Why are so many people coming back to alternative medicine now? Alternative medicine has been around for more than 5000 years and that is the reason why Indian, Chinese, Thai, Japanese and other old alternative medicinal sciences which are going to consist of herbs to cure diseases are coming back into vogue.
It is extremely surprising to see that a large number of alternative medicine cures are not being used by people, just because some research department somewhere decided that they had no proof that that medicine worked.
It worked 5000 years ago, but there is somebody, somewhere, would have decided that herbal mumbo-jumbo is definitely a heathenish practice not to be used by sophisticated modern scientific methods! Sadly, this is true.
But in Asia, many medical practitioners know that there are alternative traditional medicines like acupuncture, Ayurveda and other methods, which bring back the body's balance into normal healthy state. The idea is that the body, the mind as well as the spirit have to be in a balanced state, which is going to keep it in a harmonious healthy condition.
The idea of medicine used 5000 years ago was that one did not cure the external manifestations of the disease, but went to the root of the problem. Nowadays, unfortunately, that practice is not being followed, because the doctors are under the impression that an external cure, which is seen visibly is all a patient needs to be declared completely healthy.
Alternative medicine is going to make sure that a patient follows a special lifestyle, self-care, and preventive measures for keeping healthy, after the doctor has taken away all the necessary obstacles, which were making him sick. Thus, the patient reaches the stage of complete good health.
Up to the 19th century, people went in for herbal remedies, changes in lifestyle, and laxatives to get rid of their problems. Nevertheless, it was only after the Second World War that people decided that all these healing processes were manifestations of quackery and doctors needed to use insulin, streptomycin, penicillin, and other drugs to cure diseases, really fast and who needed the bedside manner? Besides this, they wanted immediate results. They really did not have the time and the patience to look for medical methods which would take a little longer for them to be cured completely.
That is the reason why, in the 1960s, Ayurveda, Chinese medical methods and other natural remedy practices, which were so en vogue, until that time, began to be termed as Alternative Medicine Practices.
So natural medicinal remedies began to go out of fashion. Slowly and steadily, more and more people began to start relying on drugs, which gave them quick relief, not wanting to know anything about the harmful potential side effects of drugs on a natural system, which could have cured itself, if left alone.
Thus, there was a slow and steady erosion of the natural cure practices and alternative medicine, which meant that the scientific curing methods took over from dietary advice, psychological manipulation and massage, which had been curing people for the last 5000 years.
Only alternative medicine practitioners kept up these practices. Mainstream practitioners call these practices fraudulent and ineffective. Nevertheless, alternative medicine is a powerful medical field, which still can cure patients, systematically, methodically and naturally.
Healthy eating habits, from childhood is going to help a child grow up into an healthy adult