‘Why, this is another first. The president wanting to have late night chats with me.’
Woods got up and shook Parker’s hand, who was let into the small office just off the West Wing reception room by one of Woods’s junior advisors. ‘Yeah, sorry about that. It’s hard to get a window sometimes. And midnight chats is where it’s at.’
Parker smoothed down his gray hair, sat down and moved his chair forward.
‘I don’t mean to be flippant, but I’m sure you haven’t brought me here to chat about your schedule, or even about the planning strategy of our campaign. Though I must say, Mr. President, I’m certainly curious. Night meetings at the White House have the flavor of a TV drama, don’t you think?’
Parker’s manner made Woods uncomfortable. ‘I wouldn’t know, classic movies are more my thing… But you’re right, I asked you in because I needed you to help me out on a couple of points.’
Parker shrugged. A supercilious smile spread across his face. ‘Shoot.’
‘Simon Ballard. Does the name mean anything to you?’
Parker’s response came quickly, didn’t disrupt his smile. ‘No.’
‘Are you sure?’
‘Yeah. Totally.’
‘You see, I actually know different. And that’s where I start to have the problem. I know you’re lying to me.’
Parker sniffed. ‘Then, Mr. President, you know more than me. But then I’m guessing that’s why you’re president and I’m not.’
Woods had been trying to keep his anger under control. Failed. Slammed his fist on the desk. ‘I know exactly what’s been going on at the Lemon water plant.’
Parker pushed back his chair. Stood up. ‘I don’t know what’s going on here. But I don’t appreciate you accusing me of some unspecified thing that’s been going on.’
‘Why don’t we cut the crap?
‘Yours or mine?’
‘Don’t push me.’
Parker snorted his derision. ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about. Maybe my reference to a TV drama is more fitting than I’d thought. Now, if you’ve quite finished? It’s late, and I’m up early tomorrow.’
If he’d been anyone else, anywhere else, John Woods knew he wouldn’t have hesitated in punching Parker in the face. But as it was, he was the president of the United States of America, and so he took a calming breath. ‘All that bull about caring? About conflict-free minerals. About the kids. About the atrocities. And all along you were playing a part in it… You son of a bitch, how could you? Why tell me you care?’
Parker pointed, his hand shaking. ‘The thing is, Mr. President, I do care. I care very much. I’ve put a lot of investment into that country. I wasn’t lying when I said my mines are conflict free. I’ve got no militia abusing and torturing kids, raping women. I’ve got men who are paid well. Who earn a decent living and can provide for their families. I have given men their dignity back. And I call that caring. I call that helping the people, don’t you?’
Dangerously close, Woods took a step towards Parker. ‘The only person you’ve helped is yourself.’
‘This here, what you’re doing right now, is madness. I don’t know what the hell you’re accusing me of but you’re way off line. And you’re wrong, I haven’t just helped myself. I provide ethical products. Not ones with blood on them. The American people should be thanking me. Because nothing will be on their conscience.’
‘Your products have more blood on them than the militia do.’
Parker raised his voice. ‘Bullshit. Don’t you understand? Without me, the people in that area of the DRC have nothing. They struggle to even provide for their own children, and that’s not right. Think about that. Not being able to feed your own children. How must that feel? And then because of their cultural beliefs, when they look to find reasons why there’s so much suffering, often it’s the innocent who get the blame. The young. But I’m stopping that happening because people have jobs and money. They’re not afraid to go to work in the morning. That’s because of me. Me! Those people have a chance of a better life because of me and my vision. Not you. Not the rest of the goddamn world. But me! You’ve allowed companies to go into that country and take what they like without putting anything back in. So I’d say, Mr. President, you should be looking at yourself and those companies and asking them the questions.’
Woods slammed down his fists on the table before sweeping the decanter of water onto the floor, and with rage and wrath and fury he said, ‘Stop playing your goddamn games Parker, I know what you did. So stop the pretence. You bastard, you took their land away.’
‘I haven’t taken anything away. My understanding is they signed it over of their own free will. It was just an exchange for a better life.’
‘A better life? You piece of scum. Just get out. Get out!’
With matching anger, Parker walked towards the door. ‘It’s a shame you’re such a fool. You could’ve got what you wanted, you could’ve got your reforms, but instead you’ve just thrown all that away. Thrown the welfare of the people of America away. I would say it’s you who’s got blood on their hands, not me.’
Woods went to grab Parker but pulled himself back. Kicked a chair instead. ‘I will bring you down. You hear me? No question. I will bring you down.’