Once upon a time, a beautiful monster princess undertook an epic quest throughout the magical kingdom of Los Angeles. She slayed many dragons, was blessed with wisdom from her fairy godmother, and reunited with her mother, the long-lost queen. She also met a handsome prince, and they learned how to truly save each other—even when they thought they didn’t need saving.

After she returned to her village, triumphant, she partied until dawn at the Nikkei Week gala, surrounded by her wonderful family and all the love in the world. She and her fellow princess Eliza even did an impromptu judo demonstration at said gala—yes, in her giant princess dress—which many people recorded and posted, and somehow it went viral, leading to UCLA scholarships for both princesses.

There was much rejoicing throughout the land, especially since her handsome prince planned on staying in the kingdom of Los Angeles for months to come, shooting the starring role in his amazing new movie and visiting many enchanted alleys with her. And she and her mother could finally get to know each other as they were meant to.

The princess never thought her life could feel so full. So beautiful. So magical.

Just like a fairy tale.

And she lived . . .

She lives. Happily ever after.

Her story isn’t over yet.