A big thank-you to my inspired editor, Jackie Cantor, for her insight into this book, and to Pam Barricklow and all the fantastic team at Berkley. Thank you all. And thanks to Amy Schneider for casting her invaluable sharp eye over the manuscript.
I also want to say a special thank-you to my wonderful US and UK agents, Patty Moosebrugger and Teresa Chris, for their support and guidance at all times—I could not ask for better.
Many thanks to Marian Churchward for plowing through my scribble and for staying calm while sharing Isabella’s hectic journey with me.
My warm gratitude to my friends at Brixham Writers for listening to my moans and feeding me tea and biscuits on demand. As always, it’s been fun.
Many thanks to Filippo Serra in Latina, one of the towns on the Agro Pontino, for showing me around the beautiful area and for being an invaluable fountain of knowledge about its fascinating history.
My thanks also to Leigh L. Klotz Jr. for his generosity in sharing his knowledge of all things Graflex—his passion for the camera is infectious.
Most of all, huge and heartfelt thanks to Norman for giving me the idea of setting my story in the Pontine Marshes in the first place—and for coming to explore them with me.