Angelic Manifestations
Well, my friend, I hope that by now you’ve discovered, through the glimpses I’ve shown you, how beautiful, how wondrous, and how majestic our archangel companions are. Helpful and compassionate, loving and wise, they dutifully walk beside us as our brothers and sisters in spirit, offering their guidance and careful nurturing.
So, no matter how you approach the angels, whether through clairaudience, clairsentience, or any of the myriad of intuitive gifts, know in your heart that your angels will never judge you or abandon you. They are steadfast and loyal to your spiritual cause—that is, to the divinely ordained purpose for which you exist in this reality at this particular time. I encourage you to reach out and invite them into your personal world, so that you may be able to truly enjoy their presence and reap the greatest benefit possible from all they have to teach you in this lifetime. I encourage you to open the channels to their beautiful radiance and their limitless love and allow them to inspire, hearten, and comfort you as you continue to walk this spiritual journey. Of course, they’re going to remain by your side regardless of your awareness of them, but imagine just how much richer each experience you have can be when you are open and receptive to their divine splendor.
You’ve no doubt tinkered with several of the exercises in this book before getting to this point, but long before the angels guided you to The Angel Code, you may very well have already been connecting with them. You just weren’t aware of it yet! I’ve had countless clients come to me after reading Azrael Loves Chocolate and say that they had been connecting with their angel guides all their lives, but hadn’t realized it until they gained an understanding of how the angels work and manifest in our reality.
So, to help you see the angels in action, I’ve provided the following Life Log. It’s a very general log designed to help you keep track of your connections and communications with your angels, ascended masters, and spirit guides. You can use it however you choose in your daily life, whether to record casual conversations with the angels or to call upon the angels for help working through specific situations. This log can also serve as a dream or meditation journal, if you choose. As always, you may want to photocopy the blank pages and keep them in a binder.
Remember, while you can always call on specific archangels that you’d like to connect with, each angel has a relevant time and place in your life. The focus of your log should be on building up your ability to connect in general. And as you write down your angel’s insights, along with any validation signs you receive, you will have documentation of the amazing growth of your intuitive skills.
And you will get to watch the angels’ messages manifesting in your life!
The more you engage with your angels, and the more you exchange with them, the better you will get to know … yourself. As you jump the hurdles of everyday life, journaling your connections will help you become less skeptical and/or bolster your belief. When validation signs manifest, journal the experience and allow it to serve as a building block of your faith. Faith not just in your angels, but in your own intuitive gifts—and in yourself as a child of God.
Life Log
Angel Encounters
Today’s Date _______________________
How are you feeling today? Check all that apply.
Describe your emotional state:
Why are you choosing to connect with the angels today?:
If there is a specific situation motivating you, what are your feelings toward this situation?
If dealing with a specific situation, are you held to any particular deadlines?
Nature of Connection
Attempt made to connect with _____________________ (Archangel’s Name).
Two-way connection established with ____________________ (Archangel’s Name).
Method of Connection
If “Other,” specify which method:
Desired Results
What do you hope will happen as a result of this connection? (Hold hope in your heart, but remember, we all must surrender to God’s will.)
If your desired result comes to pass (cause), what do you believe will arise from it (effect)?
If your desired result does not come to pass (cause), what do you believe will arise from it (effect)?
Your Angel’s Guidance
Write down the guidance or insights your angel offered. Be as specific as possible, and include any dates or numbers that seem significant.
Validation Request
Ask your angel to validate this communication by sending some sort of sign. What sign does your angel say to watch for?
How are you feeling now? Check all that apply, and explain.
Progress and Validation Updates
Record your progress (in life, or in a specific situation) as it relates to the initial angel connection documented above. Do this regularly, and especially when signs manifest that validate the communication.
Today’s Date _______________________________
Did you receive a sign? What was it?
Today’s Date _______________________________
Did you receive a sign? What was it?
Today’s Date _______________________________
Did you receive a sign? What was it?
Today’s Date _______________________________
Did you receive a sign? What was it?
Today’s Date _______________________________
Did you receive a sign? What was it?
Final Reflections, or Resolution of Situation