
I asked a Korean friend of mine why she uses limes so extensively in cooking. She is well-versed in traditional healing methods, because since ancient times, Korean cooks were trained in the art of healing foods for different human “constitutions”.

She told me that the “Constitution” of a lime may be bitter and sour, but its “effect” is sweet. That is what allows it to cool down the effect of hot and spicy food, while being digested. And as her family just loved spicy food, she just added slices of lime to their plates and ordered them to eat up.

So like the lemon, it is excellent for your digestive system. People suffering from a hangover can be given plenty of lemon juice, the next day, instead of coffee. Coffee in my opinion may get rid of the hangover, because it is the supposedly well-known cure for clearing up your system. But just imagine all that caffeine overload. So the next time you partied a bit too well, get rehydrated, with lots of water and lemon juice.