RULE 1: Drink a Large Glass of Water Before Every Meal—No Excuses!
RULE 2: Don’t Drink Your Calories
RULE 3: Eat Protein at Every Meal—or Stay Hungry and Grouchy
RULE 4: Slash Your Intake of Refined Flours and Grains
RULE 5: Eat 30 to 50 Grams of Fiber a Day
RULE 6: Eat Apples and Berries Every Single Day. Every. Single. Day!
RULE 7: No Carbs After Lunch
RULE 8: Learn to Read Food Labels So You Know What You Are Eating
RULE 9: Stop Guessing About Portion Size and Get It Right—for Good
RULE 10: No More Added Sweeteners, Including Artificial Ones
RULE 11: Get Rid of Those White Potatoes
RULE 12: Make One Day a Week Meatless
RULE 13: Get Rid of Fast Foods and Fried Foods
RULE 14: Eat a Real Breakfast
RULE 15: Make Your Own Food and Eat at Least Ten Meals a Week at Home
RULE 16: Banish High-Salt Foods
RULE 17: Eat Your Vegetables—Just Do It!
RULE 18: Go to Bed Hungry
RULE 19: Sleep Right
RULE 20: Plan One Splurge Meal a Week