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Essential reading: reports
Arndt, Nicholas (Institute of Earth Sciences), Augé, Thierry (French Geological Survey) and Cuney, Michel (Geo-Resources Laboratoire of the Université de Lorraine), ‘Les Ressources minerals en Chine’, July 2014
‘The Asia-Pacific Maritime Security Strategy: achieving US national security objectives in a changing environment’, US Department of Defense, 2015
‘Commission on Limits of Continental Shelf Meeting at Headquarters, 11 July–26 August’, Background release, United Nations (UN), 11 July 2016
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee, and the Committee of the Regions on the 2017 list of Critical Raw Materials for the EU
‘Critical Metals in the Path towards the Decarbonisation of the EU Energy Sector’, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, 2013
‘Defense Science Board Task Force on High Performance Microchip Supply’, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, 2005
‘Les dessous du recyclage: dix ans de suivi de la filière des déchets électriques et électroniques en France’, rapport Les Amis de la Terre France, December 2016
Draft Critical Mineral List — Summary of Methodology and Background Information — U.S. Geological Survey Technical Input Document in Response to Secretarial Order No. 3359, Open-File Report 2018-1021, U.S. Geological Survey, 2018
‘EU Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessment (SOCTA)’, Europol, 2013
‘Export Restrictions in Raw Materials Trade: facts, fallacies and better practices’, OECD, 2014.
Eugster, Martin and Hischier, Roland, ‘Key Environmental Impacts of the Chinese EEE-Industry’, Tsinghua University, China, 2007
Freeman III, Charles W., ‘Remember the Magnequench: An Object Lesson in Globalization’, The Washington Quarterly, 2009, pp. 61–76
‘Global crude steel output increases by 4.6 per cent in 2018’, World Steel Association, 25 January 2019
Grasso, Valerie Bailey, ‘Rare Earth Elements in National Defense: Background, Oversight Issues, and Options for Congress’, Congressional Research Service, 23 December 2013
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United Nations Climate Change, ‘Historic Paris Agreement on Climate Change: 195 nations set path to keep temperature rise well below 2 degrees Celsius’, 13 December 2015
‘United States Expands Its Challenge to China’s Export Restraints on Key Raw Materials’, Office of the United States Trade Representative, July 2016
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van der Voet, Ester, Salminen, Reijo, Eckelman, Matthew, Mudd, Gavin, Norgate, Terry, Hisschier, Roland, Spijker, Job, Vijver, Martina, Selinus, Olle, Posthuma, Leo, de Zwart, Dick, van de Meent, Dik, Reuter, Markus, Tikana, Ladji, Valdivia, Sonia, Wäger, Patrick, Hauschild, Michael Zwicky, and de Koning, Arjan, ‘Environmental Risks and Challenges of Anthropogenic Metals Flows and Cycles: a report of the working group on the global metal flows to the International Resource Panel’, Kenya, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 2013
‘World Energy Outlook 2014 Factsheet: Power and renewables’, International Energy Agency, 2014
Essential reading: articles
Apremont, Bernard, ‘L’économie de l’URSS dans ses rapports avec la Chine et les démocraties Populaires’, Politique étrangère, 1956, vol. 21, n° 5, p. 601–13
Buss, Sandro, ‘Des aimants permanents en terres rares’, La Revue polytechnique, no. 1745, 13 April 2010
Chellaney, Brahma, ‘The Challenge from Authoritarian Capitalism to Liberal Democracy’, China-US Focus, 6 October 2016
‘China Declared World’s Largest Producer of Scientific Articles’, Scientific American, 23 January 2018
Paarlberg, Robert L., ‘Lessons of the Grain Embargo’, Foreign Affairs, Fall 1980 issue
Petersen, John, ‘How Large Lithium-ion Batteries Slash EV Benefits’, 2016
‘Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Releases Green New Deal Outline’, NPR, 7 February 2019
Vidal, Olivier, Goffé, Bruno and Arndt, Nicholas, ‘Metals for a low-carbon society’, Nature Geoscience, vol. 6, November 2013
Essential viewing
Mönch, Max, Lahl, Alexander, Ocean’s Monopoly, Werwiewas, 2015
Guillaume, Pitron and Turquier, Serge, Rare Earths: the dirty war, 2012
Secrets of the Super Elements, presented by Mark Miodownik, BBC, 2017
Tison, Coline and Lichtenstein, Laurent, Datacenter: the hidden face of the web, Camicas Productions, 2012
Useful websites by region
African Development Bank (Ethiopia):
Royal Bafokeng Holdings (South Africa):
United Nations Environment Programme (Kenya):
The Chinese Society of Rare Earths (China):
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (Japan):
PT Timah TBK (Indonesia):
Association of Mining and Exploration Companies:
Australia’s Mining Monthly:
Australia Minerals:
Australian Mining Magazine:
Geoscience Australia:
Lynas Corporation:
Minerals Council of Australia:
Northern Minerals:
Commission for Independent Research and Information about Radiation (CRIIRAD):
Didier Julienne’s articles on Le Cercle, a Les Echos newspaper blog
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Cadarache Centre – New Energy Technologies:
French Geological Survey (BRGM):
French Environment & Energy Management Agency (ADEME):
GeoRessources Geology Laboratory (Université de Lorraine):
International Energy Agency:
OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas:
Basel Convention (Switzerland):
European Commission, Raw Material Unit (Belgium):
Global Reporting Initiative (Netherlands):
Global Trade Alert (Switzerland):
World Economic Forum (Switzerland):
Institut Fraunhofer (Germany):
World Trade Organization (Switzerland):
Latin America
Greenpeace Argentina:
International Seabed Authority (Jamaica):
Middle East
International Renewable Energy Agency:
United Kingdom
Argus Media:
British Geological Survey:
Chatham House, The Royal Institute of International Affairs:
The Geological Society:
International Tin Research Institute:
The Mining Association of the United Kingdom:
Women In Mining:
United States
Ames Laboratory:
Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) of the Oceans & Law of the Sea (United Nations):
Congressional Research Reports of the Federation of American Scientists:
Great Basin Resource Watch:
Technology Metals Research:
U.S. Geological Survey:
US Government Accountability Office:
US Magnetic Materials Association:
World Bank: