saturday morning
Sulchuk held a crossbow, loaded and cocked. The limb strained. The string was taut.
With a mean shove, Sulchuk body-checked Armbruster out of his grip toward Woodrow, who was still bent over and focused on the wound to his eye.
Armbruster went sprawling, an awkward somersault of tumbling big man. He issued a grunting gasp as he came to rest in the dusty earth by the campfire ring.
Three against two, Allison figured, and the three might be in sweet harmony.
Three against two.
Sulchuk put the tip of the arrow inches from her face. The arrow was a three-wing broadhead fat enough to drop an elephant.
“Quite the little fucking mess,” said Sulchuk. He was breathing hard. His chest heaved. His hands were pristine clean like a secretary’s but any hint of corporate control had vanished.
“So Armbruster was setting you up?” said Allison, as cool as she could muster. “The so-called mountain lion attack was designed to bring you down—at least, your end of the operation. Did you know about the dogs? Was that the kind of hunting you were going to show Gail?”
Naming the daughter added extra pleasure, might make him pause before his next rash move.
“Hell,” said Sulchuk. He spat the word.
Armbruster made his way up to his knees, his back to them, but facing Woodrow.
“The hell did you do to my boy Woodrow?” he said.
My boy …
Armbruster turned to look at them. His jowls were puffy and red. His eyes didn’t settle on anything for long. He was jacked up.
“What else was I supposed to figure out?” said Allison. She’d take an answer from any source, whoever wanted to talk. “That there are two groups of hunters chasing Mexican immigrants out of the country?”
Armbruster stood slowly and turned, launched a prodigious loogie high and off to the left.
My boy …
Woodrow …
Wounded Woodrow …
Woodrow stood, gasping and making awful noises from the pain. He covered his bloody right eye with his bloody right hand, trying to staunch the flow. It wasn’t working.
There was something in the eyes and fat nose, a resemblance.
“Fucking mooches,” said Armbruster. Mooches like a growling bark. He walked back toward them, watching Sulchuk. “Mexico’s finest, crawling all over and taking our work.”
“Shut up,” said Sulchuk to Armbruster, showing him the crossbow. He gave Armbruster another shove back toward Woodrow, but Armbruster didn’t lose his footing this time. “I told you to shut the hell up, this is my deal now and we’re going to sort this shit out.”
Sulchuk must have surprised Armbruster and waited for his moment to get the upper hand.
Allison stole a quick glance at Colin, who was looking around for something useful. An angle. Anything.
“But Armbruster, your team or your side—whatever—didn’t approve of the whole hunting dog thing?” said Allison. She was trying to provoke Armbruster into talking. She wanted Sulchuk focused on him.
“That was beyond your standards?” she asked. “Beyond your level of acceptable? Or were you just trying to expose one operation so your so-called business could take over everything?”
“Hell,” said Armbruster. “Does it matter?”
“Shut the hell up,” said Sulchuk. He turned to her. “And you.”
“I can’t” she said. “I have to know—why me?”
Armbruster managed a laugh. “Come on now,” he said. “Your reputation. Knew you’d be compelled. Like a dog to a squeaky ball. You wouldn’t be able to resist.”
She’d been hoisted, so to speak, by her own curiosity. Coupled with a desire to keep the Flat Tops free of crazy shit.
“What about William Sulchuk?” she asked, looking straight at him, pronouncing the name right. Just the thought of it was enough to keep her riled up inside. “I still don’t have a clear picture.”
“I think everyone can just shut up,” said Sulchuk. “Just keep a lid on—”
“Yeah, tell ’em,” said Armbruster. “Go ahead.”
“Hell,” said Sulchuk.
“I think we are about out of time for questions,” said Sulchuk.
Colin looked like he was searching for an edge. He turned slightly to face her.
“Easy,” said Armbruster.
Colin shrugged, used his elbow to tap hers. He gave her a look like she was missing something.
“So Armbruster, how far did you have to bring the body? Two miles? Three?” said Allison. “Did you have a sled or a cart? And you couldn’t be heading down the main trail in the middle of the valley in broad daylight so you had to do that all at night. Long night, I’m sure. Who was he?”
“Another Mexican,” said Armbruster. “One of millions. One of hundreds of millions.”
“But you didn’t like—”
“No, you’re right. He didn’t like the sport of it,” said Sulchuk. “For crying out loud, him of all people, drawing the line. He didn’t think it was fair. As if it was fair when they all came across the border and jacked up our crime rates, starting milking the government hand-out system, made sure their babies were born here—all of that.”
A mocking tone.
Sulchuk cradled the crossbow like precious cargo, left hand too close to the trigger for any comfort. He scowled.
“From the moment they cross our border, they’re targets,” said Sulchuk. “They asked to be targets. So they get one last chance to run for it, one wee bit of hope. The illegal loser of the day gets picked by lottery—righteous, isn’t it?”
“But Armbruster wanted to expose it,” said Allison.
Armbruster shook his head. “Just business,” he said.
“Fighting over a government contract?” said Colin.
“Contract to manage the jail or help fill it, too?” said Allison.
“Does it matter?” said Sulchuk. “Armbruster wants a bigger slice of the pie so he looks for the tender bits and squeezes hard like a mother fucker. That’s all.”
Was Colin planning anything? He turned to look at her again and then he slowly looked back across the campfire ring.
Woodrow’s hefty handgun.
Sitting there, inert.
The new arrivals had overlooked it and Woodrow was too focused on his injury to retrieve it.
Woodrow had managed his way to his feet so he stood side by side with Armbruster. Woodrow’s face bugged her. Simultaneously homely and creepy.
“I’m bleeding,” said Woodrow. “It won’t stop.”
He doubled-over again at the waist, one hand over his wound. Blood ran down his wrist, streamed down his arm and dripped from his elbow.
Armbruster turned back to Sulchuk. “He needs a doctor.”
“Now,” said Woodrow. He tried standing up straight again, but it didn’t last long. “Shit. My fucking eye!”
“What are we going to do with them?” said Armbruster. “Here, give me my crossbow back and we’ll take care of these two first.”
There was no second or next.
“You know some spots,” said Sulchuk to Armbruster. “You know every inch up here.”
The whole thing came together, the curtain yanked back faster than twenty men pulling on the rope.
“So that was a temporary tattoo?” She said it casually. “Henna or something?”
The question caught everyone off-guard.
“Damn,” said Colin.
“The fuck you talking about?” said Woodrow. He spoke in full growl.
“Helluva shot from there,” said Allison. “I found your shells in the bushes. A flat-shooting load, right? Shot by a left-hander.”
Woodrow stood up, turned to face her with one good eye. Blood continued to gush.
“Hell,” said Armbruster. Looked at his boy. “For real?”
“Of course it is,” said Allison. “Face tattoo threw everyone.”
Armbruster turned to his son, not pleased.
“Was that henna? Few hours in a sweat lodge and a good scrub will take it right off,” said Allison. “Right?”
Woodrow smiled faintly—sheepishly—at his father.
“Shit,” said Armbruster.
“You hated Lamott,” said Woodrow to his father. “Much as anyone on the planet.”
“Hell,” said Armbruster. “You know what the fuck this means?”
“It means with your help they aren’t going to find me,” said Woodrow.
“Holy shit, we’ve got problems,” said Sulchuk.
Colin stood, sighed.
“Sit down,” said Sulchuk, showing him the crossbow.
“You don’t stand a chance,” said Colin. “Not a flipping chance.”
“Don’t make it worse,” said Allison.
There were plenty of spots in the Flat Tops that were so remote no random fisherman or hikers or hunters would ever discover their bodies.
Or bones.
Or ashes.
“You were taking a stand about the dog hunting—big point in your favor,” said Allison.
“Hell,” said Armbruster. “Now Woodrow here has gone and made sure every cop in the land will be on our trail. All that work. Nothing.”
“Think it’s already over,” said Colin. “If you think we came alone …”
“I’ve been watching this valley since dawn, don’t give us that crap,” said Sulchuk. “Shit.”
“It’s true,” said Allison. “They’re right behind us.”
Sulchuk held up the crossbow, the front of the industrial weapon like a Hammerhead Shark.
“Let’s get them out of here,” said Sulchuk. “First things first.”
Armbruster must have read Sulchuk’s intention. He went back to the rope, tied Colin’s hands behind his back, cut another length and then tied her wrists, giving an extra yank and pinch. Her skin burned where the rope dug in.
She tried not to look at the handgun, so close.
The horses …
If they left Merlin and Sunny Boy, it was too much of a giveaway.
But taking the horses was no easy solution, either. They could dispatch the horses in some remote location—perhaps—but you couldn’t exactly bury a horse the way you could two smallish-trim wranglers.
“We gotta take the horses,” said Sulchuk, a step behind her thought process. Crossbow in her face. “Where’s your horse?”
“Back,” said Allison, gesturing sort-of in the right direction. “Edge of the woods.”
Were Colin and Allison supposed to walk? Putting them up on horses would be faster, to get off the main routes, and they would all look more normal. But it would be hard to climb up on a horse with your hands tied behind your back.
They would have ten minutes or more in the broad open meadows around Lumberjack Camp. It was a beautiful, clear day. Lumberjack Camp was a tough place to be stuck with two hostages on the first day of archery season.
“Fuck,” said Sulchuk, perhaps realizing the same issues or perhaps not wanting to take the time needed to fetch Sunny Boy.
Armbruster and his boy stared at each other, loathing their mess. “What the hell,” said Armbruster, all his anger at his boy, squaring off, realizing the impacted dilemma. “You fucked this whole thing up.”
“No,” said Sulchuk, “you fucked things up with your whole scene up there in the woods.”
Father and son glared at each other and Sulchuk raised the crossbow and started walking toward Armbruster, who turned his attention to the bigger threat.
Colin gave Allison a minuscule high sign. He stood, hopped rabbit-like over the official camp sitting log and he was at a dead run into the thickest part of the woods, zig-zagging around trees. Allison was right behind him, but headed off and away at an angle, her last glimpse of Colin through the trees as she heard a crack and she turned sharply and weaved her way and heard the men call and she saw the edge of the woods coming up, wondering if it was better to hit the open country and give either one of them a chance to test their accuracy—or to stay in the woods and try to hide, buy time.
Maybe the sound was an echo lingering in the woods.
But there it was, a high-pitch buzz.
Steady. Purposeful.
The sound came from a bloated mosquito, circling down.
Allison stayed low, looked back over her shoulder on the edge of the woods and suddenly Colin was at her side like he’d slid down the tree.
“What the hell is that?” he said.
“Don’t know,” said Allison.
There were two people wedged on board the airborne apparatus, wingspan no wider than a standard-issue couch.
The person sitting in front wore dark sunglasses and his long dreadlocks flapped in the breeze. He was focused on the narrow trail that would be their landing strip. He feathered the nose up, slowed the flying bug even more.
The one in back she recognized.
Duncan Bloom held out his arm and popped up a thumb like he’d seen the whole show and approved of the outcome.
In the distance, cresting the ridge to the east, four backlit black dots and she caught the heavy whock-whock shudder of helicopters and they looked like they were coming fast.