
Abbreviations used to refer to Simondon’s published works

CI Communication et information [Communication and Information] (Chatou: Editions de la Transparence, 2010) (collection of texts)
CSI ‘Cours sur l’instinct’ [Course on Instinct], in Simondon, CI (see above)
CSP Cours sur la perception [Course on Perception] (Chatou: Editions de la Transparence, 2005) (course from 1964 to 1965)
FIP ‘Forme, information, potentiel’ [Form, Information, Potential] (lecture from 1960, added by the publisher), in Simondon, ILFI and IPC (see below)
HNI ‘Histoire de la notion d’individu’ [History of the Notion of the Individual] (text added by the publisher), in Simondon, ILFI (see below)
IGPB L’Individu et sa genèse physico-biologique [The Individual and its Physico-Biological Genesis] (Grenoble: Jérôme Millon, 1995) (this book contains the first two-thirds of ILFI, as well as its introduction and conclusion)
ILFI L’Individuation à la lumière des notions de forme et d’information [Individuation in Light of the Notions of Form and Information] (Grenoble: Jérôme Millon, 2005) (Simondon’s main thesis for the Doctorat d’Etat, written between 1954 and 1958)
IMIN Imagination et invention [Imagination and Invention] (Chatou: Editions de la Transparence, 2008) (course from 1965 to 1966)
IPC L’Individuation psychique et collective [Psychic and Collective Individuation] (Paris: Aubier, 1989 and 2007) (this book contains the last third of ILFI, as well as its introduction and conclusion)
IT L’Invention dans les techniques [Invention in Technics] (Paris: Seuil, 2006) (collection of texts)
MEOT Du mode d’existence des objets techniques [On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects] (Paris: Aubier, 1958) (Simondon’s secondary thesis for the Doctorat d’Etat, written between 1954 and 1958)
MT ‘Mentalité technique’ [Technical Mentality], Revue philosophique de la France et de l’Etranger, 3 (Paris: PUF, 2006)
NC ‘Note complémentaire sur les conséquences de la notion d’individuation’ [Additional Note on the Consequences of the Notion of Individuation] (text added by the publisher), in Simondon, ILFI and IPC (see above)