Bricks Without Straw
“There shall no straw be given you, yet ye shall make bricks without straw.”
—EXODUS 5:18
In the fifth chapter of Exodus, we have a picture of every day life, when giving a metaphysical interpretation.
The Children of Israel were in bondage to Pharaoh, the cruel taskmaster, ruler of Egypt. They were kept in slavery, making bricks, and were hated and despised.
Moses had orders from the Lord to deliver his people from bondage—“Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh—Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness.”
He not only refused to let them go, but told them he would make their tasks even more difficult: they must make bricks without straw being provided for them.
It was impossible to make bricks without straw. The Children of Israel were completely crushed by Pharaoh; they were beaten for not producing the bricks—then came the message from Jehovah.
“Go therefore now, and work; for there shall no straw be given you, yet shall ye deliver the tale (number) of bricks.”
I was told the story of a woman who needed money for her rent. It was necessary to have it at once, but she knew of no channel, she exhausted every avenue.
However, she was a Truth student, and kept making her affirmations. Her dog whined and wanted to go out, she put on his leash and walked down the street, in the accustomed direction.
However, the dog pulled at his leash and wanted to go in another direction.
She followed, and in the middle of the block, opposite an open park, she looked down, and picked up a roll of bills, which exactly covered her rent.
She looked for ads, but never found the owner. There were no houses near where she found it.
The reasoning mind, the intellect, takes the throne of Pharaoh in your consciousness. It says continually, “It can’t be done. What’s the use!”
We must drown out these dreary suggestions with a vital affirmation!
For example take this statement: “The unexpected happens, my seemingly impossible good now comes to pass.” This stops all argument from the army of the aliens (the reasoning mind.).
“The unexpected happens!” That is an idea it cannot cope with.
Think of the joy of really being free forever, from the Pharaoh of the oppression. To have the idea of security, health, happiness and abundance established in the subconscious. It would mean a life free from all limitation!
It would be the Kingdom that Jesus Christ spoke of, where all things are automatically added unto us. I say automatically added unto us, because all life is vibration; and when we vibrate to success, happiness and abundance, the things that symbolize these states of consciousness will attach themselves to us.
Feel rich and successful, and suddenly you receive a large check or a beautiful gift.