‘Abendmusik’ (O’Brien) 238

Adam, Robert 183

Aeneid (Virgil) 47–9

‘Amica di Nonna Speranza, La’ (Gozzano) 40

Anglia Perdita (Griggs) 188

Antony and Cleopatra (Shakespeare) 226

Argand, Ami 123

Armitage, Simon 119

Arnold, Matthew 27, 73, 85–6

Ascroft, William 82

Ash, John 85, 86–7, 239

Auden, Wystan Hugh 30, 118

‘Audley Court’ (Tennyson) 84

Augeraud, Jacques-Pierre 119–22, 121

Ausonius, Decimus Magnus 49–50

Austerlitz (Sebald) 155–7

Autumn Leaves (Millais) 78

Barry Lyndon (Kubrick) 147

Bathing Scene, A (Sweerts) 59

Baudelaire, Charles 143–4, 237–8

Beardsley, Aubrey 55

Bellman, The (Palmer) 222–3, 223

Beowulf 10

Bewick, Thomas 26

Black Venus (Carter) 9, 157

Bleak House (Dickens) 137–9

Bloody Wood, The (Innes) 69

Brennan, Tim 6

Brideshead Revisited (Waugh) 52

Browning, Robert 28

Bruges-la-Morte (Rodenbach) 159–60

Buchan, John 66

Burra, Edward 134

Byres, James, of Tonley 183–4

Caracci, Annibale 57

Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose (Sargent) 235–7

Carroll, Lewis 117

Carter, Angela 9

Chants du crépuscule, Les (Hugo) 157–8

Charpentier, Marc-Antoine 53

Chelsea (Whistler) 143

Chopin, Frédéric 22, 202

Cobham, Lord 202

Cocker, Mark 89

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 16, 125

Collins, Wilkie 117

Collins, William 124

Concerning the Eccentricities of Cardinal Pirelli (Firbank) 35–8

Congreve, William 202

Connor, Stephen 78

Conrad, Joseph 56–7

Considered Silence (Crowe) 165–6, 167

‘Cotham Marble’ 26

Cotman, John Sell 19, 126, 127, 127

Couple Visiting Shepherds in the Campagna (Sweerts) 59

Crewdson, Gregory 30

‘Crewe’ (De la Mare) 98–101

Crowe, Victoria 165–6, 167

Cuckoo, The (Rogozhkin) 148

Daniel Deronda (Eliot) 139–40

D’Annunzio, Gabriele 38

‘Darkling Thrush, The’ (Hardy) 115

Days of Heaven (Malick) 30

Death of the Great Bed (Pryde) 130

‘Dejection, an Ode’ (Coleridge) 125

Delgaty Castle 8

Dickens, Charles 114, 137, 237

Dieppe, 14 July, 1905 (Fergusson) 234, 244

Dobson, William 106, 107

Doctor, The (Pryde) 132

Dohollau, Heather 233

Doolittle, Hilda (H. D.) 237

Duino Elegies (Rilke) 239–41

Duncombe Park (Cotman) 205–8

Duntisbourne Rouse (Griggs) 187, 189

Durrell, Lawrence 9

Dyce, William 115–16, 116

Dyer, Lady Katherine 103–4

Eclogues (Virgil) 218–20

Eliot, George 139–40

Eliot, Thomas Stearns 21, 74, 96–7, 143–4

Euphranor (Fitzgerald) 213–14

‘Evening’ (Armitage) 118–19

‘Evening’ (H. D.) 237

Evening, The (Friedrich) 162, 206, 209

Evening (Palmer) 200

Evening (Reid) 19

Evening Sky (Brennan) 6

Evening Star, The (Friedrich) 164, 166

‘Evening Walk, An’ (Wordsworth) 202–3

‘Excursion, The’ (Wordsworth) 205–6

Falkner, John Meade 89

Fen Monastery (Griggs) 188

Fergusson, J. D. 234, 244

Feuillade, Louis 136

Field, John 22

Finlay, Ian Hamilton 219

Firbank, Ronald 35–8

Fitzgerald, Edward 213–14

Forsyth, Bill 149

Four Continents, The (Tiepolo) 223–6, 227

Four Last Songs (Strauss) 231–2

Fowle, Frances 160

Franco, Francisco 62

Fraser, Claud Lovat 131

Friedrich, Caspar David 129, 152, 162–65, 166, 205–7, 206

From the Dresden Heath (Friedrich) 162

Fujiwara no Shunzei 124

Fujiwara no Tesha 21

Gautier, Théophile 53

Gibbon, Edward 183–4

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 12, 162–3, 201, 209

Gosforth Cross 215

Gozzano, Guido 38–43

Gray, Thomas 22, 124–5

Gregory’s Girl (Forsyth) 149

Griggs, F.L.M. 186–90, 187, 190

Grimshaw, John Atkinson 64, 73–7

‘Grimshaw’ (O’Brien) 74–5

H.D. 237

Hammershøi, Vilhelm 28, 150–53, 151, 154

Hardy, Thomas 115

‘Harmonie du soir’ (Baudelaire) 237–8

‘He Considers the Closing Day’ (Levi) 231

Heart of Darkness (Conrad) 56–7

Hegel, G.W.F. 7

Hill, Geoffrey 109, 110–11, 197

Hill and Ploughlands near Dresden (Friedrich) 164

Hitchcock, Alfred 148

Homer 46

Homeward Star, The (Palmer) 221

Hopkins, Gerard Manley SJ 189–97, 209

Horace 13

Horses Drinking (Cotman) 126–7, 127

Housman, A. E. 111–14, 214

Hugo, Victor 31, 157–8

Hundred and One Dalmatians, The (Smith) 92

Huysmans, Joris Karl 55

Hymnus ad incensum lucernae 50

Iliad (Homer) 46

In the Gloaming (Grimshaw) 64

In Memoriam (Tennyson) 85

‘Innes, Michael’ 69–70

Interior, Strandgade 30 (Hammershøi) 154

Isherwood, Christopher 65–8

James, Montague Rhodes 100

Jewish School in Guilford Street, The (Hammershøi) 150

John, Augustus 140–41

Jōō, Takeno 21

Kant, Immanuel 201

Kawase, Hasui 1, 30, 31

Kerrich, Thomas 121

Khnopff, Fernand 160

Kubrick, Stanley 147

Laforgue, Jules 158–9

‘Lamplighter, The’ (Stevenson) 72

Landscape by Moonlight (Rubens) 210

Lawes, William 106–10

Lawrence, D. H. 235

Leçons de ténèbres (Charpentier) 52–3

Leonardo da Vinci 223

Lethbridge, T. C. 66, 68–9

Levi, Peter 71–2, 91–2, 98, 170–71, 231

Lewis, C. S. 69–70

Lions and Shadows (Isherwood) 65–8

Lives of Adam and Eve 10

Local Hero (Forsyth) 149

Lolly Willowes (Warner) 87

Lorca, Federico García 33, 34

Lord Mungo Murray (Wright) 180, 181–2

‘Love Crucified’ (Ausonius) 49–50

Lovelace, Richard 105

MacNiece, Louis 71, 117–18

Magician’s Nephew, The (Lewis) 69–70

Maitland, Sara 214

Malick, Terrence 30

Mare, Walter de la 96–101

‘Mariana’ (Tennyson) 76

Marvell, Andrew 216

Mauve, Anton 161, 163

Maur’s Farm (Griggs) 189, 190

Maxwell, William 210, 213

Meinel, Aden and Marjorie 24

Millais, John Everett 78

Monument, The (Pryde) 134

Morning Ride along the Beach at Scheveningen (Mauve) 161

Mystery of Edwin Drood, The (Dickens) 114, 237

Nabokov, Vladimir 19

New World, The (Tiepolo) 15

Newman, Blessed John Henry 173–4

Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket (Whistler) 244

Nocturne: Blue and Silver (Whistler) 142, 143

O nuit d’amour (Sickert) 133

O’Brien, Sean 74–5, 90, 118, 211, 238

‘Ocean’s Love to Cynthia, The’ (Raleigh) 7

‘Ode to Evening’ (Collins) 124

Odyssey (Homer) 46–7

Owen, Harold 101–3

Palmer, Samuel 200, 202–5, 220–21, 221, 222–3, 223

Panofsky, Erwin 218

Pegwell Bay, Kent (Dyce) 116

Perry, Fr Stephen, SJ 196–7

Piper, John 94

Piper, Myfanwy 95

Piranesi, Giambattista 182, 184

Ploughed Field (Friedrich) 164

Pope, Alexander 174–7, 202

Portrait of a Young Man (Ter Borch) 153

Poussin, Nicolas 57–8, 77, 123, 216–17, 217, 218

Prudentius (Aurelius Prudentius Clemens) 50

Pryde, James 129–35, 131

‘Railway Sleeper, The’ (O’Brien) 211

Raleigh, Sir Walter 7

Rape of the Lock, The (Pope) 202

Ravilious, Eric 90

Rayon vert, Le (Rohmer) 212

Rear Window (Hitchcock) 148

Red Bed, The (Pryde) 131

Reid, George 19

Riders in the Snow (Mauve) 161, 163

Rilke, Rainer Maria 239–41

Rinaldo under Armida’s Spell (Tiepolo) 44–5, 45

Rodenbach, Georges 159–60

Roethke, Theodore 212–13

Rogozhkin, Alexandr 148

Rohmer, Eric 212

Roman Road, A (Poussin) 216–17, 217

Rope (Hitchcock) 148

Rubens, Peter Paul 210

‘Rugby Chapel’ (Arnold) 85–6

Ruskin, John 8, 11, 12, 77–80, 193, 197, 227–30

Sargent, John Singer 235–7

‘Scholar Gypsy, The’ (Arnold) 73

Scupham, Peter 96

Sebald, W. G. 115–17

Serling, Rod 29

Shaded Path, A (Finlay) 219

Shakespeare, William 226

Shrine, The (Pryde) 132–3

Sickert, Walter 113

Sidaner, Henri Le 160

Siddons, Sarah 167

‘Signorina Felicita, La’ (Gozzano) 38

Silvy, Camille 144–6, 145

Smith, Dodie 92

‘Song’ (Tennyson) 84

‘Sprinkler on the Lawn, The’ (Auden) 213

Stevenson, Robert Louis 72–3, 211

Strauss, Richard 210, 231–2

‘Street Haunting’ (Woolf) 140–41

Street in London (Hammershøi) 150, 151

‘Storm Cloud of the Nineteenth Century’ (Ruskin) 79–80, 193, 197

Studies on Light: Twilight (Silvy) 145

Sunsets, Twilights and Evening Skies (Meinel) 24

Sweerts, Michiel 45, 57–62, 61

Tasso, Torquato 14

Te lucis ante terminum 50

Tempe Restored (Townshend) 54

Tenebrae 51–3

Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 27, 76, 84–5

Ter Borch, Gerard 153–4

Tiepolo, Giambattista 12, 44–5, 45, 223–7, 227

Tiepolo, Giandomenico 12, 15, 27

Tithonus (Tennyson) 85

Tookey, Helen 166–87

Townshend, Aurelian 54

‘Traum durch die Dämmerung’ (Strauss) 210–11

Turner, J.M.W. 77

Twilight Zone (Serling) 29

Under the Hill (Beardsley) 55

‘Upon Appleton House’ (Marvell) 216

Upward, Edward 65

Valette, Adolphe 117

Vanbrugh, John 184

Velázquez, Diego 132–3

View from the Villa Medici (Velázquez) 132

Villa Valmarana 11

Virgil 47–9, 218–20

‘Visitant, The’ (Roethke) 212–13

‘Wanderer’s Nightsong’ (Goethe) 201

Warner, Sylvia Townsend 87–8, 92, 140, 210, 241

Waugh, Evelyn 52

Whistler, James McNeill 141–2, 143, 244

Whistler, Rex 94, 95

Wilson, Edward 81

‘Without Being Evening’ (Ash) 239

Woolf, Virginia 140–41

Wordsworth, Dorothy 125–6

Wordsworth, William 202–4, 205–6, 212

Wrestling Match, A (Sweerts) 58

Wright, John Michael 179–82, 180

Young Couple and a Boy in a Garden (Sweerts) 45, 60–62, 61