
Turmeric – the poor man’s saffron is one of the most precious of herbs, known to mankind. For ages, it has been used to cure, as well as to add color to even the blandest looking dishes. Only the root of the turmeric is used in cooking and for medicinal purposes.

According to Ayurvedic, turmeric is the most valuable heal all to cure you. It is also the best preventative medicine. It is used as a stimulant and it has no “imbalance” side effects. So you can put a pinch of turmeric in your dishes, and it is not going to have any system upsetting effects of everyone partaking in the dish.

It is a pungent, astringent, bitter and heating Herb. It is normally used to help your digestion, maintain the bacteria in your interest, reduce the formation of gas and has a general tonic property.

It is also an excellent antibiotic. Down the ages, it has been used to treat coughs, wounds, cuts, burns, and even skin problems.

Bronchial cough, sore throats and tonsillitis can be cured, by drinking one teaspoonful of turmeric and one cup of hot milk boiled together for three minutes and gulped down with a spoonful of honey added.

Local over the counter natural herb skin creams in the Indian subcontinent have turmeric added to them. The only problem is that turmeric has this bad habit of staining everything with which it comes in contact.

So you can remove the turmeric stains from your skin by this method – people with a really fair complexion are going to be bothered about this, because it is going to give a yellow tint to the skin! – Just dip a cotton ball in a tablespoonful of milk, and rub off the turmeric. Easy!

If you do not have milk around, just use sugar water. And there you are, with soft turmeric free and healthy skin.

That is why I always put my turmeric in yogurt, whenever I need to apply it on my face to get rid of blemishes, sunburn and other skin related problems. This stops me from looking jaundiced. It also heals my skin.

Turmeric can also get stain your clothes, so the next time you find that big turmeric stain on your clothes, which is going to happen very often as a culinary disaster side effect when preparing something with turmeric.

Wash the clothes immediately with soap and cold water. The soap is going to turn that yellow stain into an orangeish stain. Put it in the sun to bleach. When it is dry, wash again with soap and water, and there you are, on the second wash, you are going to see turmeric stain free clothing.

You can also bleach out the stain, with white vinegar or lemon juice.

Do not take turmeric in large quantities, if you are suffering from hypoglycemia.

Cuts and wounds can be cured by mixing half a teaspoonful of turmeric powder and 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel to the affected area. I got rid of a fungal infection in the rainy season, with this mixture. In the same way, I have this habit of spraining parts of my body, being accident prone and often getting hurt in road accidents. So sprained legs and swollen parts of the body are par for the course.

So you are going to heal your body internally and prevent more internal injuries by drinking a glass full of milk, in which you have stirred in a teaspoonful of raw turmeric powder.

Also, apply a paste of water and turmeric directly to the injured regions.