Classroom Reading Guide


Chapter 1

What would you do if you were in a situation like Alex, facing a bullying situation?

Tell us about your first few days of school and how hard it was to adjust to a new environment.


Chapter 2

Why do you think it’s so hard for Alex to tell his parents exactly what happened at school on his first day?

Put together a description or a drawing of a robot you’d like to build. What would you want it to look like? What would it help you do specifically?


Chapter 4

Did you ever wish you had a superhuman power to help make something difficult much easier? Which power would you choose and why?

Is it right to use special superhuman abilities to help you play a sport better than you would without them? Why or why not?


Chapter 5

Do you have any sympathy for Flab, who alludes to his weight while speaking with Alex?


Chapter 6

Why do you think Dex’s mother suddenly paid so much attention to Alex after he mentioned his dad was an inventor?

Why was Alex’s dad reacting the way he did when he met Dex?


Chapter 10

Do you think it was right for Alex’s parents to hold off so long on telling him about his past and his parents’ secret lives? Why do you think they waited this long to tell him?

With that in mind, was it right for Alex to avoid telling his parents about what was going on with the development of his powers?


Chapter 15

After hearing Dex and Alex argue about whether it was morally right to use their powers during football games, did it change your answer from the question in Chapter 4? Explain why it did or didn’t.


Chapter 18

Dream up five more characters like Kenny, Dex, Sophi and Alex who have powers. What would their abilities be and what (animal DNA, robotics, etc.) would activate those powers?


Final writing exercise

What exactly do you think happened at the end of the book? Did Alex use his powers or not? Was it right for Dex to use his abilities when he realized Kenny had them too? Who was that mysterious man in the epilogue? Write a summary with your answers, along with predictions for what will happen in the next book in the series.