Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Crazy Family
101 Stories about the Wacky, Lovable People in Our Lives Amy Newmark
Published by Chicken Soup for the Soul, LLC
Copyright ©2018 by Chicken Soup for the Soul, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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Front cover photos: Old man DJ courtesy of (©dubassy), cleaning woman courtesy of (©SrdicPhoto), woman with hat courtesy of (©MilicaStankovic) and yoga guy courtesy of (©Yuri_Arcurs)
Back cover and Interior artwork courtesy of©Ann_Mei) Photo of Amy Newmark courtesy of Susan Morrow at SwickPix
Cover and Interior by Daniel Zaccari
Distributed to the booktrade by Simon & Schuster. SAN: 200-2442
Publisher’s Cataloging-In-Publication Data
(Prepared by The Donohue Group, Inc.)
Names: Newmark, Amy, compiler.
Title: Chicken soup for the soul : my crazy family : 101 stories about the wacky, lovable people in our lives / [compiled by] Amy Newmark.
Other Titles: My crazy family : 101 stories about the wacky, lovable people in our lives
Description: [Cos Cob, Connecticut] : Chicken Soup for the Soul, LLC, [2018]
Identifiers: ISBN 9781611599770 (print) | ISBN 9781611592771 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Families--Literary collections. | Families--Anecdotes. | LCGFT: Anecdotes.
Classification: LCC HQ734 .C45 2018 (print) | LCC HQ734 (ebook) | DDC 306.85--dc23
Library of Congress Control Number 2018933622