1. Martin Matishak, “Republican: ISIS Developing the Means to ‘Blow Up’ an American City,” Hill, August 21, 2014, http://thehill.com/policy/defense/215684-republican-isis-developing-means-to-blow-up-an-american-city.
1. Steve Bird, “So Wicked That Even Al Qaeda Disowned Them: Letter Found at Bin Laden’s Hideout Warned of Islamic State’s Extreme Brutality,” Daily Mail, August 10, 2014, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2721417/So-wicked-Al-Qaeda-disowned-Letter-Bin-Ladens-hideout-warned-Islamic-States-extreme-brutality.html.
2. Terrence McCoy, “ISIS Just Stole $425 million, Iraqi Governor Says, and Became the ‘World’s Richest Terrorist Group,’ ” Washington Post, June 10, 2014, http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/06/12/isis-just-stole-425-million-and-became-the-worlds-richest-terrorist-group/.
3. Terrence McCoy, “Islamic State ‘Now Controls Resources and Territory Unmatched in the History of Extremist Organizations,’ ” Washington Post, August 4, 2014, http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/08/04/islamic-state-now-controls-resources-and-territory-unmatched-in-history-of-extremist-organizations/.
4. Tom Coghlan and Deborah Haynes, “Fear of Dirty Bomb as ISIS Rebels Seize Radioactive Uranium in Iraq,” Australian, July 11, 2014.
5. Michael Daly, “ISIS Leader: ‘See You in New York,’ ” Daily Beast, June 14, 2014, http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/06/14/isis-leader-see-you-in-new-york.html.
6. “New ISIS Video: ‘We Will Raise Black Flag Over White House,’ ” Fox News Insider, August 8, 2014, http://foxnewsinsider.com/2014/08/08/new-isis-video-%E2%80%98we-will-raise-black-flag-over-white-house%E2%80%99.
7. See Sanjay Sanghoee, “What ISIS and Hamas Have in Common,” Huffington Post, August 7, 2014, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sanjay-sanghoee/what-hamas-and-isis-have_b_5660020.html.
1. Majid Khadduri, War and Peace in the Law of Islam (Clark, NJ: Lawbook Exchange, 2010), 48.
2. Ibid., 4, 17.
3. Ibid., 158.
4. Ibid., 16.
5. Ibid., 26.
6. Ibid., 156.
7. Ibid., 155.
8. Ibid., 170–71.
9. Ibid., 64.
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid., 16–17.
12. Majid Khadduri and Herbert J. Liebesny, eds., Law in the Middle East (Clark, NJ: Lawbook Exchange, 2009), 3.
13. Ibid., 14.
14. Ibid., 3.
15. Khadduri, War and Peace in the Law of Islam, 11.
16. Khadduri and Liebesny, eds., Law in the Middle East, 5.
17. Ibid., 14.
18. Khadduri, War and Peace in the Law of Islam, 10.
19. Khadduri and Liebesny, eds., Law in the Middle East, 4.
20. Ibid., 6.
21. Ibid., 6, 8.
22. Juan E. Campo, ed., Encyclopedia of Islam (New York: Facts on File, 2009), 33.
23. Ibid.
24. Ibid.
25. Khadduri and Liebesny, eds., Law in the Middle East, 114.
26. Ibid.
27. Paul Sullivan, “Why Should We Care About the Iraqi Shia?,” History News Network, April 13, 2004, http://hnn.us/article/1455.
28. Karl Vick, “What Is the Caliphate,” Time, July 1, 2014, http://time.com/2942239/what-is-the-caliphate/.
29. Ibid.
30. Juan Jose Valdes et al., “Iraq: 1,200 Years of Turbulent History in Five Maps,” National Geographic, July 2, 2014, http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/07/140702-iraq-history-maps/.
31. Vick, “What Is the Caliphate.”
32. Omar Khalidi, “The Caliph’s Daughter,” Cornucopia, http://www.cornucopia.net/magazine/articles/the-caliphs-daughter/.
33. Ibid.
34. Ibid.
35. Vick, “What Is the Caliphate.”
36. Bylaws of the International Muslim Brotherhood, ch. II, art. II § E, http://www.investigativeproject.org/documents/misc/673.pdf.
37. Tim Lister, “How ISIS Is Overshadowing Al Qaeda,” CNN, June 30, 2014, http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/30/world/meast/isis-overshadows-al-qaeda/.
38. ISIS stands for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. It can also mean Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria or Islamic State of Iraq and Sham. Although ISIS has recently adopted the name “Islamic State,” we will call it ISIS in this paper because that is the better-known name.
39. ISIL stands for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
40. See Amir Abdallah, “Urgent Video: Isis Releases Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Sermon In Mosul Grand Mosque,” Iraqi News, July 5, 2014, http://www.iraqinews.com/features/urgent-video-isis-releases-abu-bakr-al-baghdadi-sermon-mosul-grand-mosque/ (emphasis added). Note that the full-length video of the sermon had English subtitles. The language quoted above is directly transcribed from the video’s English subtitles. Grammatical and typographical errors have not been corrected. Quran cite is 25:55.
41. “Wanted Abu Du’a Up to $10 Million,” Rewards for Justice, http://www.webcitation.org/62Hxw9AqD. He is known to have used a number of aliases, such as Dr. Ibrahim ‘Awwad Ibrahim ‘Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai’, Ibrahim ‘Awad Ibrahim al-Badri al Samarrai, Abu Duaa’, Dr. Ibrahim, and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Ibid.
42. Graeme Baker, “The Fierce Ambition of ISIL’s Baghdadi,” Al Jazeera, June 15, 2014, http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2014/06/fierce-ambition-isil-baghdadi-2014612142242188464.html.
43. Ibid.
44. Ibid.
45. Ibid.
46. “Profile: Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS),” BBC News, June 16, 2014, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-24179084.
47. See http://icasualties.org/Iraq/index.aspx.
48. “Profile: Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS),” BBC News, June 16, 2014, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-24179084.
49. Ibid.
50. Ibid.
51. Ibid.
52. Ibid.
53. McCoy, “ISIS Just Stole $425 Million, Iraqi Governor Says.”
54. “Jordan’s Abu Qatada: Caliphate Declaration ‘Void,’ ” Daily Star, July 15, 2014, http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2014/Jul-15/263931-jordans-abu-qatada-caliphate-declaration-void.ashx#axzz37qB7TbEF.
55. Alhayat Media Center, “This Is the Promise of Allah,” https://ia902505.us.archive.org/28/items/poa_25984/EN.pdf, 5 (emphasis added). Al-Jazeera has reported the foregoing document to be an official ISIS publication. “Sunni Rebels Declare New ‘Islamic Caliphate,’ ” Al Jazeera, June 30, 2014, http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2014/06/isil-declares-new-islamic-caliphate-201462917326669749.html.
1. Liz Sly, “Al-Qaeda Disavows Any Ties with Radical Islamist Isis Group in Syria, Iraq,” Washington Post, February 3, 2013, http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/al-qaeda-disavows-any-ties-with-radical-islamist-isis-group-in-syria-iraq/2014/02/03/2c9afc3a-8cef-11e3-98ab-fe5228217bd1_story.html; Elisa Oddon, “Jordanian Jihadist Leader Condemns Isis Caliphate,” Al Monitor, July 7, 2014, http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/ru/originals/2014/07/jordan-maqdisi-jihad-iraq-isis-caliphate-qaeda.html; Ellen Knickmeyer, “Al Qaeda ‘Disavows’ Syrian Terror Group for Being Too Terroristy,” Wall Street Journal, February 3, 2014, http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304851104579361041928884318. See also Basma Atassi, “Qaeda Chief Annuls Syrian-Iraqi Jihad Merger,” Al Jazeera, June 9, 2013, http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2013/06/2013699425657882.html.
2. Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Meaning of the Holy Qur’an, 10th ed. (1999; reprint, n.p.: Amana, 2004), 4:93.
3. Ibid., 6:151.
4. Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri, Reliance of the Traveller, rev. ed., trans. Nuh Ha Mim Keller (N.p.: Amana, 2008), 583 (1368).
5. Ibid.
6. Vol. 1, Bk. 2, No. 9, Sahih Bukhari, http://www.sahih-bukhari.com/Pages/Bukhari_1_02.php.
7. Vol. 1, Bk. 2, No. 10, Sahih Bukhari, http://www.sahih-bukhari.com/Pages/Bukhari_1_02.php.
8. Vol. 1, Bk. 2, No. 46, Sahih Bukhari, http://www.sahih-bukhari.com/Pages/Bukhari_1_02.php.
9. Amnesty International, “Rule of Fear: ISIS Abuses in Detention in Northern Syria,” December 19, 2013, 6–7, http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/MDE24/063/2013/en/32d380a3-cc47-4cb6-869f2628ca44cb99/mde 240632013en.pdf.
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid., 7.
12. “Abuse ‘Rife in Secret Al-Qaeda Jails in Syria,’ ” BBC News, December 19, 2013, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-25440381.
13. Amnesty International, “Rule of Fear,” 1.
14. Ibid., 7.
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid.
17. Ibid.
18. Ibid., 9.
19. Ibid., 10.
20. Salma Abdelaziz, “Death and Desecration in Syria: Jihadist Group ‘Crucifies’ Bodies to Send Message,” CNN, May 2, 2014, http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/01/world/meast/syria-bodies-crucifixions/.
21. Ibid.
22. Ibid.
23. Ibid.
24. “Syria: ISIS Summarily Killed Civilians,” Human Rights Watch, June 14, 2014, http://www.hrw.org/news/2014/06/14/syria-isis-summarily-killed-civilians.
25. Ibid.
26. Adam Lusher, “Iraq Crisis: The Footage That Shows Isis Militants Taunting and Killing Shia Soldiers,” Independent, June 16, 2014, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/iraq-crisis-the-footage-that-shows-isis-militants-taunting-and-killing-shia-forces-9541929.html.
27. Ibid.
28. Rod Nordland and Alyssa J. Rubin, “Massacre Claim Shakes Iraq,” New York Times, June 15, 2014, http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/16/world/middleeast/iraq.html?_r=3; see also “Militants Post Grisly Images of Mass Killing in Iraq,” CBS News, June 15, 2014, http://www.cbsnews.com/news/iraq-conflict-isis-militants-post-grisly-images-of-mass-killing/.
29. Connor Simpson, “Rights Group Confirms ISIS Mass Grave Images,” Wire, June 27, 2014, http://www.thewire.com/global/2014/06/rights-group-confirms-isis-mass-grave-images/373598/.
30. Simon Tomlinson and Amy White, “ ‘This Is Our Football, It’s Made of Skin #World Cup’: After Posting Sickening Beheading Video of Iraqi Policeman, Isis Boast of Slaughtering 1,700 Soldiers,” Daily Mail, June 13, 2014, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2656905/ISIS-jihadists-seize-two-towns-bear-Baghdad-U-S-tanks-helicopters-stolen-fleeing-western-trained-Iraqi-forces.html. See also Chris Hughes et al., “Police Chief Beheaded By Jihadist Rebels Who Tweeted: ‘This Is Our Ball. It Is Made of Skin. #World Cup,’ ” Mirror, June 14, 2014, http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/police-chief-beheaded-jihadist-rebels-3690513.
31. Ibid.
32. Ibid.
33. Convention (IV) Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, art. 16, August 12, 1949, 6 U.S.T. 3316, 75 U.N.T.S. 135.
34. Sam Greenhill et al., “Isis Butchers Leave ‘Roads Lined with Decapitated Police and Soldiers’: Battle for Baghdad Looms as Thousands Answer Iraqi Government’s Call to Arms and Jihadists Bear Down on Capital,” Daily Mail, June 12, 2014, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2655977/ISIS-militants-march-Baghdad-trademark-bullet-head-gets-way-control-north.html.
35. Tomlinson and White, “ ‘This Is Our Football.’ ”
36. Vasudevan Sridharan, “Iraq Isis Crisis: Judge Who Sentenced Saddam Hussein to Death Executed by Rebels,” International Business Times, June 24, 2014, http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/iraq-isis-crisis-judge-who-sentenced-saddam-hussein-death-executed-by-rebels-1453975. See also Lucy Crossley, “Judge Who Sentenced Saddam Hussein to Death ‘Is Captured and Executed by Isis,’ ” Daily Mail, June 22, 2014, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2665360/Judge-sentenced-Saddam-Hussein-death-captured-executed-ISIS.html.
37. Ibid.
38. Raymond Ibrahim, “New Islamic Caliphate Declares Jihad on . . . Muslims,” Human Events, July 18, 2014, http://humanevents.com/2014/07/18/new-islamic-caliphate-declares-jihad-on-muslims/.
39. Ibid.
40. Ibid.
41. Reuters, “Convert, Pay Tax, or Die, Islamic State Warns Christians,” http://news.yahoo.com/convert-pay-tax-die-islamic-state-warns-christians-181415698—business.html.
42. Ibid.
43. “Tens of Thousands of Christians Flee ISIS Attack on Ninevah Town of Qaraqosh (Hamdaniya),” Yahoo! News, June 26, 2014, http://news.yahoo.com/tens-thousands-christians-flee-isis-attack-nineveh-town-212600821.html.
44. Ibid.
45. Ibid. See also Sophia Jones, “In Face of ISIS Advance, Many Iraqi Christians Insist on Staying Put,” Huffington Post, June 25, 2014, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/25/iraqi-christians-isis_n_5527266.html.
46. Ibid.
47. Ibid.
48. Ibid.
49. Yasmine Hafiz, “Reported ISIS Member Says They Will Destroy the Kaaba in Mecca, ‘Kill Those Who Worship Stones,’ ” Huffington Post, July 1, 2014, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/01/isis-destroy-kaaba-mecca_n_5547635.html.
50. Ibid.
51. Sophie Jane Evans, “Shocking Moment: Isis Militants Take Sledgehammers to Mosul Tomb of Prophet Jonah as More Than 50 Blindfolded Bodies Are Found Massacred South of Baghdad,” Daily Mail, July 9, 2014, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2685923/Shocking-moment-ISIS-militants-sledgehammers-Mosul-tomb-Prophet-Jonah-50-blindfolded-bodies-massacred-south-Baghdad.html.
52. Ibid.
53. Frances Martel, “Sunni Mufti: ISIS and Affiliates Have Killed over 300 Sunni Imams, Preachers,” Breitbart, July 3, 2014, http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2014/07/03/Sunni-Mufti-ISIS-and-Affiliates-Have-Killed-Over-300-Sunni-Imams-and-Preachers; “Iraq: ISIS Kidnaps Shia Turkmen, Destroys Shrines,” Human Rights Watch, June 28, 2014, http://www.hrw.org/news/2014/06/27/iraq-isis-kidnaps-shia-turkmen-destroys-shrines; “Islamic State Claims Shia Mosque Destruction,” Al Jazeera, July 5, 2014, http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2014/07/islamic-state-claims-shia-mosque-destruction-20147414533266331.html; “Jordan’s Abu Qatada: Caliphate Declaration ‘Void,’ ” Daily Star Lebanon, July 15, 2014, http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2014/Jul-15/263931-jordans-abu-qatada-caliphate-declaration-void.ashx#axzz37l9q5wZI.
54. Johnlee Varghese, “Isis Issues Threat to US with Decapitated Head, Says Calamity Will Befall the Country,” International Business Times, June 26, 2014, http://www.ibtimes.co.in/isis-issues-threat-us-decapitated-head-says-calamity-will-befall-country-603119.
55. Ibid.
56. John Rossomando and Ravi Kumar, “Emboldened ISIS Threatens Americans,” Investigative Project, June 26, 2014, http://www.investigativeproject.org/4440/emboldened-isis-threatens-americans.
57. See Dalit Halevy and Ari Yashar, “ISIS Parades Scud Missile ‘Heading Towards Israel,’ ” Arutz Sheva, July 1, 2014, http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/182409#.U7RnSLGf-ik.
58. “ISIS Weighs In on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” Yeshiva World, July 16, 2014, http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/headlines-breaking-stories/247816/isis-weighs-in-on-israeli-palestinian-conflict.html.
59. Ibid.
60. Ibid.
61. “New Terrorist Video Rails Against Jews,” Anti-Defamation League, June 3, 2014, http://blog.adl.org/international/new-terrorist-video-rails-against-jews. Sura 1.766 mandates that Jews “[b]ecome apes—despised and disgraced!” because the Jews had “disdainfully persisted in that from which they were forbidden.”
62. “ISIS Weighs In On Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.”
63. “ISIS Militants Threaten to Invade, Take Over Spain,” InfoWars.com, July 5, 2014, http://www.infowars.com/isis-militants-threaten-to-invade-take-over-spain/.
64. “ ‘We’ll Take Back Spain’: Fighters Claim ISIS to Seize ‘Occupied Lands,’ ” RT, July 4, 2014, http://rt.com/news/170480-spain-isis-invade-threat/.
65. Christopher Livesay, “Rome Is Not Intimidated by Isis Threats to Conquer It for the Caliphate,” VICE News, July 11, 2014, https://news.vice.com/article/rome-is-not-intimidated-by-isis-threats-to-conquer-it-for-the-caliphate.
66. Ibid.
67. Jeremy Bender, “ISIS Militants Captured 52 American-Made Artillery Weapons That Cost $50,000 Each,” Business Insider, July 15, 2014, http://www.businessinsider.com/isis-has-52-american-weapons-that-can-hit-baghdad-2014-7. See also Douglas Ernst, “ISIL Captured 52 U.S.-Made Howitzers; Artillery Weapons Cost 500K Each,” Washington Times, July 15, 2014, http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jul/15/isil-captured-52-us-made-howitzers-artillery-weapo/.
68. Ibid.
69. Bender, “ISIS Militants Captured 52 American-Made Artillery Weapons That Cost $50,000 Each.”
70. Bill Gertz, “ISIL Moving Seized U.S. Tanks, Humvees to Syria,” Washington Free Beacon, June 17, 2014.
71. Perry Chiaramonte, “Stolen Uranium Compounds Not Only Dirty Bomb Ingredients Within ISIS’ Grasp, Say Experts,” Fox News, July 15, 2014, http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/07/15/stolen-uranium-compounds-not-only-dirty-bomb-ingredients-within-isis-grasp/.
72. Ibid.
73. Ibid.
74. Bill Hutchinson, “ISIS Seizes Chemical Weapons Depot Near Baghdad, May Have Access to Deadly Sarin Gas Rockets,” New York Daily News, July 9, 2014.
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAx6bLkVcgw.
2. Jonathan Masters, “Hamas,” Council on Foreign Relations, November 24, 2012, http://www.cfr.org/israel/hamas/p8968.
3. “Palestine Liberation Organization,” palestineun.org, http://palestineun.org/about-palestine/palestine-liberation-organization/.
4. Masters, “Hamas.”
5. Hamas, whose name is an acronym for Harakat al-Muqawana al-Islamiya, which translates to “Islamic Resistance Movement,” is the “largest and most influential Palestinian militant movement.” Masters, “Hamas.”
6. See Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement—Hamas, art. 2 (1988) (hereinafter Charter), stating that “the Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine,” http://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/50/1609.htm.
7. The last Palestinian presidential election took place in 2005. Hugh Naylor, “Palestinian Elections Delayed by Fatah-Hamas Bickering,” National, March 9, 2012, http://www.thenational.ae/news/world/palestinian-elections-delayed-by-hamas-fatah-bickering.
8. “Abbas Achieves Landslide Poll Win,” BBC News, January 10, 2005, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4160171.stm.
9. Naylor, “Palestinian Elections Delayed by Fatah-Hamas Bickering.”
10. Ibid.
11. Donald Macintyre, “The State of Gaza: Five Years After Hamas Took Power in the City, How Has Life Changed for Its Citizens?,” Independent, June 10, 2012, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/the-state-of-gaza-five-years-after-hamas-took-power-in-the-city-how-has-life-changed-for-its-citizens7831408.html.
12. “Gaza E.R.: Fatah vs. Hamas,” PBS, August 14, 2007, http://www.pbs.org/wnet/wideangle/episodes/gaza-e-r/fatah-vs-hamas/1227/.
13. Charter, arts. 7, 12, 13.
14. Ibid.
15. US Department of State, Foreign Terrorist Organizations, http://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/other/des/123085.htm, accessed July 15, 2014; Masters, “Hamas”; “EU Blacklists Hamas Political Wing,” BBC News, September 11, 2003, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3100518.stm.
16. Charter, art. 1.
17. “Intifada is an Arabic word for ‘civil uprising’ that literally means ‘shaking off.’ ” “The First Intifada,” Ma’an News, August 16, 2009, http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=212093.
18. Charter, art. 6.
19. Masters, “Hamas.”
20. Ibid.
21. Charter, quoting the Quran (3:110–112).
22. Ibid., arts. 5, 8.
23. Ibid., introduction, quoting Hasan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928 and director general until his assassination in 1949.
24. Ibid., art. 14. Quran 17:1 states: “Glory to (Allah) Who did take His Servant For a Journey by night From the Sacred Mosque To the Farthest Mosque, Whose precincts We did Bless—in order that We Might show him some Of Our Signs: for He Is the One Who heareth And seeth (all things).” Ali, The Meaning of the Holy Qur’an, 17:1. Nocturnal journey is a reference to Muhammad’s “Night Journey” from the “sacred mosque” (the Ka’aba in Mecca) to “the Farthest Mosque” (which Muslims consider to be a reference to the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem). In his commentary on verse 17:1, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, a notable translator of and commentator on the Quran, states that during the night journey, “[t]he Holy Prophet [Muhammad] was first transported to the seat of the earlier revelations [Torah, Psalms, the Gospels] in Jerusalem, and then taken through the seven heavens even to the Sublime Throne, and initiated into the spiritual mysteries of the human soul struggling in Space and Time.” Ibid. Note that the word aqsa means farthest and does not necessarily mean that Muhammad was actually referring to the site of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Furthermore, this verse does not mention the word Jerusalem or make any reference to it. Muslims, however, believe the farthest mosque is the reference to the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. One hadith observes Muhammad as saying “[w]hen the people of Quraish did not believe me (i.e. the story of my Night Journey), I stood up in Al-Hijr and Allah displayed Jerusalem in front of me, and I began describing it to them while I was looking at it.’ ” Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 5, Bk. 58, No. 226, http://sahih-bukhari.com/Pages/Bukhari_5_58.php.
25. Charter, art. 11.
26. Ibid., art. 7.
27. Ibid., art. 3.
28. Ibid., art. 6.
29. Ibid., art. 6.
30. Ibid., art. 13.
31. Ibid.
32. Ibid., preamble.
33. Ibid.
34. Ibid., art. 13.
35. See text accompanying notes 194–206.
36. U.S. Department of State, Country Reports on Terrorism 2011, ch. 6, “Foreign Terrorist Organizations,” Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism, July 31, 2012, http://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/crt/2011/195553.htm.
37. Masters, “Hamas.”
38. U.S. Department of State, Country Reports on Terrorism 2011: “Designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization on October 8, 1997, Hamas possesses military and political wings and came into being in late 1987 at the onset of the first Palestinian uprising, or Intifada, as an outgrowth of the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
39. Council Common Position 2003/651/CFSP of 12 September 2003 updating Common Position 2001/931/CFSP on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism and repealing Common Position 2003/482/CFSP, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32003E0651:EN:HTML, listing “Hamas (including Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem)” among “Groups and Entities” defined as terrorist organizations. See also Anton La Guardia, “Hamas Is Added to EUs Blacklist of Terror,” Telegraph, September 12, 2003, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/1441311/Hamas-is-added-to-EUs-blacklist-of-terror.html.
40. Ibid.
41. U.S. Department of State, Country Reports on Terrorism 2011.
42. Masters, “Hamas.”
43. Ibid.
44. Fares Akram and Jodi Rudoren, “To Shape Young Palestinians, Hamas Creates Its Own Textbooks,” New York Times, November 3, 2013, http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/04/world/middleeast/to-shape-young-palestinians-hamas-creates-its-own-textbooks.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0.
45. U.S. Department of State, Country Reports on Terrorism 2011.
46. Marissa Newman, “Hamas Said to Have Executed Dozens of Tunnel Diggers,” Times of Israel, August 11, 2014, http://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-said-to-have-executed-dozens-of-tunnel-diggers/.
47. “Gaza E.R.: Fatah vs. Hamas,” PBS. See also “Profile: Fatah Palestinian Movement,” BBC News, August 4, 2009, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/1371998.stm.
48. FATEH Constitution, arts. 2, 17, http://www.acpr.org.il/resources/fatehconstitution.html; see also PLO Charter, arts. 3, 9 (1968), http://www.iris.org.il/plochart.htm.
49. “Gaza E.R.: Fatah vs. Hamas,” PBS.
50. FATEH Constitution, arts. 7, 8; see also PLO Charter, arts. 15, 22.
51. “Gaza E.R.: Fatah vs. Hamas,” PBS.
52. Andrew Higgins, “How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas,” Wall Street Journal, January 24, 2009, http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB123275572295011847.
53. Charter, art. 27.
54. Ben Lynfield, “Make Way, Fatah Young Guns Tell Arafat Generation,” Independent, August 4, 2009, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/make-way-fatah-young-guns-tell-arafat-generation-1766950.html. See also “Profile: Fatah.”
55. “Gaza E.R.: Fatah vs. Hamas,” PBS. See also Lynfield, “Make Way.”
56. Masters, “Hamas.” See also Richard Falk, “Preparing the Path to a Just Peace for Palestine/Israel,” Foreign Policy Journal, June 17, 2014, http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2014/06/17/preparing-the-path-to-a-just-peace-for-palestineisrael/.
1. Masters, “Hamas”; see also Bryony Jones, “Q&A: What Is Hamas?,” CNN, November 24, 2012, http://edition.cnn.com/2012/11/16/world/meast/hamas-explainer/index.html.
2. Jones, “Q&A: What Is Hamas?”
3. The International Crisis Group is “an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation committed to preventing and resolving deadly conflict.” Its staff publishes reports and briefings that give policy recommendations regarding “over 50 conflict and potential conflict situations” that are monitored by its field agents. “About Crisis Group,” International Crisis Group, http://www.crisisgroup.org/en/about.aspx.
4. Jones, “Q&A: What Is Hamas?”
5. Masters, “Hamas.”
6. Jim Zanotti, “Hamas: Background and Issues for Congress,” Congressional Research Service, December 2, 2010, http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/R41514.pdf.
7. Sara Sidner, “First Rocket Fired from Gaza into Israel Since November Cease-fire,” CNN, February 26, 2013, http://edition.cnn.com/2013/02/26/world/meast/israel-gaza-rocket/index.html. See also “Calm Elusive as Rockets Rain in Gaza, Israel,” CNN, November 21, 2012, http://edition.cnn.com/2012/11/20/world/meast/gaza-israel-strike/index.html (Hamas repeating its refusal to recognize Israel’s right to exist).
8. “Israel Blames Hamas for All Attacks from Gaza,” Al Jazeera, December 27, 2013, http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2013/12/israel-blames-hamas-all-attacks-from-gaza-201312270847706182.html.
9. Hamas carried out its first suicide bombing in April 1993, and only months later, Hamas publicly condemned the Oslo Accords, an historic pact that had been agreed to by both Israel and the PLO. Masters, “Hamas.” Hamas claimed responsibility for its first suicide bombing directed at Israeli civilians on April 6, 1994. The bomber in Afula killed 8 civilians and wounded 34. Joe Stork, Erased in a Moment: Suicide Bombing Attacks Against Israeli Civilians (New York: Human Rights Watch, 2002), 66. Only one week later, Hamas claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing on a crowded bus, an attack that killed 5 Israeli civilians and wounded 30 others. Clyde Haberman, “5 Killed in Israel as Second Bomber Blows Up a Bus,” New York Times, April 14, 1994, http://www.nytimes.com/1994/04/14/world/5-killed-in-israel-as-second-bomber-blows-up-a-bus.html. On October 19, 1994, a Hamas suicide bomber detonated a bomb while on an Israeli passenger bus in Tel Aviv, killing 22 civilians and wounding another 48. “One Victim Survives Her 2d Bus Bombing,” New York Times, July 25, 1995, http://www.nytimes.com/1995/07/25/world/one-victim-survives-her-2d-bus-bombing.html. Another Hamas suicide attack on an Israeli bus happened on April 9, 1995, when the attacker rammed his bomb-rigged car into the bus, causing an explosion that killed 8 and injured 52. Elaine Ruth Fletcher, “Terror Deals a Blow to Mideast Peace,” SFGate, April 10, 1995, http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Terror-deals-a-blow-to-Mideast-peace-3148607.php. On July 30, 1997, two Hamas suicide bombers detonated bombs in a Jerusalem open-air market, killing 14 civilians and wounding another 150. “14 Killed in Jerusalem Suicide Bombings,” CNN, July 30, 1997, http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9707/30/jerusalem.noon/. On September 4, 1997, three Hamas bombers detonated nail bombs on Ben Yehuda Street, a crowded Jerusalem thoroughfare, killing 8 and injuring over 150 others. “1997: Suicide Bombings Put Peace Visit in Doubt,” BBC News, September 4, 1997, http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/september/4/newsid_2499000/2499009.stm. On June 1, 2001, a suicide bomber detonated his bomb outside a Tel Aviv discotheque, killing 21 teenagers and wounding 120 others. “Tel-Aviv Suicide Bombing at the Dolphin Disco,” Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June 2, 2001, http://mfa.gov.il/MFA/MFA-Archive/2001/Pages/Tel-Aviv%20suicide%20bombing%20at%20the%20v Dolphin %20disco%20-%201-.aspx. A Hamas suicide bomber killed 15 Israelis inside a Jerusalem restaurant, including an Israeli family with three children, provoking mourners to call Hamas’s campaign of violence “a Holocaust.” “ ‘This Isn’t a Funeral. It’s a Holocaust,’ ” Guardian, August 10, 2001, http://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/aug/11/israel. A series of suicide bombings, including another bombing at the Ben Yehuda Street pedestrian mall, over the weekend of December 1, 2001, killed 25 people and wounded over 200. “Bomb Blasts Kill Scores in Israel,” Fox News, December 2, 2001, http://www.foxnews.com/story/2001/12/02/bomb-blasts-kill-scores-in-israel/. A suicide bombing carried out by the Izz al-Din al-Qassem Brigades killed 11 people and injured 54 at a Jerusalem café. Suzanne Goldenberg, “Bombing Shatters Illusions in an Oasis of Civility,” Guardian, March 10, 2002, http://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/mar/11/israel1. A May 2002 Hamas suicide bombing at a billiards hall in Rishon LeZion killed 15 and injured another 60. Matthew Kalman, “Israel Vows to Hit Back After Suicide Bomb Kills 15,” Daily Mail, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-113414/Israel-vows-hit-suicide-bomb-kills-15.html. Hamas claimed responsibility for using a bomb packed with ball bearings in a suicide attack on June 18, 2002, that killed 19 bus passengers, including an eleven-year-old girl. James Bennet, “Suicide Bomber Hits Jerusalem Bus, Killing at Least 18,” New York Times, June 19, 2002, http://www.nytimes.com/learning/teachers/featured_articles/20020619wednesday.html. On September 29, 2004, a Hamas militant fired a Qassam rocket into Israel, killing two children, ages 4 and 2. “Israel Kills Hamas Militant Blamed for Deadly Rocket Attack,” Los Angeles Times, October 10, 2004, http://articles.latimes.com/2004/oct/10/world/fg-gaza10. Hamas launched an antiaircraft missile at an Israeli school bus moments after it had dropped off most of the students. The one remaining passenger, sixteen-year-old Daniel Viflic, died in the explosion. “Boy Hurt in Gaza Rocket Attack on Israeli Bus Dies of His Wounds,” Haaretz, April 17, 2011, http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/boy-hurt-in-gaza-rocket-attack-on-israeli-bus-dies-of-his-wounds-1.356477. See also Foreign Secretary Statement on the Death of Daniel Viflic, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, April 17, 2011, https://www.gov.uk/government/news/foreign-secretary-statement-on-the-death-of-daniel-viflic.
10. Masters, “Hamas,” citing “Rocket Attacks on Israel from Gaza,” Israel Defense Forces, http://www.idfblog.com/facts-figures/rocket-attacks-toward-israel/.
11. Serge Schmemann, “Bombing in Israel: The Overview; 4th Terror Blast in Israel Kills 14 at Mall in Tel Aviv; Nine-Day Toll Grows to 61,” N.Y. Times (5 Mar. 1996), http://www.nytimes.com/1996/03/05/world/bombing-israel-overview-4th-terror-blast-israel-kills-14-mall-tel-aviv-nine-day.html?scp=1&sq=dizengoff%20center%20 suicide&st=cse&pagewanted=print.
12. “Alleged Passover Massacre Plotter Arrested,” CNN, March 26, 2008, http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/meast/03/26/israel.hamas/.
13. Conal Urquhart, “Israel Attacks Gaza as Bus Bomb Kills 15,” Guardian, March 6, 2003, http://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/mar/06/israel; “Suicide Blast Hits Jerusalem Bus,” BBC News, June 11, 2003, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/2982068.stm; James Bennet, “Bombing Kills 18 and Hurts Scores on Jerusalem Bus,” New York Times, August 20, 2003, http://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/20/world/bombing-kills-18-and-hurts-scores-on-jerusalem-bus.html.
1. Tzippe Barrow, “Hamas, Fatah Post Facebook Threats,” CBN News, June 11, 2014, http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/insideisrael/2014/July/Hamas-Fatah-Post-Facebook-Threats/.
2. Lesley Wroughton and Patricia Zengerle, “Obama Administration to Work with Palestinian Unity Government,” Reuters, June 2, 2014, http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/06/03/us-palestinian-unity-usa-idUSKBN0ED1VQ20140603.
3. See 18 U.S.C. Sections 2339A and 2339B.
4. Ibid.
5. “Kidnapped Israeli Teenagers Shot 10 Times with Silenced Gun—US Investigators,” RT, July 9, 2014, http://rt.com/news/171652-israeli-teenagers-shot-investigation/. See also Karl Vick, “Israel Holds Breath Over Three Teens Kidnapped on West Bank,” Time, June 17, 2014, http://time.com/2885286/israel-kidnap-naftali-fraenkel-gilad-shaar-eyal-yifrach/; Isabel Kershner, “Palestinian Leader Pledges to Hold Abductors of Israeli Teenagers to Account,” New York Times, June 18, 2014, http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/19/world/middleeast/palestinian-leader-condemns-kidnapping-of-israeli-teenagers.html.
6. Ibid.
7. Sharona Schwartz, “This Is How Some Palestinians Are Celebrating the Kidnapping of Three Israeli Teens,” Blaze, June 15, 2014, http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/06/15/this-is-how-some-palestinians-are-celebrating-a-kidnapping/.
8. Ibid.
9. “PM to Kerry: Feared Abductions a Result of Hamas Entry into Government,” Times of Israel, June 13, 2014, http://www.timesofisrael.com/livni-urges-kerry-to-help-locate-missing-teens/.
10. William Booth and Ruth Eglash, “Israel Presses Gaza Assault as Hamas Rockets Fly; Netanyahu Rules Out Cease-fire,” Washington Post, July 10, 2014, http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/israel-pounds-gaza-for-third-straight-day-while-hamas-fires-rockets-at-israeli-towns/2014/07/10/902d4896-ab00-47f0-bd53-01040c16379e_story.html.
11. Ibid.
12. Convention (IV) Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, art. 3, August 12, 1949, 6 U.S.T. 3316, 75 U.N.T.S. 135.
13. Booth and Eglash, “Israel Presses Gaza Assault as Hamas Rockets Fly.”
1. “Murdered Israeli Teens Mourned in Joint Funeral, As Israel Launches Strike Against Hamas,” Fox News, July 1, 2014, http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/07/01/israeli-teens-found-dead/.
2. Lea Speyer, “360 Arrested As Operation Brothers Keeper Enters 12th Day,” Breaking Israel News, June 24, 2014, http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/17063/269-terrorists-arrested-operation-brothers-keeper-enters-12th-day/#kswx537rQzX62L97.97.
3. Ibid.; see also “Murdered Israeli Teens Mourned.”
4. Ari Soffer, “Watch: Hamas Official Heaps Praise on ‘Heroic’ Kidnap Operation,” Arutz Sheva, June 18, 2014, http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/181891#.U8_wQLGf-ik.
5. “Israeli Air Strikes Hit Targets in Gaza,” Al Jazeera, June 29, 2014, http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2014/06/israeli-airstrikes-attack-targets-gaza-201462984832208983.html.
6. Ibid.
7. Ben Wedeman and Dana Ford, “Missing Israeli Teens Found Dead in West Bank,” CNN, June 30, 2014, http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/30/world/meast/israel-missing-teenagers/.
8. Ibid.
9. Dan Kedmey, “Israel Hammers Gaza Strip over Kidnapped Teens’ Deaths,” Time, July 1, 2014, http://time.com/2944876/israel-hammers-gaza-strip-over-kidnapped-teens-deaths/.
10. Marcy Kreiter, “Israel Mounts Operation to End Gaza Rocket Fire,” International Business Times, July 7, 2014, http://www.ibtimes.com/israel-mounts-operation-end-gaza-rocket-fire-1621462.
11. See, e.g., U.N. Charter, art. 2(4): “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.”
12. U.N. Charter, art. 51.
13. David B. Rivkin et al., “Preemption and Law in the Twenty-First Century,” 5 Chicago Journal of International Law 467, 476 (2005).
14. See, e.g., Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (Dem. Rep. Congo. v. Uganda), 2005 I.C.J. ¶ 11 (17 Dec.) (separate opinion of Judge Simma), http://www.icj-cij.org/docket/files/116/10467.pdf.
15. Sean D. Murphy, Principles of International Law (St. Paul, MN: Thomson/West, 2006), 447 (emphasis added).
16. Rosalyn Higgins, Problems and Process: International Law and How We Use It (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995), 232; see also Christopher Greenwood, Essays on War in International Law (London: Cameron May, 2006), 80.
17. Harriet Sherwood, “Gaza Crisis: How the Game Has Changed Since Egypt’s Tabling of Ceasefire Plan,” Guardian, July 21, 2014, http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/21/gaza-crisis-how-game-changed-since-egypt-tabling-ceasefire-plan.
18. Jodi Rudoren and Anne Barnard, “Israeli Military Invades Gaza, with Sights Set on Hamas Operations,” New York Times, July 17, 2014, http://nyti.ms/1nA2HQS.
19. Heather Saul, “Israel-Hamas 72-Hour Ceasefire Crumbles As Dozens Killed in Gaza Shelling,” Independent, August 1, 2014, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israelgaza-conflict-kerry-warns-72hour-unconditional-ceasefire-is-a-respite-not-an-end-9641781.html.
20. “U.S. Calls Hamas Attack ‘Barbaric’ Violation of Gaza Ceasefire: CNN,” Reuters, August 1, 2014, http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/08/01/us-mideast-gaza-whitehouse-idUSKBN0G143S20140801.
21. ICRC, Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), art. 52, 8 June 1977, 1125 UNTS 3 (herein after referred to as Protocol I).
22. Ibid. (emphasis added).
23. Ibid., art. 28.
24. ICRC, Commentary on the Additional Protocols of 8 June 1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, ¶ 1953, at 620–21 (1987) (emphasis added), http://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/pdf/Commentary_GC_Protocols.pdf.
25. Jean-Marie Henckaerts and Louise Doswald-Beck, International Committee of the Red Cross, Customary International Humanitarian Law: Practice ¶¶ 328–29, 332, 334, 336–37, 339, at 184–85 (2005).
26. Ibid. ¶¶ 329, 331, 336, 339, at 184–85.
27. Stefan Oeter, “Methods and Means of Combat,” in Dieter Fleck, ed., The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law, 2nd ed. 119, 135 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008), 119, 135.
28. http://acdemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Hamas-Urban-Warfare-Tactics.pdf?utm_source=Hamas+Urban+Warfare+Tactics&utm_campaign=Hamas+Urban+Warfare+Tactics&utm_medium=email.
29. UN General Assembly, Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (last amended 2010), art. 8(2)(b)(ii), 17 July 1998 (hereinafter Rome Statute).
1. Protocol I, art. 58(a). Although Israel is not bound by Additional Protocol I as a matter of treaty obligation, Israel recognizes that the protocol reflects customary international law. Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Operation in Gaza: Factual and Legal Aspects (Jerusalem: State of Israel, 2008), 38.
2. Customary International Humanitarian Law, Rule 23, Location of Military Objectives outside Densely Populated Areas, ICRC, http://www.icrc.org/customary-ihl/eng/print/v1_cha_chapter6_rule23.
3. Israel-Lebanon Ceasefire Understanding, art. 3 (1996).
4. Protocol I, art. 51(7).
5. Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, art. 28, 12 August 1949.
6. Rome Statute, art. 8(2)(b)(xxiii).
7. Customary International Humanitarian Law, Rule 97, Human Shields, ICRC, http://www.icrc.org/customary-ihl/eng/docs/v1_cha_chapter32_rule97.
8. Protocol I, art. 48.
9. ICRC, “Civilian and Medical Workers Pay Price of Conflict,” July 10, 2014, http://www.icrc.org/eng/resources/documents/news-release/2014/israel-palestine-gaza-civilian-medical.htm.
10. Anne Barnard and Jodi Rudoren, “Israel Says That Hamas Uses Civilian Shields, Reviving Debate,” New York Times, July 23, 2014, http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/24/world/middleeast/israel-says-hamas-is-using-civilians-as-shields-in-gaza.html (emphases added).
11. Ibid.
12. Protocol I, art. 16.
13. Ibid.
14. http://acdemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Hamas-Urban-Warfare-Tactics.pdf?utm_source=Hamas+Urban+Warfare+Tactics&utm_campaign=Hamas+Urban+Warfare+Tactics&utm_medium=email.
15. Barnard, and Rudoren, Rudoren, “Israel Says That Hamas Uses Civilian Shields, Reviving Debate.”
16. “Gaza Conflict: Fighting intensifies in town of Khan Younis,” Associated Press, July 23, 2014.
17. Barnard and Rudoren, “Israel Says That Hamas Uses Civilian Shields, Reviving Debate.”
18. “Rockets Found at UN Gaza School Went Missing,” Washington Post, July 23, 2014, http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/rockets-found-at-un-gaza-school-have-gone-missing/2014/07/23/e1f7e206-12c7-11e4-ac56-773e54a65906_story.html. See also “UNRWA Strongly Condemns Placement of Rockets in School,” UNRWA, July 17, 2014, http://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/press-releases/unrwa-strongly-condemns-placement-rockets-school.
19. “Rockets Found at UN Gaza School Went Missing.”
20. Ibid.; see also “UNRWA Condemns Placement of Rockets, for a Second Time, in One of Its Schools,” UNRWA, July 22, 2014, http://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/press-releases/unrwa-condemns-placement-rockets-second-time-one-its-schools.
21. “Rockets Found at UN Gaza School Went Missing.”
22. Josh Levs et al., “Deaths Mount in Gaza and Israel as U.S. Pushes Cease-Fire,” CNN, July 22, 2014, http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/21/world/meast/mideast-crisis/.
23. “Rockets Found at UN Gaza School Went Missing.”
24. http://acdemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Hamas-Urban-Warfare-Tactics.pdf?utm_source=Hamas+Urban+Warfare+Tactics&utm_campaign=Hamas+Urban+Warfare+Tactics&utm_medium=email
25. “The Price of Hamas’ Underground Terror Network,” IDF Blog, July 26, 2014, http://www.idfblog.com/blog/2014/07/26/price-hamas-underground-terror-network/.
26. Levs, “Deaths Mount in Gaza and Israel.”
27. “The Price of Hamas’ Underground Terror Network.”
28. “Shuja’iya: Hamas’ Terror Fortress in Gaza,” Israel Defense Forces, July 20, 2014, http://www.idfblog.com/blog/2014/07/20/shujaiya-hamas-terror-fortress-gaza/.
29. Ibid.
30. Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, art. 28, 12 August 1949.
31. See Rome Statute, art. 8(2)(b)(xxiii) and accompanying text.
32. http://acdemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Hamas-Urban-Warfare-Tactics.pdf?utm_source=Hamas+Urban+Warfare+Tactics&utm_campaign=Hamas+Urban+Warfare+Tactics&utm_medium=email.
33. Ibid.
34. “Israel Bombs Gaza’s Only Rehab Hospital: Staff Forced to Evacuate Paralyzed Patients After Shelling,” Democracy Now, July 18, 2014, http://www.democracynow.org/2014/7/18/israel_bombs_gazas_only_rehab_hospital.
35. Stuart Winer, “WATCH: IDF Targets Hospital Used as Hamas Command Center,” Times of Israel, July 23, 2014, http://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-targets-hospital-hamas-used-as-firing-position/.
36. “Israel Bombs Gaza’s Only Rehab Hospital.”
37. Ibid.
38. Ibid.
39. Commentary on the Additional Protocols.
40. http://acdemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Hamas-Urban-Warfare-Tactics.pdf?utm_source=Hamas+Urban+Warfare+Tactics&utm_campaign=Hamas+Urban+Warfare+Tactics&utm_medium=email.
41. Protocol I, art. 52.
42. See id., art. 51(4).
43. Ibid.
44. Ibid., art. 51(5)(b) (emphasis added).
45. Karen Yourish and Josh Keller, “The Toll in Gaza and Israel, Day by Day,” New York Times, August 8, 2014, http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/07/15/world/middleeast/toll-israel-gaza-conflict.html.
46. “Hamas Launches Rockets on Civilians in Gaza,” IDF Blog, July 31, 2014, http://www.idfblog.com/blog/2014/07/31/hamas-launches-rockets-civilians-gaza/.
47. Protocol I, art. 51(4)(b).
48. Steven Emerson, “Hamas Claims Rockets Only Target Jews,” Algemeiner, July 28, 2014, http://www.algemeiner.com/2014/07/28/hamas-claims-rockets-only-target-jews/.
1. https://www.icrc.org/eng/resources/documents/statement/2014/07-29-gaza-stop-the-killing.htm.
2. Ian Black, “U.N. Human Rights Body to Investigate Claims of Israeli Violations in Gaza,” Guardian, July 23, 2014, http://www.theguardian.com/global/2014/jul/23/un-high-commissioner-navi-pillay-war-crimes-israel.
3. See Editorial Board, “The U.S. Should Push for the Disarming of Hamas in Gaza-Israel Cease-Fire,” Washington Post, July 23, 2014, http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-us-should-push-for-the-disarming-of-hamas-in-gaza-israel-cease-fire/2014/07/23/7c2d1d9e-1284-11e4-8936-26932bcfd6ed_story.html (estimating the cost of each tunnel that Hamas has dug to be roughly one million dollars).
4. See Elad Benari, “Watch: Hamas Spokesman Encourages Using Civilians as Shields,” Artuz Sheva, July 7, 2014, http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/182729#.U9kmg7Gf-ik (reporting a video of Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri explicitly encouraging Palestinians to adopt the strategy of becoming human shields and lauding its effectiveness and its display of the brave character of Palestinians).
1. David French, “First They Came for the Jews,” Patheos, February 7, 2011.
2. Ibid.
3. Elliott Abrams, “Yasser Arafat International Airport,” Council on Foreign Relations, August 8, 2014.
4. Dexter Filkins, “What We Left Behind,” New Yorker, April 28, 2014.
5. Rosie Gray, “Obama Authorizes Strikes Against Islamic State Fighters in Iraq,” BuzzFeed, August 7, 2014.
6. Bing West, The Strongest Tribe: War, Politics, and the Endgame in Iraq (New York: Random House, 2009).
The quote from Canon Andrew White, known as the vicar of Baghdad, that appears on the back cover cites as follows: