
My gratitude abounds.

Thanks to Bob Barnett, who cheerfully helps guide my career and is forever on my side.

Erin Landers, of Dana Perino and Company. Peter says she reminds him of me when we first met (when I was nice!). Erin’s enthusiasm, judgment, and creative talents have raised the bar. “Oh, it was easy,” she says. Thank you, Erin.

At Twelve, thanks to Publisher Deb Futter, a wonderful champion for her authors. I like how we communicate with our eyes—she gets me. Sean Desmond, my editor and very good friend, was true to his word: “There will be a dog book.” I’m always glad when he calls (I’ve never sent him to voicemail). Libby Burton has the perfect editing touch and cheerful disposition. Jarrod Taylor was patient while I decided on which of his great covers to choose. Brian McLendon is such a dog lover that he wanted to do this book first, before And the Good News Is.… Paul Samuelson puts up with a former White House press secretary who thinks she knows about public relations, and Bailey Donoghue is a steady hand with a bright future.

Paul Mauro helped me lighten the copy. If you laughed, that was likely his edit. His wife, Joan McNaughton, is our courier and never complains about the extra work I send his way.

Melanie Dunea did the cover shot for both of my books. I’m sure you can guess why we keep calling her back.

Friends deserving of special mention are Tim and Michelle Chase and their boys, Ryan, Benjamin, and William. They love Jasper like a brother. Nicolle and Mark Wallace are Vizsla enthusiasts who give us a chance to visit their home, where Jasper runs wild with Lilly and Honey (Lilly was Henry’s first love during the White House days). Megyn Kelly and Doug Brunt share their considerable talents and care for their friends in special ways. Ingrid Henrichsen, my “sister-friend,” and Ward Marsh have known Jasper since he was a puppy and were there for his disastrous first swim, yet they keep inviting us back! Jeff and Tracy Schyberg and their daughter, Macy English, bring us so much joy. Grady is their Brittany Spaniel, and we met when our dogs pulled toward each other at a crab cake social in South Carolina. Grady and Jasper are a unit we call “Grasper.”

My trusted readers included several good friends: Charles Blahous, Keith Hennessey, Tony Fratto, Jeanie Mamo, Trey Bohn, Ken Lisaius, and Scott Stanzel.

My thanks to the people whose services we depend upon and who have became dear to us: Kyra Doumele, Laura Garcia, Barbara Stevenson, and John Hernandez.

The Fox News Channel has indulged my love of dogs from the beginning and helped me find joy in a career after the White House.

The Five was supposed to be a temporary five-week show, but we’ve been going for over five years. My career transition would not have happened without my co-hosts’ encouragement. My heartfelt appreciation and regards for Eric Bolling, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Greg Gutfeld, and Juan Williams. And the unsung heroes of the show, the producers: Porter Berry, Megan Albano, Susan Wertheim, Alexandra Novak, Mina Pertesis, Amanda Hooshangi, Sean O’Rourke, Kyle Goodwin, and Emily Cyr.

The crew—especially Michelle Frazzetta, JoJo Rodriguez, Vashti Williams, Allison DeBlois, and Jack Wright—make us look and sound amazing and protect us from embarrassment when coming back from rowdy commercial breaks. Plus they laugh at my corny jokes.

A special thanks to Gutfeld, who made the right call on the cover. Even though he makes fun of me and says he hates Jasper, I think he really wants a dog.

FiveFan, your talent amazes me. I always laugh out loud when you post a Photoshop. I’m glad we are friends, and you’re still the best part about Twitter.

To my family who read drafts, dug through photo albums, and joined me on trips down memory lane: Leo Perino, Jan Perino, Ben and Angie Perino Machock, Preston Perino, and Jill Perino Pischke.

Thanks to everyone at the Central Park dog park. You make me love New York.

If you enjoy the photographs of Jasper on social media, chances are my husband, Peter McMahon, took them. He deserves more credit. My stomach still does flips when I remember that I almost missed that flight. He takes good care of us.

Finally, to Jasper. You can’t read this (or can you?), but thank you for making my days over and over again. May we have many more healthy years of your goofy and desperate love.