Appendix B. What's on the Steal This Computer Book 4.0 CD

This CD contains 648MB of freeware programs that you can copy, give away, and use to protect yourself against the latest threats on the Internet, including viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and spyware.

While the programmers who wrote these programs tried to do the best job possible, there's still a chance that bugs could cause various problems with your computer. If in doubt, test these programs on a computer that you can afford to mess up before installing them on a machine that contains valuable data. Neither the author nor No Starch Press takes any responsibility for the way these programs may work or behave.


All files on this CD are designed to run under Windows unless specifically labeled otherwise, such as (Mac OS X) or (Linux).

Many of these programs are compressed, as indicated by their extensions. You must expand or uncompress these programs before you can run them.