A USA TODAY bestselling author of over one hundred novels in twenty languages, Tara Taylor Quinn has sold more than seven million copies. Known for her intense emotional fiction, Ms. Quinn’s novels have received critical acclaim in the UK and most recently from Harvard. She is the recipient of the Readers’ Choice Award and has appeared often on local and national TV, including CBS Sunday Morning.
For TTQ offers, news and contests, visit www.tarataylorquinn.com!
Books by Tara Taylor Quinn
Harlequin Romantic Suspense
Sierra’s Web
Tracking His Secret Child
Cold Case Sheriff
The Bounty Hunter’s Baby Search
On the Run with His Bodyguard
Not Without Her Child
A Firefighter’s Hidden Truth
Last Chance Investigation
Danger on the River
The Coltons of Colorado
Colton Countdown
The Coltons of New York
Protecting Colton’s Baby
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Harlequin.com for more titles.