Levi, Rosedale and Cooper stood in the middle of the refugee camp, listening to Father O’Malley speak to a large group of gathered men.

‘These three people need our help, and in return we’ll hopefully be able to help ourselves. It’s an opportunity which I didn’t think would come along. I know a lot of you have lived in fear, cast out by Bemba, or you’ve lost loved ones because of him. Some of you were displaced by the conflicts within the country, but when you tried to come back to your homes, return to your houses, you found you couldn’t because of Bemba’s reign of terror. A reign of terror which, as you know, was built on lies and the manipulation of your traditional beliefs. I love my country like you do, and we need to reclaim what we can of it. These men will pay you to help them, buy the arms we need, and as a consequence we will be able to take back our community and rid the place of the real evil. Nearly all of you have fought in wars, so you know what needs to be done. And whilst as a human being, and a man of God, I know violence is not the answer, sometimes it’s the only solution.’