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THE SUN DIPPED LOW behind Rebecca, the beams from it stretching out across the endless golden sand. Waves crashed quietly in the distance, and a few seagulls swooped through the air. A soft breeze rustled her hair, and she brushed a wavy strand back from her face, the diamond of her engagement ring sparkling in the sun. Her eyes landed on Patrick, where he stood waiting with the officiant on the beach twenty feet away.
Abby skipped happily ahead of her, clutching her small bouquet of flowers, her pretty dress swirling around her. Logan was already standing beside his dad, grinning from ear to ear.
But Patrick.
He stood in a dark suit and dress shoes, his dark hair cropped short, and his cool blue eyes locked only on her. His jaw was set in a hard line, and he looked slightly stiff. Although he was certainly used to formalities from life in the military, Rebecca knew walking from the boardwalk down onto the sand had been more difficult than usual with his injured ribs and healing wound.
Not that he’d never admit such a thing.
The man who jumped out of airplanes and led an entire team of Navy SEALs into battle.
But two weeks after nearly losing him, she was amazed he’d been able to walk around on his own at all. That he’d spent hours in physical therapy every single day, regaining his strength, pushing himself harder and harder.
There was no keeping a man like Patrick down, and if someone told him he couldn’t do something, he’d work ten times as hard to prove them wrong.
His eyes shone as she gazed at him, and she wished this exact moment could last forever. This perfect feeling of bliss and anticipation as she got ready to walk toward her future husband in her wedding gown, on the beach just like she’d always imagined.
She wished she could bottle up this moment to capture it for eternity.
They’d take their honeymoon a few months from now, when Patrick was cleared to travel and they were both back to feeling one hundred percent.
But for right now?
Neither of them could wait to be man and wife.
Her heart pounded furiously as she began to walk toward Patrick and the kids, and she willed herself not to cry. Her entire world was right in front of her. There was nothing more important in the entire universe than Patrick and their kids.
The slim white gown she had on rustled against her bare legs as she took a step, and she clutched her bouquet of roses tightly, inhaling the incredible floral scent. Grains of sand shifted beneath her feet, and she was half-tempted to run toward Patrick and the kids. To start their forever immediately.
Abby beamed up at her from Patrick’s side as she approached.
“Mommy, you look like a princess!” she shouted.
Rebecca smiled, but she couldn’t bring herself to ask Abby to quiet down. Not when she was so excited to see her mom getting married.
“You look beautiful,” Patrick said, taking her hand as she stopped at the end of the makeshift aisle at his side. His strong, muscular hand wrapped around hers, and she smiled at him, gripping his hand nervously as they both turned toward the officiant.
He looked between the two of them before beginning. “Rebecca and Patrick, you’ve chosen to keep this ceremony small, with your children and God as your witness. Both of you found one another under somewhat trying circumstances. You’ve endured much more than most people, and your love and devotion to one another is only stronger for it. I can see it shining from both of you right now. You’re standing here today after Patrick’s near-death injury several weeks ago on his deployment. You’ve faced difficult times together, and your love has only grown. It is an honor and privilege for me to join the two of you together in marriage. I understand you’ve written your own vows?”
“Yes,” Patrick said, his voice deep as his gaze shifted back to her.
He took Rebecca’s hand again, and she felt like he could see into her very soul.
“Rebecca, I never imagined I’d find love again. From the moment you walked into my life, it’s never been the same. I would die to protect you and Abby. I promise to spend the rest of my life protecting you and our children, cherishing you, and loving you. I don’t know what I did to deserve someone like you in my life, but I’m never letting you go. You had my heart from the very first moment we met, and I can’t wait to spend forever with you. I love you.”
Tears smarted her eyes, and she hastily wiped them away. Patrick’s gaze softened, and even as the kids restlessly stirred beside them, she looked deep into his eyes.
He reached out and wiped a stray tear spilling down her cheek before she began.
“Patrick, I never thought that I’d find love again. I was happy living my life with Abby, and then you swept into my life and showed me all that I was missing. You, Abby, Logan, and I are a family. I never worry about anything when you are near, because I know you’ll do everything in your power to protect us. I promise to spend the rest of forever loving you.”
“Do you have the rings?” the officiant asked.
“Right here,” Patrick replied, pulling them from his pocket.
Rebecca had never seen him so much as flinch under pressure, but he fumbled with them for a moment, nearly dropping them onto the ground.
“Now repeat after me,” the officiant said.
A second later, Patrick was sliding the delicate platinum ring onto her finger. “With this ring, I thee wed.”
She held Patrick’s larger, more masculine ring with trembling fingers, and slid it onto his left hand. “With this ring, I thee wed.”
“And now,” the officiant said, “with the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Rebecca’s heart caught, and Patrick ducked down, his hands landing on her hips as his mouth brushed against hers. He kissed her a second time, slowly, sweetly, with the promise of much more to come later on.
“We’re married!” Rebecca said, tears filling her eyes once again as she looked up at her husband.
“We’re married,” he agreed, his voice thick with emotion. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Applause broke out in the background, and she glanced up to see a crowd on the boardwalk had stopped to watch. It almost felt like they were in a movie or something, with onlookers stopping to watch the wedding ceremony.
Their wedding ceremony.
“Let’s go celebrate,” Patrick said with a grin. “After dinner Sarah will get the kids, and we’ll go enjoy our first night as husband and wife.”
“Sounds fantastic, Mr. Foster,” she said with a smile, feeling heat spread over her cheeks. He grabbed her hand, raising it up to his lips and softly brushing his mouth over her knuckles, sending shivers racing down her spine.
“I agree, Mrs. Foster.”