Cognitive processing consists of the many different mental actions that a person uses to make sense of information that comes into awareness either through the senses or by retrieval from memory. Cognitive processing includes actions such as recognizing, thinking about, working with, or changing the form of information. New information must be processed before or as it is transferred into long-term memory for later use. Following are descriptions of some of the cognitive abilities involved in cognitive processing.
Along with the descriptions of the cognitive abilities are examples of tasks that involve them. This is not to imply that the cognitive ability discussed is the only one involved in that task, because cognitive abilities are not discrete. The innumerable functions that the brain performs are continuous and integrated; they have been defined and named, for purposes of research and treatment, by neuroscientists and physicians. As John Horn (1991) stated:
Specifying different features of cognition is like slicing smoke—dividing a continuous, homogeneous, irregular mass of gray into…what? Abstractions. Terms like reasoning and retrieval are used to indicate that a task typically involves more of one than the other, but the behavior itself is continuous. And there are many ways to slice the smoke to indicate cognition. (pp. 198–199)
For clarity, the tasks described here are related to the cognitive abilities that are most apparent. In their book CHC Cognitive-Achievement Relations: What We Have Learned from the Last 20 Years of Research (2010), McGrew and Wendling provide a synthesis of research that summarizes how these various CHC abilities are related to achievement.
Comprehension-knowledge, also referred to as “crystallized intelligence,” is typically described as a combination of a person's language development and the general knowledge he has acquired through life experiences and education. As such, it can be strongly influenced by a person's culture and values.
Language development includes a person's ability to understand language (spoken or signed) and the ability to use language to express himself. Knowledge includes declarative knowledge (knowledge of facts, or “knowing what”) and procedural knowledge (knowledge of procedures, or “knowing how to”). Examples of declarative knowledge include knowing math facts, rules of games, the location of India, the meaning of the word “rock” (and every other word meaning that a person knows), and why it is unsafe to swim in shark-infested water. Examples of procedural knowledge include such things as knowing how to drive a car, brush your teeth, apply math facts to solve an algebra problem, figure out the main idea of a passage in a book, or remove a spleen.
Knowledge and the ability to use language form the basis for new learning. People understand and retain new information more easily when they can relate it to something they already know. A person who has been to an aquarium or spends time near the ocean has a better foundation for understanding text or a lecture about marine life than the person who lives in a desert area and has no familiarity with marine life. A good fund of knowledge is also necessary for written expression. The more a person knows about a topic, the more information he can incorporate into a writing assignment.
Quantitative knowledge is a subset of comprehension-knowledge and includes all the information that a person knows about math, such as math facts and the concepts underlying math operations, algorithms, and algebraic formulas.
Comprehension-knowledge is organized, consolidated, and stored in long-term memory, “the mind's warehouse.”
Fluid reasoning is the ability to be both deliberate and flexible in controlling one's mental processes to solve new or unfamiliar problems. When using fluid reasoning, the information and procedures a person has previously learned may be useful but are not always sufficient to solve the problem, and so the person must apply logical reasoning in addition to any available information.
Inductive and deductive reasoning are generally considered the best indicators of fluid reasoning ability, although quantitative reasoning is also an aspect of fluid reasoning.
Deductive reasoning is the ability to start with given rules or a general statement and proceed in a step-by-step fashion to figure out the solution to a problem. Some examples of deductive reasoning are:
Inductive reasoning is the ability to perceive a pattern based on multiple observations or experiences and come up with a rule or generalization that explains them. Consequently, inductive reasoning is going from the specific to the general. Some examples of inductive reasoning are:
Reasoning is important for all aspects of learning, in school and in life. At a basic level, a student uses inductive reasoning when noticing that both sit and sack start with the sound /s/ and then figures out that the letter s says /s/. The student uses deductive reasoning when recalling the rule “s between two vowels can say /s/ or /z/,” and applying it to sound out “rose.” Both inductive and deductive reasoning are key abilities in understanding the scientific method, the reasons for the start of World War II, and why prejudice against an entire race of people or religion makes no sense. A student uses reasoning when reading, writing a persuasive essay, or, while watching a video, inferring a character's motives for committing a crime.
Quantitative reasoning is the ability to reason with numbers, the mathematical relations among numbers, and different operations to solve problems. The content of the reasoning process is quantitative knowledge. Problems that come up in daily life, and that do not fit neatly into mathematical routines and procedures that a person already knows, require quantitative reasoning. Examples include figuring out the amount of carpet needed to carpet three rooms of varying sizes, or how to apply IRS rules to a company's taxes.
A previous and widely held theory of memory is that short-term memory is a kind of holding pattern for information entering mental awareness; when other cognitive processes start to work on it, working memory takes over. Current theories of short-term memory hold that a person cannot maintain information in mental awareness without working with it. Even a task as simple as remembering a phone number for a few seconds requires some work (focusing attention on it and repeating it)—thus the more descriptive term, short-term working memory. Working memory capacity describes a person's ability to control attention, direct it to the information held in conscious awareness, and maintain it, while other cognitive abilities operate on the information. Using the phone number example, attention is focused on the string of digits while expressive language repeats it. Understood in this way, short-term working memory is a dynamic process, an operation performed on information, rather than a stable ability.
A critical distinction between short-term working memory and long-term memory is that short-term working memory is a dynamic process and long-term memory is a storage facility. As stated, information enters mental awareness through our senses or is retrieved from long-term memory. If no attention is directed toward it, the information dissipates immediately. Information is only available for conscious thought while short-term working memory is acting on it. When the process is completed and the information has been rearranged, combined with other information, or transformed in some way, it is either transferred to long-term memory for storage, or, if is no longer needed (e.g., you have dialed the phone number), attention is withdrawn, and it dissipates.
Short-term working memory is limited in capacity (the amount of information it can work on simultaneously) and duration (the amount of time before the information is lost); consequently, people whose mental processes can operate on the information quickly are at an advantage. Processing speed, then, acts as a catalyst for short-term working memory (discussed later). Some examples of the use of short-term working memory are:
Schneider and McGrew (2012) define long-term storage and retrieval as “the ability to store, consolidate, and retrieve information over periods of time measured in minutes, hours, days, and years” (p. 116). Information cannot be accessed while it is held in long-term memory. It first must be retrieved.
Learning is the process of understanding and transferring new information, or newly transformed information, into long-term memory. Efficient learning depends on different types of memory, including meaningful memory and associative memory.
Meaningful memory, used almost constantly, refers to information in which the parts are meaningfully related. A student uses meaningful memory to learn the cause-and-effect relationships among events in a country's history rather than as unrelated occurrences; the characters, plot, and outcome of a story; or a friend's account of her day.
Associative memory involves the learning of pairs of items until the presentation of one triggers the recall of the other. Associative memory can be used for pairing dates with important events in history, memorizing multiplication tables, remembering the names of two chemicals needed for a formula, or remembering the associations between the letters and their sounds.
Learning efficiency, then, is the ability to apply comprehension and various types of memory to transfer new learning into long-term storage.
Long-term retrieval is the ability to transfer information from long-term memory to short-term working memory, where it can be used. A key characteristic of long-term retrieval is fluency—the speed, accuracy, and completeness with which a person can retrieve the required information. Fast transfer of information from long-term memory to short-term working memory allows a person fast access to it for use in solving a problem or performing a task. Speed in completing these tasks frees up short-term working memory so the person can move on to other tasks.
The methods by which retrieval is accomplished take various forms; three of the more common are ideational fluency, associational fluency, and word fluency.
Processing speed is the ability to quickly and fluently perform relatively easy or over-learned tasks, especially when focused concentration is required. Once a person knows how to do a task, speed in the related mental operations facilitates its performance. As noted, because short-term working memory is limited in capacity and duration, speed in processing information makes short-term working memory more efficient. Number facility (i.e., the speed at which a person performs basic arithmetic operations accurately), reading speed, and writing speed are academic subskills directly related to processing speed. For example, once a student with fast processing speed has learned the multiplication facts and the steps for doing multi-digit multiplication, more cognitive attention is available for considering whether or not an answer makes sense. A student with fast processing speed is likely to become a fluent reader more quickly than a student with slow processing speed, because the first student will make automatic associations between the spoken and written words more quickly.
Perceptual speed is a subskill of processing speed; it involves a person's ability to rapidly and accurately compare visual symbols (e.g., letters, numbers, math symbols) and recognize similarities and differences. Perceptual speed is important in developing automatic identification of these symbols for use in higher-level tasks such as reading, writing, and math.
Orthographic processing is an aspect of reading and writing ability (Grw). Orthographic processing is the ability to form images in memory of the spelling patterns of our language. This includes individual letter forms and their orientation (i.e., which way they face), common letter combinations (e.g., com, -tion, -ed), and syllable types (e.g., compete has two syllables, closed and vowel-consonant-e). When reading, a person who has these patterns set in memory recognizes words and letter patterns automatically, facilitating recall of the associated sound and the ability to identify whole words instantaneously. A person with weak orthographic processing acquires sight words slowly and has to sound out many words, resulting in weak reading achievement and slow reading speed.
Orthographic retrieval is the ability to store orthographic patterns in long-term memory and retrieve them when needed, as in spelling. Moreover, once a person has retrieved and written a word, orthographic memory helps him determine whether the word “looks right.” For example, smoke and smoak sound the same, but only one is correct. Research in reading disabilities suggests that the academic skills of sight word acquisition and reading fluency are related to the cognitive abilities of perceptual speed, orthographic processing, and rapid automatized naming.
Visual processing is the ability to use mental imagery for a variety of purposes. Among the many aspects of visual processing are visualization, visual memory, and imagery.
Auditory processing incorporates a wide range of abilities involved in the interpretation and organization of different types of sounds, such as recognizing the type of sound (e.g., speech, music, traffic), perceiving patterns in sounds (e.g., music, rhythm, Morse code), and filtering out background noise. An auditory processing ability that is particularly important for academic learning is phonetic coding.
Phonetic coding is the ability to recognize and process subtle differences between speech sounds. People with poor phonetic coding have difficulty perceiving the individual speech sounds in words. Phonetic coding is not related to the ability of the ear to hear the sounds but rather of the brain to make the distinction among the sounds in spoken words. A critical aspect of phonetic coding is phonemic awareness, the ability to identify, isolate, blend, or rearrange the phonemes (i.e., individual speech sounds). A person may have intact language abilities but have difficulty identifying and manipulating the phonemes that make up words, often resulting in delayed reading and spelling development.
Qualitative information is obtained through observation of behavior during testing, analysis of task demands, and error analysis of responses to test items. Qualitative information, although not a score, is an important component for understanding and interpreting all scores obtained by the individual. Often an understanding of how a person obtained a particular score is as important as the information provided by the score itself. Qualitative information is one of the critical components of individualized assessment and is an integral part of the interpretation and reporting of test results. (See Table 1.1.)
Table 1.1 Hierarchy of WJ IV Score Levels and Interpretive Utility
Level | Type of Information | Basis | Information and Scores | Uses |
1 | Qualitative | Observations during testing and analysis of responses |
2 | Level of Development (Norm Referenced)—Provides a general estimate of an individual's level of development or achievement in relation to age or grade | Sum of item scores Age or grade level in the norming sample at which the median score is the same as the individual's score |
3 | Proficiency (Criterion Referenced)—Indicates the quality of performance on criterion tasks of a given difficulty level | Distance of an individual's W score (W Ability) from the median W score obtained by the individual's age or grade-peers in the norming sample (the reference score, or Reference W) |
4 | Relative Standing in a Group (Norm Referenced)—Provides a basis for making peer comparisons | Relative position (A transformation of a difference score, such as dividing it by the standard deviation of the reference group) |
1Equal interval units; preferred metric for statistical analyses |
The basis for qualitative analysis of a test is generally twofold: task analysis and error pattern analysis. In task analysis, the evaluator analyzes the cognitive, linguistic, and academic demands of the task, including the foundational skills and knowledge that the person needs to perform the task proficiently. The similarities and differences between the task demands, compared with the individual's demonstrated proficiency (or lack thereof) on each task, suggest the type of task demands that are either easy or difficult for the individual. In error pattern analysis, the evaluator examines the errors the person made and the strategy used in doing the task (possibly in lieu of the necessary skills) to discern the specific foundational skill(s) that has not been mastered.
Task analysis is frequently used to obtain information about an individual's skills and abilities other than the ability that is the intended target of the test or cluster. A test is designed to measure a certain ability or knowledge, but at times, one recognizes through more detailed analysis that the intended ability was not measured. As an example, the Short-Term Working Memory cluster is intended to measure the ability to hold information in immediate awareness while performing a mental operation on it. Low scores on Verbal Attention, Numbers Reversed, and Object-Number Sequencing might, quite reasonably, lead the evaluator to diagnose difficulties with working memory. Task analysis, however, shows that all three tests require the student to visualize numbers. Suppose that error analysis of Object-Number Sequencing showed errors only on the repetition of numbers but not on objects—a question should arise as to whether the problem is in memory or in the student's ability to visualize numbers. That question can then be answered by checking performance on other tests that require memory but not numbers, such as Story Recall, Visual-Auditory Learning, Sentence Repetition, and Memory for Words. In addition, Number-Pattern Matching, Calculation, and Math Facts Fluency would provide additional information regarding facility with numbers. Task analysis and error pattern analysis, then, can help evaluators to obtain valuable information that may require further investigation.
Level 2 information is derived directly from the raw score. This information indicates a general level of development or achievement and is usually transformed to metrics, such as the W score, that compare raw scores with those of age- or grade-level peers.
The W score is an intermediate score between raw scores and derived scores, such as standard scores, percentiles, and grade equivalents. W scores appear on the computer printout only if the examiner chooses that option in Program Options. The W scale is a special transformation of the Rasch ability scale and provides a common scale of equal-interval measurement on which both a person's ability and the task difficulty can be represented. The W scale for each test is centered on a value of 500 that has been set to approximate the average performance at age 10 years, 0 months. The W score for any cluster is the average W score for the tests included in the cluster. The W score is also used to plot the Age/Grade Profile that illustrates Development Zones on the WJ IV COG and WJ IV OL and Instructional Zones on the WJ IV ACH (see Level 3—Degree of Proficiency). Because the W scale is particularly useful for measuring growth, it can be considered a growth scale.
An age equivalent (AE), or age score, matches the examinee's W score to the age group in the norming sample with the same median W score; a grade equivalent (GE) matches the examinee's W score to the grade group in the norming sample with the same median W score. For example, if John's W score on Letter-Word Identification were 491, his AE would be 8–4 (eight years, four months) because 491 is the median W score of the group of children age 8–4 in the norming sample. All students, regardless of age, who obtain a W score of 491 will have an age equivalent of 8–4. Age equivalents are expressed in years and months, separated by a dash (–). For each test, the age scale starts at either 2–0 or 4–0 and extends to the age of peak median performance in the norming sample. Grade equivalents are expressed as the grade year and month, separated by a decimal point (.). The grade scale ranges from <K.0 (below beginning kindergarten) to >18.0 (above beginning second-year graduate school).
The WJ IV age and grade equivalents are structured so that the Reference W for both the age groups and the grade groups is the median W score of the age group. Every grade equivalent (year and month) is linked to an age equivalent (year and month) so that, regardless of the test or cluster, a GE will always correspond to the same AE. For example, the AE 13–3 is associated with a GE of 7.8. Table 1.2 shows W, AEs, and GEs for Molly and Duke.
Table 1.2 Comparison of Test Scores for Molly and Duke
Molly, age 12–4, grade 6.9 | Duke, age 12–9, grade 6.9 | ||||||
Test | W | AE | GE | Test | W | AE | GE |
Applied Problems | 510 | 13–3 | 7.8 | Calculation | 508 | 13–3 | 7.8 |
Although their ages and their W scores differ, their grade equivalents are the same because their age equivalents are the same.
Many teachers and parents misunderstand grade and age equivalent scores, thinking that if a third-grade child obtains a GE of 6.3 on a test, that the child is ready for instruction at that level. This is not true. For tests that have a form for each grade (e.g., high-stakes tests), the GE of 6.3 means that if a typical student in the third month of sixth grade took the third-grade test, the older student would be likely to obtain the same raw score (i.e., usually, the number of correct items). On the WJ IV, however, everybody in the norming sample, regardless of age, is administered the same test, so the younger student's score really is similar to a typical sixth grader's score. One must be cautious, however, in the conclusions drawn from this.
First, the ability to respond correctly to a sampling of questions in a specific skill or knowledge area does not indicate that a person has sufficient skill or knowledge to move into higher-level instruction or instructional materials. For example, Bella, in mid-third grade, obtained a Broad Reading GE of 5.4. However, Bella has not had the benefit of the two years of daily instruction that provides the foundation and context for what students learn as they advance, such as comprehension skills for long passages, strategies for organizing the information, and the use of different parts of a text. Thus, Bella is demonstrating advanced skills for third grade, but not readiness for fifth-grade work.
Second, when two students at any grade obtain the same raw score or number correct, one cannot assume that their instructional needs are the same. On the Calculation test, for example, one student might have made many careless errors but have completed more difficult computations, whereas the other has completed fewer less-difficult problems, but with greater accuracy. Consequently, the first student may need training in self-monitoring and the second may need help with certain algorithms or math concepts.
Third, if a person obtains a grade or age equivalent lower than his or her current grade or age level, one should not assume that instructional materials at the lower level are appropriate. A low GE warrants further evaluation or analysis of the current test results to ascertain the reason for the low score and to plan an intervention specific to the person's needs.
Fourth, consider the difference in curriculums. One popular math curriculum presents multiplication and division in second grade; another introduces them in mid-third grade. The grade equivalents based on the norming sample are not tied to any particular curriculum, so even if a child obtained a GE of 3.5 on the Broad Mathematics cluster, the curriculum used in the local school at the mid-third grade level may not fit the child's instructional needs. One cannot assume that the GE means that the student has mastered the skills or knowledge necessary to function at that grade level in the class curriculum.
The cautions in interpreting grade scores are the same for age scores. Grade and age scores are useful for monitoring growth from year to year, keeping in mind that, depending on the subject, the increase in skill or information learned varies by subject and grade level. For example, growth in reading skills from grade 1 to grade 3 is far greater than the growth in reading skills from grade 9 to grade 11. Growth in knowledge of world history, however, is considerably greater in high school than in primary school. For more information regarding interpretation of grade equivalents, see Cohen and Spenciner (2010), Types of Scores in Assessment.
Level 3 information indicates the quality of a person's performance on criterion tasks of known difficulty levels when compared with that person's age or grade reference group.
Before discussing this level of scores, a clarification of the terms mean and median as used in the WJ IV might be helpful. Whereas a mean is often described as an arithmetic average, the WJ IV uses an advanced statistical method (i.e., bootstrapping) in which the Reference W, sometimes referred to as the mean, is the median of multiple medians taken from a large number of resamplings of smaller groups of a population. The Reference W of each group (age or grade) in the norming sample is the reference point with which all of the scores are compared. Consequently, in the following explanations of the Relative Proficiency Index (RPI), standard scores, and percentile ranks, the words mean and Reference W are used interchangeably. The WJ IV Technical Manual provides a comprehensive explanation of the bootstrapping procedure and the construction of the WJ IV norms. (See McGrew, LaForte, & Schrank, 2014, pp. 71–86.)
The Relative Proficiency Index (RPI) is derived from a mathematical prediction based on the normative data. It predicts the examinee's level of success (quality of performance) on tasks similar to those tested. It represents a person's expected percentage of proficiency, based on his or her test performance, for tasks that the reference (comparison) group (age or grade) would perform with 90% proficiency. The RPI is recorded as two numbers separated by a slash (/). The first number is the examinee's expected level of proficiency; the second number is always 90, the criterion of mastery. For example, Jeremy's Word Attack score of 47/90 indicates that when reading unfamiliar words, Jeremy's proficiency is likely to be 47% when his average age or grade-peer's proficiency is 90%.
The RPI is based on the W difference—the difference in W units, either positive or negative, between the examinee's W score on a test or cluster and the Reference W (the median score of the reference group). For example, a +30 W difference would result in an RPI of 100/90, whereas a −30 W difference would result in an RPI of 25/90.
Test items do not increase in difficulty in exactly equal intervals. From item to item, the increase in difficulty level varies. Within a test, a subset of items that represents a period of rapid growth in a particular skill (e.g., basic reading skills from age 5 to 15) will increase in difficulty in relatively large increments. A subset of items that represents a period of slow or no growth in a skill (e.g., basic reading skills from age 15 to 25) will have smaller increases in difficulty between the items. The WJ IV Technical Manual (McGrew et al., 2014) shows illustrations of the growth curves for the cognitive, oral language, and academic achievement broad abilities (pp. 137, 139, 140). Accordingly, during a period in which a skill is developing rapidly, students in the norming sample are likely to have a wide variation in their scores (and proficiency), resulting in a large standard deviation. The larger the standard deviation, the wider the range of scores that could be encompassed by the middle 50%.
When interpreting the various WJ IV scores, consider that the RPI and standard score measure different aspects of performance. The RPI conveys the actual distance between the individual's score and the reference group median (in W units) and is not affected by the standard deviation. It displays the likelihood of success in similar tasks (i.e., the level of difficulty that the individual can manage) (qualitative) versus his or her standing in the reference group (i.e., where the score falls in the continuum of others at the same age or grade in the norming sample) (quantitative).
Table 1.3 shows the scores of a sixth-grade student named Leo on the tests of Letter-Word Identification (LWI) and Calculation. Note that above the double line, all of the numbers are the same. At Leo's grade level, both tests had the same median. He obtained the same W score on both tests, resulting in the same W Difference (491−515 = −24). Because the RPI is tied to the W Difference score, his RPI for both tests is also the same.
Table 1.3 Leo's Scores on the Letter-Word Identification and Calculation Tests (Jaffe, 2009)
Scores | Letter-Word Identification | Calculation |
W ability | 491 | 491 |
Mean | 515 | 515 |
W Difference | −24 | −24 |
RPI | 39/90 | 39/90 |
SD | 25 | 16 |
SS | 86 | 78 |
Figure 1.1 illustrates the relationship between the standard deviation and standard scores and the lack of relationship between the standard deviation and the RPI. Note that on both curves, the W units are in the same place but they no longer match the lines depicting standard deviations. Just like on a ruler, the numbers on the W scale do not shift position and always represent the same amount of change from one to another. The standard score numbers on the Letter-Word Identification curve are farther apart than they are on the Calculation curve because the standard deviation is larger—25 W units versus 16 W units. Standard scores are a function of the number of standard deviations the obtained W score is from the Reference W, typically called the mean. First, because Leo's W difference is a negative number, his standard scores will be below the Reference W. For Letter-Word Identification, Leo's W difference (−24) is smaller than the standard deviation of 25, so it is within a standard deviation of the mean, translating to an SS of 86. For Calculation, Leo's W difference is larger than the standard deviation of 16, so it is more than 1 standard deviation below the mean, and translates to an SS of 78 (Jaffe, 2009).
Figure 1.1 Comparison of Leo's Relative Proficiency Indexes, Standard Scores, and Standard Deviations on Two Tests.
Reprinted from ASB #11 Development, Interpretation, and Application of the W Score and the Relative Proficiency Index, by L. Jaffe, 2009. Retrieved March 1, 2015 from Copyright 2009 by Riverside Publishing Company. Reprinted with permission.
Note. When the size of the standard deviation changes, only the standard score changes. The W difference, and thus the RPI, does not change.
Some test developers consider scores within one standard deviation of the mean as within the average range, indicating that no intervention is needed. Consequently, based on his standard score of 86, Leo might not be seen as needing help in word recognition, whereas his Calculation standard score of 78 would indicate that he was having some difficulty. On both tests, however, he scored 24 points below the mean of his grade-peers in the norming sample, translating to an RPI of 39/90. So, in actuality, Leo is doing equally poorly and needs intervention in both academic areas.
Because the mean, or Reference W, is known for every test (by age and grade), once a person's W ability is known, a mathematical prediction can be made regarding that person's likelihood of success at the level of difficulty at which a comparison group will score 90%, the criterion for mastery.
Table 1.4 shows the ranges of W difference scores and the likelihood of a person demonstrating mastery on a task similar to the one assessed. The verbal labels describe the level of proficiency indicated by each RPI range and the level of ease or difficulty with which the student is likely to find the task. For example, a student whose RPI is between 82/90 and 95/90 is demonstrating average success and is likely to find similar tasks at his or her age or grade level manageable. Higher RPIs indicate increased facility with the task; lower RPIs indicate less facility and a need for intervention. Note, however, that the ranges overlap slightly. In each range, the highest RPI is the same as the lowest RPI in the next range, so that 82/90 represents both Limited to Average and Average. The evaluator must interpret these scores carefully. The student whose RPI is 82/90 is not likely to find a task as “manageable” as the student whose RPI is 90/90 or 95/90. Correspondingly, the student is not likely to find the task as difficult as someone whose RPI is 70/90.
Table 1.4 W Difference Values Associated with RPIs and Instructional Implications
W Difference | RPI | Proficiency | Instructional Implications |
+31 and above | 100/90 | Very Advanced | Extremely easy |
+14 to +30 | 100/90 to 98/90 | Advanced | Very easy |
+7 to +13 | 98/90 to 95/90 | Average to Advanced | Easy |
+6 to −6 | 95/90 to 82/90 | Average | Manageable |
−13 to −7 | 82/90 to 67/90 | Limited to Average | Difficult |
−30 to −14 | 67/90 to 24/90 | Limited | Very difficult |
−50 to −31 | 24/90 to 3/90 | Very Limited | Extremely difficult |
−51 and below | 3/90 to 0/90 | Extremely Limited | Nearly impossible |
Examiners may choose Proficiency as an option on the Score Report.
The Comparative Language Index (CLI), a unique application of the RPI, is available in the WJ IV OL when the three parallel English and Spanish tests have been administered (Tests 1, 2, and 6 in English and Tests 10 through 12 in Spanish). The numerators of the RPI from the Broad Oral Language cluster and the comparable Amplio Lenguaje oral cluster are represented in a ratio. For example, if Jorge's RPI Amplio Lenguaje oral cluster was 95/90, and his Broad Oral Language cluster was (15/90), the Spanish/English CLI would be 95/15.
A CALP score is provided for all of the tests that measure English language proficiency, if this option is selected in the online scoring. As with the RPI, the CALP level is based on the W difference score. Five CALP levels predict how the student will perform on English language tasks when compared with others of the same age or grade. As illustrated in Table 1.5, the scores range from a CALP Level of 6: Very Advanced—the student will find the language demands in instructional situations to be extremely easy, to a CALP Level of 1: Extremely Limited—the student will find the language demands in instructional situations nearly impossible to manage.
Table 1.5 CALP Levels, Implications, and Comparisons with RPI Levels
W Difference | CALP Level | Instructional Implications: The learner is likely to find the language demands |
+31 and above | 6 | Very Advanced | Extremely easy |
+14 to +30 | 5 | Advanced | Very easy |
+7 to +13 | 4–5 (4.5) | Fluent to Advanced | Easy |
+6 to −6 | 4 | Fluent | Manageable |
−13 to −7 | 3–4 (3.5) | Limited to Fluent | Difficult |
−30 to −14 | 3 | Limited | Very difficult |
−50 to −31 | 2 | Very Limited | Extremely difficult |
−51 and below | 1 | Extremely Limited | Nearly impossible |
The WJ IV Age/Grade Band Profiles are special applications of the RPI. These bands extend from −10 W score units (easy) to +10 W score units (difficult), displaying the range between an RPI of 96/90 (easy) to an RPI of 75/90 (difficult). The person will find tasks that are below the lower point of the band to be easy and those above the higher point of the band to be difficult. The length of the bands on the Age/Grade Band Profile indirectly reflects the rate of growth of the measured trait in the population. Long bands are associated with a relatively slow rate of growth, whereas short bands reflect relatively rapid periods of growth. For example, a narrow band for the Letter-Word Identification test indicates that growth is rapid at the student's age or grade level, whereas a wide band for the Word Attack test indicates that growth takes place slowly during that developmental period.
The Age/Grade Band Profile displays the practical implications of the test or cluster scores (in contrast to the statistical implications displayed by the SS/PR Profiles). The developmental and instructional zones suggest the level at which tasks will be easy for a person and the level at which they will be difficult. The Age/Grade Band Profile may be used to describe a person's present level of functioning. Evaluators should remember, however, that the Age/Grade Band Profile is based on the performance of students in the norming sample. One must consider whether the examinee's performance on a particular test is below, at, or above the level of achievement expected at his or her educational institution, as well as where his or her level of achievement is in relation to the WJ IV Age/Grade Band.
Level 4 information indicates relative standing in the group when compared with age- or grade-peers.
A percentile rank describes a student's relative standing in a comparison group on a scale of 1 to 99. The percentile rank indicates the percentage of people from the comparison group who had scores the same as or lower than the person's score. A student's percentile rank of 68 indicates that 68% of the comparison group had scores the same as or lower than the student's score.
Extended percentile ranks provide scores down to a percentile rank of 0.1 and up to a percentile rank of 99.9. A student's percentile rank of 0.1 indicates that only 1 in 1,000 students in a reference group would score as low or lower. A student's percentile rank of 99.9 indicates that only 1 in 1,000 students would have a score as high, or that the person's score exceeded 999 people out of 1,000.
A standard score describes a student's performance relative to the average performance of the comparison group. It is based on the average, or mean, score being assigned a value of 100, with a standard deviation, an indication of the variability of scores in the population, assigned a value of 15. The standard scores range from 40 to 160. Table 1.6 describes the standard score ranges, their equivalents in percentile ranks, and the descriptive label assigned to them.
Table 1.6 Classification of Standard Score and Percentile Rank Ranges
Standard Score Range | Percentile Rank Range | WJ IV Classification |
131 and above | 98–99.9 | Very Superior |
121–130 | 92–97 | Superior |
111–120 | 76–91 | High Average |
90–110 | 25–75 | Average |
80–89 | 9–24 | Low Average |
70–79 | 3–8 | Low |
69 and below | 0.1–2 | Very Low |
A z is a standard score that has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. A (+) sign means that the score is above the mean (e.g., +2.0 means two standard deviations above the mean) and a (−) sign means that the score is below the mean (e.g., −2.0 means two standard deviations below the mean).
The standard error of measurement is an estimate of the amount of error attached to an individual's standard score, or how much one could expect a person's obtained score to vary from the true score if the person were administered the same test repeatedly. The WJ IV provides the unique SEM associated with each possible score, rather than average SEMs based on the entire sample, a feature made possible by the use of Rasch scaling.
The explanations for the score terminology below are the same for both Variation and Comparison procedures.
The examinee's obtained standard score on a cognitive, oral language, or achievement test or cluster.
The standard score that the examinee was expected to obtain based on his or her performance on a specific cluster, composite, or a core set of tests. (See later discussion.)
The SS Diff represents the Predicted SS subtracted from the Actual SS.
For each age and grade group in the norm sample, a score distribution is created of the SS Diffs of all individuals with the same Predicted SS as that of the examinee. The examinee's Discrepancy SD is represented as a z score indicating the position of the examinee's SS Diff within this distribution—its distance, positive or negative, from the mean SS Diff of the group.
The Discrepancy PR shows the percentage of individuals (same age or grade, same Predicted Score) who had the same or lower Diff SS as the examinee.
If the user has chosen 1.5 in the Score Report options as indicating a significant difference, a Discrepancy SS of +1.5 SD or above is labeled as a significant strength, and −1.5 as a significant weakness. This type of difference would occur approximately 6 of 100 times. Thus, a Discrepancy PR of 6 and below would be a Weakness and a Discrepancy PR of 94 and above would be a Strength. A Discrepancy SD of ±1.5 is the default setting; the user has the option to change the level of significance.
The cluster score “indicates the likelihood, within a population, of obtaining a particular score or combination of scores” (McGrew, Werder, & Woodcock, 1991, p. 42). A cluster (or composite) score is not, however, the average of the standard scores of the tests that constitute it; rather, it represents an examinee's performance as compared with peers on the tests that make up the cluster. The cluster score is further from the mean, either positively or negatively, than the individual test scores that make up the cluster. Because it is more unusual for several scores within a cluster to be significantly above or below the mean, this occurrence is less frequent in the norm group. Thus, when a number of tests are below the mean, the cluster score reflects this infrequency by being lower; and when a number of tests are above the mean, by being higher. Because the WJ IV provides the same metric for both tests and clusters (e.g., standard score, percentile rank), people tend to notice differences between the test and cluster scores more readily than on tests that use different metrics at the test and cluster or composite level (e.g., scaled scores with a mean of 10 for the subtests along with standard scores with a mean of 100 for the composites). This phenomenon is also affected by the number of tests that compose the cluster and their intercorrelations (Paik & Nebenzahl, 1987). The lower the intercorrelations between the tests, the more extreme the apparent discrepancy between the tests' scores and the cluster score will be.
Types of Variations (see Tables 1.7–1.10):
The scoring program provides variations for cluster and test scores within each battery. Each variation is based on a comparison between the examinee's actual standard score on a test or cluster (the target test/cluster) and the predicted score for the test or cluster. The degree of difference between the actual score and the predicted score has interpretive value, even if it is not significant. Variations are also provided for comparisons among the academic areas of skills, fluency, and applications.
Each battery has a set of core tests, and each core test represents one type of ability. The predicted score for any target test or cluster is the average of standard scores of the core tests, excluding the core test that represents the same type of ability as the test/cluster being predicted. The predicted score is then corrected for regression to the mean.
For example, the core tests within the Cognitive battery and their representative abilities are:
If the variation were between Analysis-Synthesis and the six other cognitive abilities represented by the core tests, the Predicted Score would be the average of the standard scores of the core cognitive tests, excluding Number Series. Number Series would be excluded because, like Analysis-Synthesis, it represents Gf.
In Tables 1.7–1.10, the first column shows the core tests for the type of variation; the first cell in each row contains the test that would be excluded from averaging when compared with any of the target tests or clusters in the same row.
Table 1.7 Cognitive Variations
Test Excluded from Averaging | Target Test | Target Cluster | |
Cognitive Ability Core Tests | Oral Vocabulary (Gc) | General Information Picture Vocabulary Oral Comprehension |
Comprehension-Knowledge Comprehension-Knowledge–Ext Vocabulary Oral Language |
Number Series (Gf) | Concept Formation Analysis Synthesis Number Matrices |
Fluid Reasoning Fluid Reasoning–Ext Quantitative Reasoning |
Verbal Attention (Gwm) | Numbers Reversed Object-Number Sequencing Memory for Words Sentence Repetition Understanding Directions |
Short-Term Working Memory Short-Term Working Memory–Ext Auditory Memory Span |
Letter-Pattern Matching (Gs) | Number-Pattern Matching Pair Cancellation Rapid Picture Naming Retrieval Fluency |
Cognitive Processing Speed Perceptual Speed Speed of Lexical Access |
Phonological Processing (Ga) | Nonword Repetition Segmentation Sound Blending |
Auditory Processing Phonetic Coding |
Story Recall (Glr) | Visual-Auditory Learning | Long-Term Retrieval | |
Visualization (Gv) | Picture Recognition | Visual Processing |
Table 1.8 Oral Language Variations
Test Excluded from Averaging | Target Test | Target Cluster | |
Oral Language Core Tests | Picture Vocabulary (Gc) | Sentence Repetition Oral Vocabulary |
Oral Expression Vocabulary |
Oral Comprehension (Gwm) | Understanding Directions | Listening Comprehension | |
Segmentation (Ga) | Sound Blending Phonological Processing Nonword Repetition |
Phonetic Coding Auditory Processing |
Rapid Picture Naming (Glr) | Retrieval Fluency | Speed of Lexical Access |
Table 1.9 Academic Achievement Variations
Test Excluded from Averaging | Target Test | Target Cluster | |
Achievement Core Tests | Letter-Word Identification | Word Attack Oral Reading |
Basic Reading Skills Reading Fluency |
Applied Problems | Number Matrices | Math Problem Solving | |
Spelling | Editing Spelling of Sounds |
Basic Writing Skills | |
Passage Comprehension | Sentence Reading Fluency Reading Recall Word Reading Fluency Reading Vocabulary |
Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension–Ext Reading Rate |
Calculation | Math Facts Fluency | Math Calculation Skills | |
Writing Samples | Sentence Writing Fluency | Written Expression |
Table 1.10 Academic Skills/Fluency/Applications Variations
Clusters Usedfor Averaging | Target Test | Target Cluster | |
Cognitive Ability Core Tests | Academic Fluency Academic Applications |
— | Academic Skills |
Academic Skills Academic Applications |
— | Academic Fluency | |
Academic Skills Academic Fluency |
— | Academic Applications | |
Academic Fluency | Letter-Pattern Matching Pair Cancellation Number-Pattern Matching Sentence Reading Fluency Word Reading Fluency |
Cognitive Processing Speed Perceptual Speed Reading Rate |
The procedure for obtaining Comparisons (discrepancies) is the same as that for obtaining Variations. The difference is the composition of the Predictor Score. Whereas Variation predictors are derived from the average of scores of a set of core tests with the target measure excluded, Comparison predictors are based on a single score.
The targets for the Comparisons are clusters rather than individual tests. The comparisons show the degree of difference, if any, between the standard score of the predictor cluster and that of the target cluster. Five composites or clusters may serve as predictors: Gf-Gc, GIA, Scholastic Aptitude, Broad Oral Language, and Academic Knowledge. For four types of comparisons, the predictor is, simply, the score of the cluster most representative of the examinee's level of general cognitive abilities (i.e., Gf-Gc, GIA), Oral Language, or Academic Knowledge, corrected for regression to the mean. Scholastic Aptitude is somewhat different and is discussed next.
Table 1.11 Gf-Gc as the Predictor Composite
Possible Target Clusters | |||||
Cognitive | Oral Language | Reading | Math | Writing | Other Achievement |
Short-Term Working Memory | Phonetic Coding | Reading | Mathematics | Written Language | Academic Skills |
Short-Term Working Memory–Ext. | Speed of Lexical Access | Broad Reading | Broad Mathematics | Broad Written Language | Academic Applications |
Cognitive Processing Speed | Basic Reading Skills | Math Calculation Skills | Basic Writing Skills | Academic Fluency | |
Auditory Processing | Reading Comprehension | Math Problem Solving | Written Expression | Phoneme-Grapheme Knowledge | |
Long-Term Retrieval | Reading Comprehension–Ext. | Brief Achievement | |||
Visual Processing | Reading Fluency | Broad Achievement | |||
Auditory Memory Span | Reading Rate | ||||
Number Facility | |||||
Perceptual Speed | |||||
Cognitive Efficiency | |||||
Cognitive Efficiency–Ext. |
Table 1.12 GIA as the Predictor Composite
Possible Target Clusters | ||||
Oral Language | Reading | Math | Writing | Other Achievement |
Oral Language | Reading | Mathematics | Written Language | Academic Knowledge |
Broad Oral Language | Broad Reading | Broad Mathematics | Broad Written Language | Academic Skills |
Oral Expression | Basic Reading Skills | Math Calculation Skills | Basic Writing Skills | Academic Fluency |
Listening Comprehension | Reading Comprehension | Math Problem Solving | Written Expression | Academic Applications |
Reading Comprehension–Ext. | Phoneme-Grapheme Knowledge | |||
Reading Fluency | Brief Achievement | |||
Reading Rate | Broad Achievement |
Table 1.13 Oral Language as the Predictor
Possible Target Clusters | ||||
Oral Language | Reading | Math | Writing | Other Achievement |
Phonetic Coding | Reading | Mathematics | Written Language | Academic Skills |
Speed of Lexical Access | Broad Reading | Broad Mathematics | Broad Written Language | Academic Fluency |
Basic Reading Skills | Math Calculation Skills | Basic Writing Skills | Academic Applications | |
Reading Comprehension | Math Problem Solving | Written Expression | Academic Knowledge | |
Reading Comprehension–Ext. | Phoneme-Grapheme Knowledge | |||
Reading Fluency | ||||
Reading Rate |
Table 1.14 Academic Knowledge as the Predictor
Possible Target Clusters | ||||
Oral Language | Reading | Math | Writing | Other Achievement |
Phonetic Coding | Mathematics | Written Language | Other Achievement | Reading |
Speed of Lexical Access | Broad Mathematics | Broad Written Language | Academic Skills | Broad Reading |
Math Calculation Skills | Basic Writing Skills | Academic Fluency | Basic Reading Skills | |
Math Problem Solving | Written Expression | Academic Applications | Reading Comprehension | |
Phoneme-Grapheme Knowledge | Reading Comprehension-Ext. | |||
Brief Achievement | Reading Fluency | |||
Broad Achievement | Reading Rate |
For the Scholastic Aptitude/Achievement Comparisons, the predictor is the Scholastic Aptitude Standard Score (SAPT). Each of the six Scholastic Aptitude scores is a simple average of the W scores of the four Cognitive tests most highly correlated with, and thus, the best predictor of, the specific achievement cluster, taking into account changes in developmental level. Any tests that share content with the tests in the target cluster are omitted as possible predictors. The Scholastic Aptitude/Achievement comparisons are, perhaps, the best indicator of whether an examinee's difficulties in an academic skill are to be expected, if the cognitive abilities most related to that skill are at a similar level, or unexpected, if the cognitive abilities most related to that skill are considerably higher.
Unlike the other comparisons on the Score Report, the Scholastic Aptitude/Achievement Comparisons have four scores under the heading of Standard Scores: Actual, SAPT, Pred, and Difference. SAPT represents the simple average of the four predictor tests. Once the SAPT is corrected for regression to the mean, it is the Predicted Score (Pred). As in the other Comparisons, the Difference represents the Actual Score minus the Predicted Score.
Table 1.15 Scholastic Aptitude as the Predictor for Academic Achievements
Tests That Compose the Predicted Score | Possible Target Clusters |
Oral Vocabulary Phonological Processing Concept Formation Number-Pattern Matching |
Reading Broad Reading Reading Comprehension Reading Fluency Reading Rate |
Oral Vocabulary Phonological Processing Verbal Attention Number-Pattern Matching |
Basic Reading Skills |
Oral Vocabulary Number Series Visualization Pair Cancellation |
Mathematics Broad Mathematics Math Calculation Skills |
Oral Vocabulary Visualization Numbers Reversed Analysis-Synthesis |
Math Problem Solving |
Oral Vocabulary Phonological Processing Story Recall Number-Pattern Matching |
Written Language Broad Written Language Written Expression |
Oral Vocabulary Phonological Processing Verbal Attention Number-Pattern Matching |
Basic Writing Skills |
The following statements provide examples of ways to describe various test scores in reports. The clusters and tests will vary, depending on the cognitive, oral language, or achievement test or ability being discussed.
The following are examples of statements that can be used to describe Intra-Cognitive, Intra-Oral Language, and Intra-Achievement Variations.
Table 1.16 Description of Tests and Task Demands for the WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities
Test | Broad CHC Abilities Foundational Abilities |
Stimuli | Task Demands | Response |
Test 1: Oral Vocabulary | Comprehension-Knowledge (Gc) Vocabulary knowledge Word retrieval ability |
Auditory (words) | Knowledge of antonyms and synonyms | Oral (word) |
Test 2: Number Series | Quantitative Knowledge (Gq) Math reasoning Efficient retrieval of math facts |
Visual (numbers) |
Fill in the missing number in a series | Oral |
Test 3: Verbal Attention | Short-Term Working Memory (Gwm) Auditory memory span Familiarity with numbers and names of animals |
Auditory | Listen to a series of animals and numbers and answer a question | Oral |
Test 4: Letter-Pattern Matching | Processing Speed (Gs) Perceptual Speed Ability to recognize common letter patterns Rapid visual scanning |
Visual (letters) |
Rapidly locating and circling identical letters of letter patterns from a defined row of letters | Motor (circling) |
Test 5: Phonological Processing | Auditory Processing (Ga) Speech-sound discrimination Phoneme segmentation Phoneme blending Phoneme substitution Word retrieval Vocabulary knowledge |
Auditory | A. Providing a word that has a given phonemic element in a specified location B. Naming as many things as possible in one minute that begin with a specified sound C. Substituting part of a word to create a new word. |
Oral |
Test 6: Story Recall | Long-Term Retrieval (Glr) Oral language comprehension Oral language production Meaningful memory |
Auditory (stories) | Listening to and retelling details of stories | Oral (sentences) |
Test 7: Visualization | Visualization (Gv) Spatial relationships Visual discrimination Figure-ground discrimination Visual sequencing Visual closure Visual-motor |
Visual (abstract drawings and configurations of blocks) | A. Identifying the subset of pieces needed to form a complete shape B. Identifying the two matching sets of blocks within an array |
Oral (letters) or motoric (pointing) |
Test 8: General Information | Comprehension-Knowledge (Gc) Knowledge of one's environment and the world, generally learned incidentally Vocabulary knowledge |
Auditory (questions) | A. Identifying where specified objects are found B. Identifying what people typically do with specified objects |
Oral (sentences) |
Test 9: Concept Formation | Fluid Reasoning (Gf) Inductive reasoning Comprehension of complex syntax Classification of drawings |
Visual (drawings) | Identifying, categorizing, and determining rules | Oral (words) |
Test 10: Numbers Reversed | Short-Term Working Memory (Gwm) Familiarity with number names Possibly, ability to visualize numbers |
Auditory (numbers) | Holding a span of numbers in immediate awareness and then reversing the sequence | Oral (numbers) |
Test 11: Number-Pattern Matching | Processing Speed (Gs) Perceptual speed Experience with numbers Rapid visual scanning |
Visual (numbers) | Rapidly locating and circling identical numbers from defined rows of numbers | Motoric (circling) |
Test 12: Nonword Repetition | Auditory Processing (Ga) Speech-sound discrimination Short-term working memory Auditory memory span |
Auditory (nonsense words) |
Repeating an orally presented nonsense word | Oral (words) |
Test 13: Visual-Auditory Learning | Long-Term Retrieval (Glr) Associative memory |
Visual (rebuses) Auditory (words)—in the learning condition Visual (rebuses)—in the reading condition |
Learning symbol-word associations and “reading” aloud sentences composed of the symbols | Oral (sentences) |
Test 14: Picture Recognition | Visual-Spatial Thinking (Gv) Visual recognition memory |
Visual (pictures) | Identifying a subset of previously presented pictures within a field of similar pictures | Oral (letter names) or motoric (pointing) |
Test 15: Analysis-Synthesis | Fluid Reasoning (Gf) Deductive reasoning Short-term working memory |
Visual (drawings) | Analyzing puzzles (using a given code) to determine missing components | Oral (words) |
Test 16: Object-Letter Sequencing |
Short-Term Working Memory (Gwm) Auditory memory span Auditory sequencing Familiarity with numbers and animal names |
Auditory (words, numbers) | Holding a mixed set of numbers and words in immediate awareness while reordering into two sequences | Oral (words, numbers) |
Test 17: Pair Cancellation | Processing Speed (Gs) Rapid visual scanning Visual sequencing |
Visual (pictures) | Identifying and circling instances of a repeated pattern rapidly | Motoric (circling) |
Test 18: Memory for Words | Short-Term Working Memory (Gwm) Auditory memory span |
Auditory (words) | Repeating a list of unrelated words in correct sequence | Oral (words) |
Table 1.17 Description of Tests and Task Demands for the WJ IV Tests of Oral Language
Test | CHC Broad Ability Foundational Abilities |
Stimuli | Task Demands | Response |
Test 1: Picture Vocabulary | Oral Expression (Gc) Vocabulary knowledge Word retrieval |
Visual (pictures) | Giving the names of pictured objects | Oral (word) |
Test 2: Oral Comprehension | Listening Comprehension (Gc) Language comprehension Vocabulary knowledge Word retrieval General knowledge |
Auditory (text) | Completing an oral sentence by giving the missing key word that makes sense in the context | Oral (word) |
Test 3: Segmentation | Auditory Processing (Ga) Phonological awareness: segmenting words into syllables Phonemic awareness: segmenting words into phonemes |
Auditory (words) | Segmenting words into syllables and phonemes | Oral (word) |
Test 4: Rapid Picture Naming | Processing Speed (Gs) Rapid automatic naming Word retrieval |
Visual (pictures) | Recognizing objects, then retrieving and articulating their names rapidly | Oral (words) |
Test 5: Sentence Repetition | Memory Span (Gwm) Auditory memory span Oral language comprehension Oral language production |
Auditory (sentences) |
Repeating sentences that increase in length and complexity | Oral (sentences) |
Test 6: Understanding Directions | Listening Comprehension (Gc) Short-term working memory Comprehension of complex syntax Visual scanning of details in pictures |
Auditory (sentences) Visual (pictures) |
Listening to a sequence of instructions and then following the directions | Motoric (pointing) |
Test 7: Sound Blending | Auditory Processing (Ga) Phonological awareness: blending word parts Phonemic awareness: blending phonemes Speech-sound discrimination Auditory memory span Short-term working memory |
Auditory (word parts and phonemes) | Synthesizing language sounds (word parts and phonemes) | Oral (word) |
Test 8: Retrieval Fluency | Long-Term Retrieval (Glr) Ideational fluency Vocabulary knowledge Word retrieval |
Auditory (directions only) | Naming as many examples as possible from given categories | Oral (words) |
Test 9: Sound Awareness | Auditory Processing (Ga) Speech-sound discrimination Phonological awareness: rhyming Phonological and phonemic awareness: deletion |
Auditory (word) | A. Providing rhymes for target words B. Deleting word parts and phonemes from words to make new words |
Oral (word) |
Table 1.18 Overview of the WJ IV Tests of Achievement
Test | Curricular Area Foundational Abilities |
Stimuli | Task Demands | Response |
Test 1: Letter-Word Identification | Reading (Grw) Reading, decoding (phonics and orthographic knowledge) |
Visual (text) | Recognizing and naming printed letters and words | Oral (letter name, word) |
Test 2: Applied Problems | Mathematics (Gq) Math reasoning Computation |
Auditory (questions) Visual (numeric, text) |
Translating orally presented word problems into computations and solving them | Oral |
Test 3: Spelling | Spelling (Grw) Encoding Phonics knowledge Orthographic knowledge Visual-motor skill |
Auditory (words) | Spelling orally presented words | Motoric (writing) |
Test 4: Passage Comprehension | Reading (Grw) Reading comprehension Verbal (printed) language comprehension Vocabulary word retrieval |
Visual (text) | Reading a sentence that has a missing key word, then giving a word that makes sense in the context | Oral (word) |
Test 5: Calculation | Mathematics (Gq) Math computation |
Visual (numeric) | Performing various mathematical calculations | Motoric (writing) |
Test 6: Writing Samples | Writing (Grw) Sentence formulation Writing ability Visual-motor coordination |
Auditory (directions) Visual (text and pictures) |
Writing meaningful sentences in response to specific instructions | Motoric (writing) |
Test 7: Word Attack | Reading (Grw) Reading decoding Phonetic coding Orthographic knowledge (knowledge of non-phonetic word parts) |
Visual (word) | Reading nonsense words that conform to conventional spelling rules | Oral (word) |
Test 8: Oral Reading | Reading (Grw) Phonics Word identification |
Visual (sentences) | Reading aloud sentences that gradually increase in difficulty | Oral (sentences) |
Test 9: Sentence Reading Fluency | Reading (Grw) Reading speed Reading comprehension |
Visual (text) | Reading printed sentences rapidly and recognizing whether they make sense | Motoric (circling “yes” or “no”) |
Test 10: Math Facts Fluency | Mathematics (Gq) Knowledge of math facts Math fact retrieval |
Visual (numeric) | Writing responses to simple addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems as quickly as possible | Motoric (writing) |
Test 11: Sentence Writing Fluency | Writing (Grw) Sentence formulation Writing speed |
Visual (words with picture) | Rapidly formulating and writing simple sentences, incorporating a few given words | Motoric (writing) |
Test 12: Reading Recall | Reading (Grw) Reading decoding Reading comprehension Meaningful memory |
Visual (stories) | Reading brief stories and retelling the details | Oral (sentences) |
Test 13: Number Matrices | Mathematics (Gq) Math reasoning Computation |
Visual (numbers) | Identifying the patterns in a number matrix and filling in the missing numbers | Oral (numbers) |
Test 14: Editing | Proofreading Skills (Grw) English usage (capitalization, punctuation, grammar) Spelling |
Visual (text) | Identifying and correcting capitalization, punctuation, grammatical, and spelling errors in written passages | Oral |
Test 15: Word Reading Fluency | Reading (Grw) Reading speed Vocabulary knowledge |
Visual (words) | Reading rows of four printed words and circling the two words that go together | Motoric (circling) |
Test 16: Spelling of Sounds | Spelling (Grw/Ga) Spelling ability Knowledge of phonics and orthographic generalizations |
Auditory (letter, word) | Writing letter combinations and nonsense words that conform to conventional English spelling patterns | Motoric (writing) |
Test 17: Reading Vocabulary | Reading (Grw/Gc) Vocabulary knowledge Expressive vocabulary Word retrieval |
Visual (word) | Reading words and supplying synonyms and antonyms | Oral (word) |
Test 18: Science | General information (Gc) Science knowledge Long-term retrieval Vocabulary knowledge |
Auditory (question) Visual (text, picture) |
Responding to questions about science | Motoric (pointing) or oral (word, sentences) |
Test 19: Social Studies | General information (Gc) Social Studies knowledge Long-term retrieval Vocabulary knowledge |
Auditory (question) Visual (text, picture) |
Responding to questions about social studies | Motoric (pointing) or oral (word, sentences) |
Test 20: Humanities | General information (Gc) Cultural knowledge Long-term retrieval Vocabulary knowledge |
Auditory (question) Visual (text, picture) |
Responding to questions about humanities | Motoric (pointing) or oral (word, sentences) |
Table 1.19 WJ IV Cognitive Standard Battery
Test 1: Oral Vocabulary The test includes two orally presented tasks: providing synonyms and providing antonyms. ![]() |
Test 6: Story Recall (audio recording) The task requires listening to passages of gradually increasing length and complexity and then recalling the story elements. Martha went to the store to buy groceries. When she got there, she discovered that she had forgotten her shopping list. She bought milk, eggs, and flour. When she got home she discovered that she remembered to buy everything except the butter. |
Test 2: Number Series The test requires determining the missing number in a series of numbers. 4 7 __ 13 36 26 15 __ Test 3: Verbal Attention (audio recording) This test requires listening to a series of words containing numbers and animals intermixed and then answering a specific question regarding the sequence. 8 – dog – bird – 4 – 7 Tell me the number that came after bird. Test 4: Letter-Pattern Matching (timed) The test requires locating and circling the two matching letters or letter patterns in a row of six patterns. The matching pattern is a common spelling pattern. hc ch cc hh ch nh |
Test 7: Visualization The test has two subtests: Spatial Relations involves identifying from a series of shapes the pieces needed to form the whole shape. ![]() Block Rotation requires identifying the two block patterns that match the target pattern. ![]() |
Test 5: Phonological Processing (audio recording) This test is composed of three subtests: Word Access requires naming a word that has a specific sound in a specific location. Tell me a word that ends with the /k/ sound. Word Fluency requires naming as many items as possible that start with a certain sound. Tell me all the words you can think of that begin with the /f/ sound. Substitution requires substituting one part or sound of a word for another part to create a new word. Change the /b/ in belt to /f/. |
Test 8: General Information This test includes two tasks: identifying where specified objects would usually be found and telling what people would usually do with a specified object. What do people usually do with a ladder? Where would you usually find eyeglasses? Test 9: Concept Formation The task involves identifying and stating what is different about drawings that are inside a box from those that are outside the box. ![]() Correct response: little and two (The drawings inside the box are little and have two of each.) Test 10: Numbers Reversed (audio recording) Contains series of from 2 to 7 digits to be repeated in reverse order. Item: 7–2–3–5 Correct: 5–3–2–7 |
Mather, N., & Jaffe, L. E. (2016). Woodcock-Johnson IV: Reports, Recommendations, and Strategies (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. |
Table 1.20 Example Items for the WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities: Extended Battery
Test 11: Number-Pattern Matching (timed) The task is to match two identical numbers in a row. Numbers range from 1 to 3 digits. ![]() Test 12: Nonword Repetition (audio recording) This task requires listening to a nonsense word and then repeating the nonsense word exactly. clib tasiona Test 13: Visual-Auditory Learning The test simulates a learning-to-read process. The task is to learn the association between a series of words and symbols and then “read” phrases and sentences composed of the symbols. ![]() (This man is by the house.) ![]() (He is happy.) |
Test 15: Analysis-Synthesis The task requires using a colored key to analyze the components of an incomplete logic puzzle and name the colors of the empty squares. ![]() Test 16: Object–Number Sequencing (audio recording) The task requires listening to a series of mixed words and numbers and then repeating first the words and then the numbers. Item: boy – 1 – 4 – soap – 6 Correct: boy – soap – 1 – 4 – 6 |
Test 14: Picture Recognition The task is to look at a set of pictures and then identify the ones that were seen when shown a larger set of pictures. ![]() ![]() Which two did you see? |
Test 17: Pair Cancellation (timed) The task requires scanning rows of three pictures (e.g., hot air balloon, leaf, balloon) repeated in random order and circling each instance of the target pair (e.g., hot air balloon, leaf). ![]() |
Test 18: Memory for Words (audio recording) The task requires repeating a list of unrelated words in the correct sequence. Repeat what I say: ruler, book, what |
Mather, N., & Jaffe, L. E. (2016). Woodcock-Johnson IV: Reports, Recommendations, and Strategies (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. |
Table 1.21 Example Items for the WJ IV Tests of Oral Language
Test 1: Picture Vocabulary The task requires naming common to less familiar pictured objects. What is this person holding? ![]() (Correct: gavel) Test 2: Oral Comprehension (audio recording) The task requires listening to short passages and then supplying the missing final word. Without a doubt, his novels are more complex than the novels of many other contemporary ___. (Correct: writers, novelists, authors) Test 3: Segmentation This task requires breaking apart the sounds in words, moving from compound words to syllables to individual speech sounds. rain – coat com-pu-ter /s/ /u / /n/ |
Test 6: Understanding Directions (audio recording) The task requires pointing to objects in a picture after listening to instructions that increase in length and linguistic complexity. ![]() Point to the man on the bike. Go. Point to car in the intersection after you point to one of the flying birds. Go. Before you point to the tallest building, point to the tree closest to a corner. Go. |
Test 4: Rapid Picture Naming (timed) The task requires naming, as rapidly as possible, pictures of common objects presented in rows. ![]() |
Test 7: Sound Blending (audio recording) The task requires blending a series of orally presented sounds (syllables and/or phonemes) into whole words. /b/a/s/k/e/t/ would be “basket.” |
Test 5: Sentence Repetition (audio recording) The task requires exact repetition of sentences that increase in length and complexity. She got a bike. The tickets for the show were all sold out. |
Test 8: Retrieval Fluency (timed) The task is to name as many items in a given category as possible in 1 minute. Three categories are presented. Name different things that you can wear. Name them as fast as you can. Begin. |
Test 9: Sound Awareness (audio recording) The task includes two measures of phonological awareness (rhyming and deletion). Tell me a word that rhymes with goat. (rhyming) Say the word “cat” without the /k/ sound. (deletion) |
Mather, N., & Jaffe, L. E. (2016). Woodcock-Johnson IV: Reports, Recommendations, and Strategies (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. |
Table 1.22 Example Items for the WJ IV Tests of Achievement: Standard Battery
Test 1: Letter-Word Identification The task requires identifying and pronouncing individual letters and words. g r cat palm |
Test 7: Word Attack The task requires pronouncing nonwords that conform to English spelling rules. flib bungic |
Test 2: Applied Problems The task involves analyzing and solving practical math problems. Bill had $7.00. He bought a ball for $3.95 and a comb for $1.20. How much money did he have left? |
Test 8: Oral Reading The task requires reading a series of sentences that gradually increase in complexity. The flower was red. The geranium was blooming. |
Test 3: Spelling The task requires the written spelling of words presented orally. Spell the word “horn.” She played the horn in the band. Horn. |
Test 9: Sentence Reading Fluency The task requires rapidly reading and comprehending simple sentences. The sky is green. Y ![]() You can sit on a chair. ![]() A bird has four wings. Y ![]() |
Test 4: Passage Comprehension The task requires reading a short passage silently and then supplying a key missing word. The boy ______ off his bike. (Correct: fell, jumped) The book is one of a series of over eighty volumes. Each volume is designed to provide convenient ______ to a wide range of carefully selected articles. (Correct: access) |
Test 10: Math Facts Fluency The task requires rapid calculation of simple, single-digit addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts. 2 5 6 + 3 − 3 × 7 |
Test 5: Calculation The task includes math computations from simple addition facts to complex equations. 2 + 4 = 3x + 3y = 15 |
Test 11: Sentence Writing Fluency The task requires quickly formulating and writing simple sentences using three given words and a picture prompt. ![]() |
Test 6: Writing Samples The task requires writing sentences in response to a variety of demands. The sentences are evaluated based on the quality of expression. Write a good sentence that describes your favorite snack._________________________________ _________________________________ |
Mather, N., & Jaffe, L. E. (2016). Woodcock-Johnson IV: Reports, Recommendations, and Strategies (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. |
Table 1.23 Example Items for the WJ IV Tests of Academic Achievement: Extended Battery
Test 12: Reading Recall The task requires reading passages of gradually increasing length and complexity and recalling the story elements. John went to the zoo on Saturday. He saw lots of animals, including elephants, monkeys, and giraffes. |
Test 17: Reading Vocabulary The test involves reading words for two different tasks: providing synonyms and providing antonyms. cab (taxi) house (home) |
Test 13: Number Matrices This task requires identifying a missing number in a number matrix. ![]() |
Test 18: Science The task involves answering questions about curricular knowledge in various areas of the biological and physical sciences. What is the planet closest to Earth? What is a neutron? |
Test 14: Editing The task requires identifying and correcting errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or word usage in short typed passages. Bobby's face was so sunburned, it looked like he had fell into a bucket of red paint. (Correct: fallen) |
Test 19: Social Studies The task involves answering questions about curricular knowledge of history, geography, government, and economics. Who was the first president of the United States? What is it called when a society or government is run by the wealthiest people? |
Test 15: Word Reading Fluency This task requires quickly reading rows of words and circling the two words that go together. red tree blue pencil wheel show apple tire |
Test 20: Humanities The task involves answering questions about art, music, and literature. What is the setting of a story? On a musical scale, how many notes are in an octave? |
Test 16: Spelling of Sounds (audio recording) The task requires the written spelling of nonwords according to English spelling rules. barchessmuff |
Mather, N., & Jaffe, L. E. (2016). Woodcock-Johnson IV: Reports, Recommendations, and Strategies (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.. |
Figure 1.2 Normal Curve with Score Equivalents
Table 1.24 Various Types of Scores with Their Means and Standard Deviations
Score | Mean | SD |
Deviation IQ | 100 | 15 |
Percentile | 50 | NA |
Z score | 0.00 | 1.00 |
Scaled score | 10 | 3 |
T score | 50 | 10 |
GRE-like score | 500 | 100 |
Table 1.25 Score Equivalents and Classification Labels
WJ IV Classifications | Deviation IQ Score | Percentile Rank | Z Score | Scaled Score | T Score | Stanine | Wechsler Classifications |
Very Superior | 145 | 99.9 | +3.00 | 19 | 80 | Extremely High | |
144 | 99.8 | +2.93 | |||||
143 | 99.8 | +2.87 | |||||
142 | 99.7 | +2.80 | 78 | ||||
141 | 99.7 | +2.73 | |||||
140 | 99.6 | +2.67 | 18 | 77 | |||
139 | 99.5 | +2.60 | |||||
138 | 99 | +2.53 | 10 | ||||
137 | 99 | +2.47 | 75 | ||||
136 | 99 | +2.40 | |||||
135 | 99 | +2.33 | 17 | 73 | |||
134 | 99 | +2.27 | |||||
133 | 99 | +2.20 | 72 | ||||
132 | 98 | +2.13 | |||||
131 | 98 | +2.07 | |||||
Superior | 130 | 98 | +2.00 | 16 | 70 | 9 | |
129 | 97 | +1.93 | Very High | ||||
128 | 97 | +1.87 | 68 | ||||
127 | 96 | +1.80 | |||||
126 | 96 | +1.73 | |||||
125 | 95 | +1.67 | 15 | 67 | |||
124 | 95 | +1.60 | |||||
123 | 94 | +1.53 | 65 | 8 | |||
122 | 93 | +1.47 | |||||
121 | 92 | +1.40 | |||||
High Average | 120 | 91 | +1.33 | 14 | 63 | ||
119 | 90 | +1.27 | High Average | ||||
118 | 88 | +1.20 | 62 | ||||
117 | 87 | +1.13 | |||||
116 | 86 | +1.07 | |||||
115 | 84 | +1.00 | 13 | 7 | |||
114 | 82 | +0.93 | |||||
113 | 81 | +0.87 | 58 | ||||
112 | 79 | +0.80 | |||||
111 | 77 | +0.73 | |||||
Average | 110 | 75 | +0.67 | 12 | 57 | ||
109 | 73 | +0.60 | Average | ||||
108 | 70 | +0.53 | 55 | 6 | |||
107 | 68 | +0.47 | |||||
106 | 66 | +0.40 | |||||
105 | 63 | +0.33 | 11 | 53 | |||
104 | 61 | +0.27 | |||||
103 | 58 | +0.20 | |||||
102 | 55 | +0.13 | 52 | ||||
101 | 53 | +0.07 | |||||
100 | 50 | 0.00 | 10 | 50 | 5 | ||
99 | 47 | −0.07 | |||||
98 | 45 | −0.13 | 48 | ||||
97 | 42 | −0.20 | |||||
96 | 39 | −0.27 | |||||
95 | 37 | −0.33 | 9 | 47 | |||
94 | 34 | −0.40 | |||||
93 | 32 | −0.47 | 45 | 4 | |||
92 | 30 | −0.53 | |||||
91 | 27 | −0.60 | |||||
90 | 25 | −0.67 | 8 | 43 | |||
Low Average | 89 | 23 | −0.73 | Low Average | |||
88 | 21 | −0.80 | 42 | ||||
87 | 19 | −0.87 | |||||
86 | 18 | −0.93 | |||||
85 | 16 | −1.00 | 7 | 40 | 3 | ||
84 | 14 | −1.07 | |||||
83 | 13 | −1.13 | 38 | ||||
82 | 12 | −1.20 | |||||
81 | 10 | −1.27 | |||||
80 | 9 | −1.33 | 6 | 37 | 2 | ||
Low | 79 | 8 | −1.40 | Very Low | |||
78 | 7 | −1.47 | 35 | 2 | |||
77 | 6 | −1.53 | |||||
76 | 5 | −1.60 | |||||
75 | 5 | −1.67 | 5 | 33 | |||
74 | 4 | −1.73 | |||||
73 | 4 | −1.80 | 32 | ||||
72 | 3 | −1.87 | |||||
71 | 3 | −1.93 | |||||
70 | 2 | −2.00 | 4 | 30 | 1 | ||
Very Low | 69 | 2 | −2.07 | Extremely Low | |||
68 | 2 | −2.13 | 28 | ||||
67 | 1 | −2.20 | |||||
66 | 1 | −2.27 | |||||
65 | 1 | −2.33 | 3 | 27 | |||
64 | 1 | −2.40 | |||||
63 | 1 | −2.47 | 25 | ||||
62 | 1 | −2.53 | |||||
61 | 0.5 | −2.60 | |||||
60 | 0.4 | −2.67 | 2 | 23 | |||
59 | 0.3 | −2.73 | |||||
58 | 0.3 | −2.80 | 22 | ||||
57 | 0.2 | −2.87 | |||||
56 | 0.2 | −2.93 | |||||
55 | 0.1 | −3.00 | 1 | 20 |
Table 1.26 Average Grade Placement for Age
Yrs.-Mos. | Average Grade Placement | Yrs.-Mos. | Average Grade Placement | Yrs.-Mos. | Average Grade Placement | ||
5–1 5–2 5–3 5–4 5–5 |
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 |
9–6 9–7 9–8 9–9 9–10 9–11 |
4.2 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.4 4.5 |
14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 |
8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 9.0 |
5–6 5–7 5–8 5–9 5–10 5–11 |
0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 |
10–0 10–1 10–2 10–3 10–4 10–5 |
4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 |
14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 14.10 14.11 |
9.1 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.3 9.4 |
6–0 6–1 6–2 6–3 6–4 6–5 |
0.7 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 |
10–6 10–7 10–8 10–9 10–10 10–11 |
5.2 5.3 5.3 5.4 5.4 5.5 |
15–0 15–1 15–2 15–3 15–4 15–5 |
9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 10.0 |
6–6 6–7 6–8 6–9 6–10 6–11 |
1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 |
11–0 11–1 11–2 11–3 11–4 11–5 |
5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 |
15–6 15–7 15–8 15–9 15–10 15–11 |
10.1 10.2 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.4 |
7–0 7–1 7–2 7–3 7–4 7–5 |
1.6 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 |
11–6 11–7 11–8 11–9 11–10 11–11 |
6.1 6.2 6.2 6.3 6.3 6.4 |
16–0 16–1 16–2 16–3 16–4 16–5 |
10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 11.0 11.1 |
7–6 7–7 7–8 7–9 7–10 7–11 |
2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.5 |
12–0 12–1 12–2 12–3 12–4 12–5 |
6.5 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.9 7.0 |
16–6 16–7 16–8 16–9 16–10 16–11 |
11.2 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 |
8–0 8–1 8–2 8–3 8–4 8–5 |
2.6 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.1 |
12–6 12–7 12–8 12–9 12–10 12–11 |
7.1 7.2 7.2 7.3 7.3 7.4 |
17–0 17–1 17–2 17–3 17–4 17–5 |
11.8 11.9 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 |
8–6 8–7 8–8 8–9 8–10 8–11 |
3.2 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.5 |
13–0 13–1 13–2 13–3 13–4 13–5 |
7.5 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0 8.1 |
17–6 17–7 17–8 17–9 17–10 17–11 |
12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 |
9–0 9–1 9–2 9–3 9–4 9–5 |
3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 |
13–6 13–7 13–8 13–9 13–10 13–11 |
8.2 8.2 8.2 8.3 8.3 8.4 |
From: Woodcock, R. W., & Johnson, M. B. (1977). Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery (p. 120). Itasca, IL: Riverside Publishing. |
The following section provides examples of basic tips to facilitate accurate interpretation of the test results, followed by specific examples of possible cluster and test comparisons.
If significant discrepancies exist between or among the individual test scores within a factor or cluster, report performance on the narrow abilities and, using task analysis and other test results, attempt to explain the reason or reasons for the difference between the scores. Also consider how this information may alter interpretation or use of the factor/cluster score.
Example: Alyssa's Cognitive Processing Speed cluster score fell in the Low Average range with Pair Cancellation in the average range and Letter-Pattern Matching in the very low range. Further testing shows that the Perceptual Speed cluster is also in the Low Average range, with a similar split between Number-Pattern Matching (average) and Letter-Pattern Matching. Spelling is in the Low range. The evaluator hypothesizes that, despite the cluster scores, Alyssa's actual cognitive processing speed and perceptual speed are Average, but that orthographic processing (recognition of common letter patterns) is deficient. Qualitative analysis of spelling reinforces this hypothesis, as Alyssa has made errors only on words that are not spelled as they sound, and those she has spelled phonetically (e.g., thay, jumpt). Further analysis of reading errors and reading speed could confirm this hypothesis.
Look for any similarities and differences between and among the task demands and subskills required by the tests on which the student performed well, as well as similarities between and among the tests on which the examinee performed poorly. Also examine the types of errors made on test items, determine whether a pattern of errors exists, and note any strategies the examinee used. Based on these comparisons, attempt to determine the narrow abilities that appear strong throughout testing and those that appear weak. For examples, see Specific Comparisons, in the following section.
When making determinations about cognitive, oral language, or academic strengths and weaknesses, check both Relative Performance Indices (RPIs) and peer comparison scores (standard scores and percentile ranks). Both provide valuable, but different, types of information. Although standard scores might be necessary for making eligibility decisions, the RPIs are more indicative of the level of ease or difficulty that the student actually has with the task.
While testing, take notes regarding difficulties with attention, impulse control, persistence, activity level, fatigue, and any other behaviors that might affect test performance. Low scores on tests in which the student displays these behaviors may be more indicative of primary emotional or behavioral issues (e.g., test anxiety, poor attention, depression) than of weaknesses in the assessed skills. Also, if attention is a problem, note the tests during which a student's inattentive behaviors increase. These may be tests requiring the skills that are most difficult for the student. Review your notes and your responses on the Test Session Observation Checklist. Target behaviors of concern to explore in more depth.
In your report, describe the behaviors and their possible effect on the test results (e.g., “The student's low frustration tolerance appeared to affect his effort in the test situation. If he did not know an answer immediately, he refused to try to think it through and would not respond to encouragement. Consequently, his current scores may underestimate his true abilities.”)
Record any comments the student makes indicating his attitude toward certain tasks (e.g., “I hate (or love) math,” “I hate tests like these. It always looks like there's a million things on the page and I get confused.”); comments regarding school in general or any aspect of school (e.g., “The teacher always picks on me”); and comments about himself as a learner (e.g., “I never remember that,” “I'm always the last one finished,” or “I'm really good at science”).
Note any behavioral changes in response to tests with different formats, subject areas, or response requirements. For example, compare the student's attitude, persistence, and level of cooperation on timed versus untimed measures; oral versus written measures; cognitive, oral language, and academic tests; and in various skill areas (e.g., reading versus math). A change in behavior may provide clues as to task demands that are easy and those that are difficult.
Each WJ IV test measures a different aspect of performance. A comparison among tests and their unique demands can often lead to insights regarding interpretation of an individual's performance.
The following section provides examples of the types of comparisons that can provide additional insights into test performance.
Although the WJ IV OL tests are not sufficient to diagnose a primary language disorder, the test results can provide strong indications as to generalized and specific language problems that would necessitate a referral to a speech-language pathologist for further evaluation.
Keep in mind that the progression of phonological awareness is developmental. Generally, the progression is as follows:
Many children are not able to perform the deletion task on the WJ IV Sound Awareness test until the end of first grade.