‘Any luck?’ Maddie stood behind Levi, hoping and waiting for him to get through to Cooper and Rosedale. She hadn’t heard anything and even though she didn’t want to – really didn’t want to – she couldn’t help but worry.

Levi shook his head. ‘No, nothing. I’m pulling a blank on both their cells and GPS phones. But that will probably change in a day or so. The weather reports for East DRC are really bad. Heavy rain. So I guess once that’s passed, it should be alright.’

‘But when will that be?’

Levi himself trying but failing not to worry. ‘I don’t know.’

‘Try again.’

Standing in the small communications room of Onyx, Levi said, ‘I will but it’s pointless. I’ve tried over twenty times today and yesterday… Why are you looking at me like that?’

Maddie said, ‘I’ve got an idea,’

Levi recognized a familiar look coming into her eyes. ‘Oh no. No. No way. If it’s what I think you’re thinking, you can count me out right now.’