Writing this book was quite the process, and I’m grateful to everyone who helped me reach the finish line.
Patrick and Necia Jolley saw this book in raw form and helped me brainstorm ideas—thanks for your valuable feedback and support. My critique group helped mold this into a page-turner. Thank you, Cindy Beck, Nichole Giles, and Connie Hall.
I would also like to give a big thank you to Authors Incognito and LDS Storymakers (www.ldstorymakers.com), who sponsored the first writing conference I ever attended. It’s scary to think where I’d be without all the training, advice, and support I gleaned from these two groups.
Thank you to my group of readers, who probably all saw a different version of this manuscript: ToriAnn Perkey, Tina Ellsworth, Jill Clark, Nancy Baird, Heather Justesen, Tyler H., and Tim and Andrea Jolley. Thank you to my editors and all the people who touched this manuscript and made it better.
I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for blessing me with a desire to learn and a vivid imagination along with determination to never give up on my dreams.
Finally, I’d like to give a huge thanks to everyone in my family. My parents gave me a love of reading and a work ethic to make it as a writer. My late husband was a huge support and a voracious reader, as well as my best friend. And thanks to my wonderful children for their patience, for hugging me when I struggled, and for cheering me on every step of the way.