The Novels
1, Rudin
2, A House of Gentlefolk
3, On the Eve
4, Fathers and Sons
5, Smoke
6, Virgin Soil
The Novellas
7, The Diary of a Superfluous Man
8, Yakov Pasinkov
9, Faust
10, Acia
11, First Love
12, A Lear of the Steppes
13, Torrents of Spring
14, The Song of Triumphant Love
15, Clara Militch
16, Phantoms
17, The Dream
The Short Stories
18, A Sportsman’s Sketches
19, A Tour in the Forest
20, Andrei Kolosov
21, A Correspondence
22, The District Doctor
23, Mumu
24, The Jew
25, An Unhappy Girl
26, The Duellist
27, Three Portraits
28, Enough
29, A Desperate Character
30, A Strange Story
31, Punin and Baburin
32, Old Portraits
33, The Brigadier
34, Pyetushkov
35, Knock, Knock, Knock
36, The Inn
37, Lieutenant Yergunov’s Story
38, The Dog
39, The Watch
40, The Rendezvous
41, A Reckless Character
42, Father Alexyéi’s Story
43, Poems in Prose
The Plays
44, A Month in the Country
45, A Provincial Lady
46, A Poor Gentleman
47, Careless
48, Broke
49, Where It Is Thin, There It Breaks
50, The Family Charge
51, The Bachelor
The Criticism
52, The Criticism
The Biography
53, Turgenev: A Study by Edward Garnett