When coughing, drink sweet ginger water.

1040. Aeu naemj ndei le cij gangj, mbouj ndaej gangj le cix naemj.
Think before you speak, not after you’ve spoken.

1041. Aeu siengj ndangdaej ndei, gwn ngaiz gaej daiq imq.
If you want to keep healthy, do not eat too much.

1042. Ak gwn onj ninz, mingh souh bak bi.
Eating well and sleeping well make a long life.

1043. Aen aek mbouj enj mbaq aeu gungq.
Stooping over makes a crooked back.

1044. Baenz bingh gaej luenh ra canghyw.
When you are sick, see a good doctor. ← 105 | 106 →

1045. Baenz maz bingh gwn maz yw.
Every illness has its cure.

1046. Baez iq mbouj yw, hung le fat non.
A small sore, if left untreated, brings maggots.

1047. Bakfeih gyu guh cawj, fanh huq haeux dang gonq.
Of different tastes, salt comes first; in different things, rice comes first.

1048. Banhaet gwn imq, banhaemh gwn noix.
A full lunch, a light dinner.

1049. Banngoenz ciengx bak, banhaemh ciengx da.
Look after your mouth in the day, take care of your eyes in the night.

1050. Banngoenz gwn ndaej imq, banhaemh ninz ndaej ndaek.
Eat enough in the day, sleep enough in the night.

1051. Bi cuk mbouj mbaet gwn, bi fwz ngaiz dungx iek.
If you do not save in a harvest year, you will suffer hunger in a femine year.

1052. Bi cuk mbaet, bi cai cuk, raemx iq menh lae ceiq fouqmiz.
Be frugal in a harvest year and you will be ample in a famine year with an endless flowing stream of wealth.

1053. Bi he hwnj ranz moq, ngaiz gwn sam bi cuk.
Build a new house in one year, eat porridge for three years.

1054. Bibi rom miz haeux, mbouj lau gvaq mwh iek.
One who has a stock of rice throughout the year does not worry about a famine.

1055. Bingh mbouj ra boux guengz, fangz mbouj doz boux ak.
A strong man does not fall ill, an evil man is not possessed by a god.2
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1056. Bingz boux miz boux hoj, goj seiqndeu cix liux.
No matter how poor or how rich, one will die and never return.

1057. Bingh nanz baenz canghyw.
Prolonged illness makes a doctor of the patient.

1058. Bingzseiz rom it naed, cainienz miz haeux gwn.
Save one grain everyday, you will have rice to eat in a famine year.

1059. Biq myaiz ndaep mbouj ndaej feiz byaeu bya.
One spitting cannot put out a forest fire.

1060. Bit geq raemx souh van, gvan geq dang gya maenh.
Old duck soup tastes sweet, an old man manages a family well.

1061. Boux fouq ngaenz mbouj imq, bouxhoj ninz mbouj gaeuq.
The rich do not have enough wealth, the poor do not have enough sleep.

1062. Boux fouqgveiq byanoh gingq coj, boux gungzhoj byaekndoeng caeq baed.
The rich offer fish and meat to the ancestors, the poor offer wild vegetables to the god.4

1063. Boux gwn gyu bak hawq, boux guh caeg sim haw.
The one who eats salt feels thirsty, the one who steals feels guilty.

1064. Boux hoj gai haeux moq, bouxmiz gai haeux gaeuq.
The poor sell fresh rice, the rich sell old rice.5

1065. Boux hoj mbouj liz mou, canghsaw mbouj liz saw.
The poor cannot live without pigs, the scholar cannot live without books.

1066. Boux hwnj caeux fatcaiz, boux hwnj gvaiz baenz hoj.
早起人发财,晚起人变穷。 ← 107 | 108 →
An early riser makes a fortune, a late one lives in poverty.

1067. Boux langhfeiq mbouj fouq, boux mbaetyungh mbouj hoj.
The one who wastes never gets rich, the one who saves never gets poor.

1068. Bouxmiz byai fa daz romj, bouxhoj ngoenzngoenz daenj mong.
A rich man has indigo to paint his walls, a poor man has uncolored clothes to wear.

1069. Boux miz ngaenz donqdonq gwn noh, boux hoj ngaenz donqdonq gwn souh.
The rich have meat and the poor have porridge for meals.

1070. Bouxmiz seiqgeiq daenj buh moq, bouxhoj geu buh daenj seiqgeiq.
A rich man wears new clothes and a poor man wears one dress all through the year.

1071. Bouxsai bak ngah gwn seiqfueng, mehmbwk bak ngah gwn hoj gvan.
A greedy man seeks food everywhere, a greedy woman makes her husband poor.

1072. Boux singq gip gwn mbouj ndaej ceiznduen ndat.
An impatient man cannot eat oil-fried dumplings.

1073. Bouxgaenx maj byoem, boux gik maj rid.
A diligent man grows long hair, a lazy one has long fingernails.

1074. Bouxgik gwn maenz, boux gaenx gwn bya.
A lazy man eats potatoes, a diligent man eats fish.

1075. Bouxgik youq bien mboq hix hoz hawq dai.
A lazy man dies of thirst even when he lives near a spring.

1076. Bouxgungz muengh gvaq ciet, bouxgik muengh mbwn haemh.
The poor long for the coming of a festival, the lazy long for the dark hours in a day. ← 108 | 109 →

1077. Bouxhoj caeuq bouxmiz, bakcim caeuq bakgviz.
A poor man to a rich man is like a needle point to an awl point.

1078. Bouxhoj deng dahau, ma haeb boux buhrwix.
A poor man is looked down upon and his rats are bitten by dogs.

1079. Bouxhoj gwn haeux bengz, haeuxbengz gwn bouxhoj.
The poor eat expensive rice and the expensive rice eats them.

1080. Bouxhoj hoz raez, bouxmiz hoz dinj.
A poor man has a long neck, a rich man has a short one.7

1081. Bouxhoj mbouj liz mou, bouxmiz mbouj liz saw.
The poor cannot live without pigs, the rich cannot live without books.

1082. Bouxhoj ndaem byaek, bouxmiz ndaem va.
The poor plant vegetables (in the garden) and the rich grow flowers.

1083. Bouxmiz daenj baengzdoj, bouxhoj daenj couzduenh.
The rich wear homespun/home-made cloth, the poor wear silk.8

1084. Bouxmiz gwn noh bya, bouxhoj gyu soengq souh.
The rich eat fish and meat, the poor eat porridge with salt.

1085. Bouxmiz siengj bimoq, bouxhoj siengj lajda.
The rich plan for the next year, the poor think about the present time.

1086. Bouxsai gwn haeux lumj guk langz, bouxmbwk gwn haeux naednaed geq.
A man eats like a tiger, a woman eats and counts the grains.

1087. Buek dai fouz bingh hung.
Hard work does not cause illness.

1088. Buek raemx in ndang bya, daj diet in dietdaengx.
Slap the water and hurt the fish, strike the steel and hurt the anvil. ← 109 | 110 →

1089. Buh dwg vi, cienz dwg damj.
Clothes are power, money is courage.

1090. Buh mbouj aeu moq, daenj raeuj couh ndei.
The clothes that keep warm are better than those that are new.

1091. Bwn yiengz yienz saeq san baenz danj, naedhaeux yienz iq gyonj baenz rap.
Even thin wool makes a felt, even small grains make a load.

1092. Byafwz maj oen, vunz iek ok caeg.
A barren mountain grows thistles and thorns, a famine produces robbers and thieves.

1093. Bya gyaez raemx moq, vunz angq buh moq.
Fish love fresh water, people love new clothes.

1094. Byaek cabcauj ndei gwn, vunz cabcauj nanz youq.
It is nice to eat mixed stew, it is hard for people to live together.

1095. Byaek gat dingj ndaej nit, vunz gik dingj ndaej ndaq.
Leaf mustard can stand the cold, a lazy man can pocket an insult.

1096. Caemx raemxgyoet, lienh ndoknginz.
Cold baths make a healthy body.

1097. Caengz raemj faex sien ra dieg ndoj.
Seek a shelter before cutting the tree.

1098. Canghyw laux, canghcaiz oiq.
The older the doctor, the younger the tailor.10

1099. Canghyw yw bingh nanz yw sim.
Doctors can cure an illness but not a man’s heart. ← 110 | 111 →

1100. Cazhing ndaej yw bingh, cazdiengz ndaej huz dungx.
Ginger tea can cure illnesses, sugar tea can warm one’s stomach.

1101. Cauq ndei mbouj laeuh oenq, vunz ndei mbouj dojngaenz.
A good stove does not have smoke, a good man does not gamble.

1102. Cax raeh ndei cab byaek, vunz gaenx max caengh biz.
A sharpened knife easily chops up vegetables, a diligent man grows strong horses.

1103. Caxgat mboujlau faex genq, vunz gaenx mboujlau giennanz.
A sharpened knife does not fear hard wood, a diligent man does not fear hardship.

1104. Cib boux gaenx hong gouj boux fouq, cib boux fangzdoj gouj boux saw.
Nine out of ten diligent men are wealthy, nine out of ten gamblers lose money.

1105. Cib doj gouj baih, buh vaq hix gai.
Nine out of ten gamblers lose money and have to sell their clothes.

1106. Cib ngoemx gouj nuk, cib gik gouj gungz.
Nine out of ten dumb are deaf, nine out of ten lazy are poor.

1107. Cib noh mbouj beij baez byasien.
Ten meat dishes do not taste as good as one dish of fish.

1108. Ciengz lienh heiqgoeng, fanj laux dauq nyez.
Practising Qigong more renews one’s youth.

1109. Ciengz gwn duhndaem dap maenzdongh, da raeh rwz rongh gvaq bak bi.
Stewed diosorea with black bean brings good hearing, good sight and a long lifetime. ← 111 | 112 →

1110. Ciengz gwn maenzcienzbya dumq gaeq, goujcibgouj bi naj lij maeq.
Stewed yam and chicken make a centenarian with red cheeks.

1111. Cingz laeg lumj song da, naed sa haeuj mbouj ndaej.
True love is like eyes which cannot have even a single grain of sand inside them.

1112. Coemh hwnj doi feiz raeuj daengx rug, ciengq hwnj fwen ndei raeuj bwt daep.
A fire warms a house, a song warms a man’s heart.12

1113. Coengh lauxsae muh maeg, caeg lauxsae aeu gyauq.
Help the teacher grind ink and steal learning from the teacher.13

1114. Coz gyaez daenj, laux gyaez gwn.
A young man loves nice clothes, an old man loves nice food.

1115. Cwz hing max ho.
Cook beef with ginger and horse meat with garlic.

1116. Daej cix reuq, riu cix coz.
Weeping makes you get old, laughing makes you become young.

1117. Daengjai ninz, lai fanghwnz.
One who lies on his back during the night has more dreams.

1118. Daengz gijmaz bya ciengq gijmaz go, yienj gijmaz heiq roq gijmaz laz.
Sing the song as people sing, play the gong in the right way.

1119. Daenj buh daenj mauh, gak miz de maij.
Everyone has his own tastes in dressing.14

1120. Daenjbuh lai ndang raeuj, gwn laeuj lai vaih vunz.
More clothes warm your body, more wine makes a disabled person. ← 112 | 113 →

1121. Daj iq gyaez guhhong, daengz laux mbouj yungh yw.
A child who loves working will need no medicine when he gets old.

1122. Dajdiet mbouj lau feiz ndat, san sat mbouj lau gat fwngz.
When striking steel, do not fear fire; when weaving a basket, do not fear a cut on the hand.

1123. Dam laeuj vaih ndang, dam caiz haih ciuh.
A wine lover may hurt his body, a greedy man may lose his life.

1124. Dang huzsiengh gyaeujndoq, lienzgoenz roq moegnyawh.
A monk watches over a temple and hits the wood fish everyday.

1125. Danzginz mbouj haeuj rwz vaiz.
An ox does not hear the flute.

1126. Danzginz rox yaem, gangj goj rox sim.
Play a lute and hear the sound, have a talk and know a man’s heart.

1127. Diemj daeng insik youz, ndaem naz insik vaiz.
Burn a lamp and spare the oil, do farmwork and take care of the ox.

1128. Dingfaz doiq dingfaz, faexgyaengh doiq faexgyaengh.
A nail to a nail, a stick to a stick.16

1129. Dingq mbouj beij yawj, yawj mbouj beij guh.
Better to do than to see, better to see than to listen.

1130. Diuz linx yienz fouz diet, gaj vunz mbouj raen lwed.
Though a tongue is soft, it can kill people without blood.

1131. Doeng gwn lauxbaeg hah gwn hing, it bi seiqgeiq cungj fouz bingh.
Carrots in winter and ginger in summer make you healthy throughout the year. ← 113 | 114 →

1132. Doeng mbouj mbaet, cin aeu you.
A waste in winter brings worry in spring.

1133. Doengciq labnoh hahciq ma.
Bakon in Dondzhi, dog meat in winter.

1134. Duhhenj siu foeg bouj dungxsaej, haeuxcid bouj mamx gyaep liengzhaw.
Beans can reduce swelling and nourish five organs, sticky rice can nurture spleen and keep one’s body warm.

1135. Dungxndaw doihduz ndei rongh da, nyinh bwt ndaem byoem gwn hwzdauz.
Animals’ livers strengthen eyesight, walnuts blacken hair and refresh lungs.

1136. Dungx iek le cix rox haeux bengz.
Only when hungry does one know the value of rice.

1137. Dungx iek mboujyiemz cuk saw, ndwen lab mboujyiemz buh vaih.
When hungry, one does not mind eating porridge; when Layue comes, one does not mind wearing torn clothes.18

1138. Dungx in gag rox.
When one has a stomach ache, he knows it well.

1139. Duzbya daj gyaeuj haeu.
Fish rot from the head.

1140. Duzguk ciq yiengz, miz ciq mbouj boiz.
A tiger borrows a lamp and never returns.

1141. Duzma byom dai beij meuz hung.
A thin dog that dies of hunger is bigger than a cat. ← 114 | 115 →

1142. Duzngaeuz bouxhoj daemq.
A poor man’s shadow is short.

1143. Duznou dai, meuz hix naiq.
When the mouse dies, the cat is also worn out.

1144. Duznou mbouj haeujninz, duzmeuz mbouj onjdingh.
If a mouse does not sleep, cats do not relax.

1145. Duzyiuh caj naz hawq, lazceiz caj bya fouz.
An eagle waits for dry fields, a cormorant waits for floating fish.

1146. Dwk bya ra haeux coengh.
Go fishing and get fish, go home and get rice.20

1147. Dwk guk aeu dwk gyaeuj, gajgaeq aeu gvej hoz.
Hit a tiger on its head, kill a hen by cutting its throat.

1148. Faj byauh cap ndaej maenh, nyaenma ndonj mbouj ndaej.
A dense fence prevents the fox.

1149. Feiz menh cen bya, feiz haenq cawj ngaiz.
Fry fish with a small fire, cook rice with a big fire.

1150. Fouq mbouj aeu guengz, gungz mbouj aeu you.
When rich, you should not feel arrogant; when poor, you should not feel depressed.

1151. Fouz daeuh mbouj ndaem meg, fouz laeuj mbouj cingj hek.
Do not plant wheat without ash, do not host others without wine.

1152. Funghvuengz mbouj doek mbanj gungz, duznou mbouj haeb cang hoengq.
A phoenix does not live in a poor village, a mouse does not gnaw an empty granary. ← 115 | 116 →

1153. Fouz bingh dangq fatcaiz.
Being disease-free is like making a fortune.

1154. Fouzrumz faex mbouj yiengj, fouz raemx mbouj biengj langh.
Without wind a tree does not make a sound, without water there is not a wave.

1155. Fwj youq din mbwn, loh youq gwnz bak.
The cloud is at the edge of the sky, the road is found from one’s mouth.

1156. Fwn doek mbouj genj ngoenz, vunz dai mbouj genj seiz.
The rain does not choose the date to come, a man does not choose the time of his death.

1157. Fwn iq gyoeb baenz dah, naed haeux rom baenz loz.
One drizzle makes a river, each grain is stored up and make a basket.

1158. Fwngz raez buh dinj, max byom bwn raez.
When the hands are long, the sleeves are short; when a horse is thin, its hair is long.

1159. Gaen danq haj gaen fwnz, naed haeux haj caek hanh.
One Jin of charcoal is made from five Jins of firewood, one grain of rice comes from five drops of sweat.

1160. Gaeq gip hix sip vunz.
When cornered, a hen will peck men.22

1161. Gaeq haen caeux ganj roen.
The early crowing of the cock brings an early morning.

1162. Gaeq ok gyaeq, haeux daeuj vuenh.
The hen lays eggs and people trade them for rice. ← 116 | 117 →

1163. Gaeqboux yawj bwn, bouxvunz yawj daenj.
A cock is fair by its feather, a man is beautiful by his clothes.

1164. Gai aeu ok fwngz vaiq, cawx aeu menhmenh daeuj.
Quick to sell, slow to buy.

1165. Gak boux ngauz laeuj gag rox feih.
Everyone knows the flavor of the wine he makes.

1166. Gang ndongj hix lau feiz, gyaeuj ndongj hix lau cax.
Even hard steel fears fire, even a hard head fears a knife.

1167. Geu buh riu uq mbouj lau rengq.
Dirty clothes, not torn ones, are looked down upon.

1168. Gij yw yw bingh haemz bak, gij vah nai vunz coeg rwz.
The healing medicine is bitter, the advisory words are harsh.

1169. Gonj cienz ndeu mbouj baenz ciengz, boux vunz ndeu mbouj baenz biengz.
One brick does not make a wall, one person does not make a state.

1170. Guhsaeh mbouj gyiva, boux mengz gwih max mengz.
He who works without a plan is like a blind person riding a blind horse.

1171. Gungq cug hwet ngaeu, bya cug da doed, baeu cug byuk hoengz.
A cooked shrimp has a crooked back, a cooked fish has raised eyes, and a cooked crab has a red shell.

1172. Gungz bang gungz, fouq bang fouq.
The poor help the poor, the rich help the rich.

1173. Gvaq cieng gwn donq he, dangq bae buenq ndwen haeux.
A meal on the Spring Festival equals half a month’s food. ← 117 | 118 →

1174. Gwn daenj ndaw mbaet ra.
Food and clothes are found in frugality.

1175. Gwn donq nohma maeg, caet bi moeg mbouj hoemq.
A meal of black dog meat brings a life without quilts for seven years.

1176. Gwn guk dangq dwg guh doj.
Eating too much is equal to gambling.24

1177. Gwn guk ndwnj nyaen, haem roengz rag bingh.
Making a pig of yourself causes illness easily.

1178. Gwn hing gej dungx, gwn suenq gej doeg.
Eat ginger and warm the stomach, eat garlic and detoxify the body.

1179. Gwn lai gungz, vahhung byouq.
Large meals make poverty, empty words reap failure.

1180. Gwn lau lai dingq mbouj lau lai.
Eating too much makes you tired, listening much to others brings you benefit.

1181. Gwn mbouj gangj, ninz mbouj vah.
When you eat, do not talk; when you sleep, do not speak.

1182. Gwn ndaej sam swng haeux, roengz ndaej cien gaen rengz.
Eat three liters of rice, have a thousand Jin of power.

1183. Gwn noix baenz yw, gwn lai baenz bingh.
Eating less becomes medicine, eating more becomes illness.25

1184. Gwnz gyaeuj fouz mauh nit daengz noh.
Not wearing a hat, one feels cold deep into the flesh. ← 118 | 119 →

1185. Gwnndoet miz ciet, bak bingh mbouj giet.
A proper diet keeps from illness.

1186. Haemh ndeu mbouj ndaej ninz, cib hwnz bouj mbouj dauq.
A night without sleep cannot be recovered with ten nights of sleep.

1187. Haeuj dou bouxcawj naj daiq riu, gwn vanj byaekheu beij noh rang.
If the host wears a big smile, even vegetables taste better than meat.

1188. Haeux cab ndei gwn, vunz cab yak youq.
It is nice to eat whole grains, it is hard for people to live together.

1189. Haeux lai gaej luenh gwn, fwnz lai gaej luenh coemh.
When you have more rice, do not eat too much; when you have more firewood, do not burn too much.

1190. Haeux laux ndei gwn, vunz laux nanz ciengx.
It’s nice to eat ripened rice, it’s hard to take care of an old man.

1191. Haeux youq ndaw naz dwg bouxhoj, haeux daengz ndaw cang dwg bouxmiz.
A poor man has rice in the fields, a rich man has rice in the barns.

1192. Hag ndaej gienz dwk guk, mbouj lau ma daeuj hei.
A man who is good at fighting with a tiger does not fear a dog.

1193. Heiq lai sieng saenz, laeuj lai sieng ndang.
Too much anger hurts the heart, too much wine hurts the body.

1194. Hozsiengh haibak damz mijdoz, bouxcuengh haibak couh ciengq fwen.
The monk open the mouth and start to chant Buddhist scriptures, the Zhuang people open the mouth and start to sing folksongs.27
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1195. Huq noix ndei gai, huq lai ndei cawx.
Where there are fewer goods, there is a good sale; where there are more goods, there is an easy purchase.

1196. Iek mbouj coemj gwn, hawq mbouj coemj ndoet.
Do not overeat when you are hungry, do not overdrink when you are thirsty.

1197. In buh miz buh daenj, in haeux miz haeux gwn.
Save cloth and you have clothes to wear, save grains and you have rice to eat.

1198. It henj ngeih ndaem sam va seiq hau.
头黄二黑三花四白。(挑狗要看狗的毛色,以黄色最佳,依次为黑、花、 白。)
A yellow dog is the best, a black one is the second, a colorful one follows and a white one comes last.

1199. Laeuj haeux yied cimz yied miz yinx, guhfwen yied ciengq yied miz saenz.
The more drinking, the better the wine tastes; the more songs people sing, the happier they feel.

1200. Laeuj lai sieng ndang, gwn lai sieng dungx.
More drinking hurts the body, more eating hurts the belly.

1201. Laeuj mbouj rang swnh vunz mbouj fiz, hot fwen mbouj eu mbouj haisim.
Not having sweet wine, one will not get drunk; not singing folksongs, one will not be delighted.

1202. Laeuj ndei ndoet daengz yaek fiz dingz, va lengj yawj daengz hai byongh seiz.
Drink good wine until you are half-drunk, watch nice flowers when they are half-blossomed. ← 120 | 121 →

1203. Lai you gemj souhmingh, lai riu gemj baenz bingh.
More sadness shortens one’s life, more laughs reduce illness.

1204. Langh aeu naengnoh ndei, ndaw cuk gya hoengzcauj.
To have good skin, eat porridge with red dates.

1205. Lauxbaeg vaq myaiz siu heiqraeng, duhheu gaij ngunh dwg ceiq ndei.
Radishes help to reduce phlegm and flatulence, mung beans work best to clear away summer heat.

1206. Loh raez mbouj gvaq ga, bya sang mbouj gvaq vunz.
A road cannot be longer than a leg, a mountain cannot be taller than a man.

1207. Lwgnding lau gaiq cij, vaizlwg lau con ndaeng.
A baby hates to stop milking, an ox hates to wear a nose string.29

1208. Lwgngez ndang mbouj vuengh, cix gwn souh maenzcienz.
When a child is weak, give him yam porridge to eat.

1209. Ma byom bwn raez,vunz byom naj henj.
A thin dog has long hair, a thin man has a yellow face.

1210. Ma’geq hei gauqvaq, yiuh laux hei duza.
An old dog attacks a beggar, an old eagle attacks a crow.

1211. Mboq hix rox daek hawq.
Even a spring may get dry.

1212. Mbouj bued fwj ndaem, mbouj raen mbwn heu.
When dark clouds do not break up, there will be no sunny days.

1213. Mboujlau geu buh daj ciuqfong, couh lau geu buh mbouj seuqcingh.
People prefer to wear mended clothes than to wear dirty ones. ← 121 | 122 →

1214. Meuz gik caeg gwn, ma gik ngaiz iek.
A lazy cat steals food, a lazy dog is hungry.

1215. Meuz mbouj youq, nou guh cawj.
When the cat is away, the mice make trouble.

1216. Miz caeuq miz gangjgoj, hoj caeuq hoj guhcaen.
The rich chat with the rich, the poor marry the poor.

1217. Miz cienz cawx ndaej gim, nanz cawx sim dahsau.
He who has money can buy gold but not a girl’s heart.

1218. Miz cienz nanz cawx seiz cib bet.
He who has money cannot buy the age of 18.31

1219. Miz namh couh miz rum, miz rum couh miz yw.
Where there is land, there is grass; where there is an herb, there is medicine.

1220. Moq sam bi, gaeuq sam bi, fongfong boujbouj youh sam bi.
Being new for three years, being old for three years, and being mended for another three years.32

1221. Naengh daengq mbouj nem gep reb.
There is no a single bran sticking to the chair (where) he sits.33

1222. Naih hoz haet baenz baed, naih goet haet baenz sien.
Be refined and you will become a Buddha, be honed and you will become a fairy.

1223. Najriu ciengz venj souhmingh raez, siengsim gvaq doh souhmingh dinj.
A smiling face brings a long life, too much sadness shortens one’s lifetime. ← 122 | 123 →

1224. Ndaw bya fouz guk, duzlingz dang vuengz.
When there are no tigers in the mountain, the monkey becomes the king.

1225. Ngaiz ciengx ndang, go ciengx sim, cingh ciengx saenz,doengh ciengx ndang.
Rice does good to the body, songs to the heart, stillness to the mind, and movement to the health.

1226. Ngengraek ninz, siuj fangzhwnz.
Lie on one’s side and make fewer dreams in the night.

1227. Ngoenz ndeu fatsa haj ngoenz naiq.
Suffer a heatstroke in one day, be tired in the next five days.

1228. Ngoenz ndit re fwn, ngoenz imq re iek.
Prepare for rains when it is sunny, prepare for hunger when you are full.

1229. Ngoenz rom it liengx haeux, ndwen rom sam gaen haeux.
One Liang of rice a day, three Jins of food a month.

1230. Ngoenzngoenz hwnj ndaej caeux, bet cib mbouj raen laux.
Rising early makes a YOUNG eighty year old man.

1231. Ngwz heu fouz heuj ndei, vunzrwix fouz sim ndei.
Green snakes have no good teeth, evil men have no good hearts.

1232. Ningznyienh donqdonq noix, mboujndaej ndwi donq he.
Prefer to have every meal with a little than one meal with nothing.

1233. Ningznyienh ndok raek, mbouj nyienh naeng congh.
Prefer to have broken bones than broken skin.

1234. Ningznyienh sam donq fouz lauz, mbouj ndaej donq he fouz gyu.
Prefer to have three meals without oil than one meal without salt. ← 123 | 124 →

1235. Noh bengz mboujyawz byaekheu cienh.
Expensive meat is not as good as cheap vegetables.

1236. Nohyiengz dumq duhndaem, mingh raez mbouj yaem gangj.
Stewed mutton with black beans brings a long lifetime.

1237. Noix gwn ciengx mingh, lai gwn haih bingh.
Eat less and keep healthy, eat more and make illness.

1238. Nyienh gwn gaemz makdauz sien, mbouj gwn loz makgingq naeuh.
Better to have a bite of fresh peach than a basket of broken apricots.

1239. Ok dou mbouj daiq gyaep, mbouj deng ndit dak deng fwn rwed.
Be out without a bamboo hat, you will suffer the sun or the rain.

1240. Raemx laeg nanz gvaq, bingh naek nanz yw.
Deep water is hard to cross, serious illness is hard to cure.

1241. Raemx iq ciengz lae, gwndaenj mbouj heiq.
A small stream never runs dry, a frugal man never worries about food and clothes.

1242. Roeg gyaeu youq gwnz bwn, vunz gyaeu youq geu buh.
A bird is fair by its feather, a man by his clothes.

1243. Roeg gyaeu youq laeng bwn, vunz gyaeu youq gaenxhong.
A bird is fair by its feather, a man by his hard work.

1244. Rom conq baenz cik, gip siuj baenz lai.
Many Cun make a Chi, many a little makes a lot.

1245. Rom naed baenz loz, rom caek baenz dah.
Many grains of rice make a basket, many drops of water make a river. ← 124 | 125 →

1246. Rox cang rox banq cib caet bet, mbouj cang mbouj banq bienq yahlaux.
She who knows how to dress up is always eighteen, who does not know (how to dress up) always looks like an old woman.

1247. Roxgaenx mbouj rox mbaet, daengz geq mbouj lw ngaenz.
A diligent man without frugality has no money left when he becomes old.

1248. Ruz ngeng raemx couh haeuj, va hai mbaj couh daeuj.
A boat tilts and water enters, flower blossom attracts butterflies.

1249. Sai lau daep, mbwk lau mak.
A man fears to hurt his liver, a woman fears to hurt her kidney.

1250. Sam bi mbouj gwn laeuj, cawx ndaej duz vaiz hung.
Not drinking for three years, people can save to buy a big buffalo.

1251. Sam cib ngeix ndaem ndoek, seiq cib ngeix cauh rug, haj cib loeg cib ndaej yiengj fuk.
When thirty years old, a man wants to grow bamboo trees; when forty, he wants to build his house; when fifty and sixty, he can enjoy a happy life.

1252. Sim vuenh sim, namhhenj bienqbaenz gim.
A heart-to-heart human relationship turns the earth into gold.

1253. Seizcoz ciengz benz bya, seiz laux bingh mbouj ra.
A child who likes climbing mountains will keep from illness when he grows old.

1254. Seizhah re fatsa, duhheu gyaux cuk cawj.
To keep from summer heatstroke, eat porridge with mung beans.

1255. Sim’angq rap bak gaen hix mbaeu, nyapnyuk riuj cib gaen hix naek.
高兴挑百斤也轻,忧愁提十斤也重。 ← 125 | 126 →
A delighted load is light even when it is a hundred Jin, a sad load is heavy even when it is only ten Jin.

1256. Sim gvangq vunz souhgyaeu, nyapnyuk bingh haeuj ndang.
Peace of mind brings long life, anxiety causes illnesses.

1257. Souh yied cawj yied lanh, vunz yied gik yied ngah.
The more cooking, the thicker the porridge is; the lazier, the greedier a man is.

1258. Va loenq miz eiq, raemx lae fouz cingz.
The falling flower has its purpose but the running water is heartless.

1259. Va haeux ceiq lau rumz hanzloh, seiqvunz ceiq lau seiz laux gungz.
Rice fears to have wind in Hanlu, people fear to be poor when old.

1260. Vahyoux dwg ceiq van, fwenyoux ceiq doenghvunz.
Lover’s words are the sweetest, love songs are the most pleasant.

1261. Vaiz yiemz nywj mbouj biz, vunz yiemz ngaiz deng byom.
The ox that hates grass does not grow fat, the people who hate food become thin.

1262. Vih le aen bak raeuz, song ga dauqcawq byaij.
Two legs are busy (running) for the mouth.37

1263. Vueng mbouj genj roen, iek mbouj genj haeux, nit mbouj genj buh.
A man does not choose his road when hasty, he does not choose food when hungry, he does not choose clothes when it is cold.

1264. Vunz gik saeh lai, max gik roen raez.
A lazy man has more work to do, a lazy horse has a longer way to go.

1265. Vunz gungz ceiq dinj,ma byom bwn raez.
A poor man has a weak will, a thin dog has long hair. ← 126 | 127 →

1266. Vunz iq nyex vunz umj, vunz laux nyex vunz fanz.
A little child is loved by others, an old man annoys others.

1267. Vunz laux bak bingh ok.
People suffer all ills when they become old.

1268. Vunz laux bi he dem it nienz, faex laux bi he roz it nye.
A man grows older year after year, tree branches wither one after another.

1269. Vunz lau guk sam faen, guk lau vunz caet faen.
Tigers fear humans twice as much as humans fear tigers.

1270. Vunz mbouj liz bang, roeg mbouj liz ndoeng.
A man does not live out of a crowd, a bird does not live out of a forest.

1271. Vunz seng ok namh daeuj, dai dauq haeuj namh bae.
Men come from the earth and return to the earth after death.

1272. Vunz vih cienz dai, roeg vih ngaiz mued.
Human beings die in pursuit of wealth, birds die in pursuit of food.

1273. Vut faex deng ma haeb, meuz bae nou iet hwed.
Throw away the stick and the dog bites you, the cat leaves and the mice stretch themselves.

1274. Yied gwn yied ngah, yied gik yied dam.
The more he eats, the more gluttonous; the lazier he is, the greedier.

1275. Yienzvuengz mbouj yiemz fangz byom.
The King of Hell does not mind how thin a ghost is.
38 ← 127 | 128 →

1276. Yietnaiq nanz mbouj yawz menh byaij.
Better to walk slowly than to have a long rest on the road.

1277. Yungh cienz yaep lwgfwngz, gwndaenj mbouj yungh you.
Count your fingers when you use money and have no worry about food and clothes.

1278. Yungh rengz mbouj bengz yungh geiq.
Better to have skill than to have strength.