Chapter 21 heading

Wuckenoge has been in touch, and he seems to have found out about our little runaway.

Well, he is in charge of security.

Yes – but I was rather hoping to get MARY back. With his Wuckers on the case, I doubt she will be in one piece by the time they’ve finished with her. Did you inform him?

No, I did not. I am capable of following basic instructions.

Well, someone did, and he is not too happy to have found it out from this someone.

I did suggest …

I know you did. On the plus side, the reason he knows about it is that he has been given information about where they are hiding out, and he wants medical backup for his retrieval operation. We need to get a team out to the flats in the derelict district by the river.

Right away.

Do we have that cover story out about the boy?

We do. He is a terrorist who tried to destroy the Facility with a small group of friends from the Child Bank. He escaped and released the germ, and we are working to bring the contagion back under control. The terrorists have been killed, except Vander, who is a wanted man.

Excellent. Well, go and sort out the detail to support the Wuckers. Don’t send anyone we can’t do without, in case the Wuckers get carried away.