
I loved writing this book, it was so much fun and I met so many wonderful people during the writing of it but a big thanks especially must go to Dr. Mark Faulkner and Dr. Zoe Marriage from SOAS, University of London who gave up their free time to answer a thousand questions on the DRC. A shout out to Dr. Dale Mineshima who somehow made American realignment and the Presidential doctrines a huge amount of fun. A special thanks to the US veterans who sacrificed so much of their lives and their mental well being for their country. A huge thanks to everyone at the Darley Anderson agency and of course a massive thank you to Louise Page, who is just awesome. Thanks also goes to Sally Williamson, my editor and Lisa Milton, who encouraged me to put the kick ass into Maddie. And never ending love to my family, friends, horses and dogs. But most importantly of all to the thousands upon thousands of forgotten street children accused of witchcraft in the DRC who inspired this story – you are forever in my heart.