
Chapter 2-—Yoga Poses for Weight Loss


You may ask yourself it all it’s possible to use yoga poses for weight loss? the answer is yes. While losing weight is not so easy for everyone, but coupled with the right attitude and determination, you can make a real huge difference in the manner you look and feel.

The follow fat-burning yoga asanas can greatly help build up a lean muscle tone and get your metabolism to a great start.

1.Cobra Pose

Even amateurs can achieve amazing results from doing this simple and easy to follow yoga pose, which tones the abs and firms up the butt.

•Lie with your face facing the floor, and the tops of your feet placed flat on the floor.

•Press your hips and legs down. Put your hands beneath your shoulders, fingers spread apart and palms down.

•Gently press into your hands, keeping your upper back and chest off the mat with your head lifted. Keep your gaze up and forward and your shoulder blades back and down.

•Push back your shoulders till you feel the stretch spread along the course of your spine.

•After taking a couple of deep breaths, relax into a prone position gently exhale.



2.Wind-Releasing pose

A fat-burning yoga pose that is ideal for dealing with your abdominal area.

•Lay down on the floor, bringing up your knees to your chest and your ankles close together.

•Clutch your arms over your knees together as your head is brought from the floor.

•Take deep breaths as you feel the stretching work on your abs, exhale and relax slowly.



3.Bow Pose

An advanced yoga pose that can really burn some fat while toning your abs, arms, and legs.

•Lay down on your stomach with your knees bent. Reach around and grab your feet.

•Pull your stomach in and extend your feet upwards, and at the same time raising the upper body. Make sure that your shoulder blades are kept back and down.

•Hold the position for a couple of minutes before relaxing.



4.Side Stretch Pose

This is one yoga pose that burn calories and increase your heart-rate.

•Stand upright with your feet wider than hip-width apart.

•Turn your feet to the right while rotating your torso. With your legs straight, hinge over your right leg and exhale until your torso becomes parallel with the floor.

•Hinge more with every exhale you make, moving the torso much closer to your right thigh. Keep breathing before relaxing and repeating the pose in the opposite direction



5.Warrior I Pose

This yoga asanas for weight loss can work on your arms, thighs, and abs, and is very effective when practiced as part of a sequence such as Sun Salutation

•Standing upright, move your left leg 5 feet to the left and rotate both your feet and torso towards the left.

•Bend the left knee over the toes while at the same time making sure that your right leg is straight.

•Raise both your arms above your head with your fingers pointing upwards, looking at your hands.