anti-inflammatory: A substance that decreases inflammation in the body.
antioxidant: An anti-inflammatory substance.
cholesterol: A molecule that helps our bodies function. LDL is the bad kind, HDL, the healthy kind.
chrononutrition: The idea that eating habits should align with optimum times in your 24-hour cycle for optimum health.
circadian rhythm: Your body’s clock, which operates in a 24-hour cycle and sends signals to help you sleep, wake, eat, and so on.
glucose: Blood sugar; the main energy source for your body to operate. But excess in your blood is bad for your body and brain.
glycemic index: A ranking of foods with carbohydrates in terms of how they influence blood glucose levels when eaten.
glycogen: A form of stored energy (converted from glucose) that your body can use if no glucose is available.
high-glycemic food: A food with a high score on the glycemic index, so it causes a rapid rise in blood sugar when eaten.
inflammation: A defense mechanism in the body designed to prevent harm that can do the opposite when present chronically.
insulin: Hormone secreted by the pancreas to shuttle sugar (glucose) from blood into your cells so it can be used for energy.
insulin resistance: When the body’s cells do not react normally to the presence of insulin.
insulin sensitivity: A measure of how reactive to insulin the body’s cells are.
macronutrients: The major nutritional building blocks in your body that you need in large quantities. These are protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
metabolic syndrome: A cluster of conditions marked by insulin resistance, high blood pressure, overweight, high blood lipids associated with heart disease, and diabetes.
microbiome: The bacteria in your body’s ecosystem, including those in your gut. This network is in constant motion, because the makeup of the bacteria is influenced by a number of complex factors, including what you eat.
micronutrients: These compounds are essential for optimal body function. You need less of these than macronutrients. Think vitamins and minerals.
phytonutrient: Chemical in plants believed to be beneficial for health.
salmon: Mike R’s favorite food (but if you’re reading the glossary you already knew that!).
suprachiasmatic nucleus: The area of the brain that controls your circadian rhythm.