Cooper watched Maddie sleep. ‘You think she’s alright?’

Rosedale took a moment to answer as they drove out and away from Kinshasa. Driving into the night, hoping to find a lead. Anything which would give them some answers.

‘Maddison? I think she’s stronger than the both of us. She can handle herself. Relax Thomas, she’s fine.’

‘What about what we’re doing? Do you think that’s fine? Are we doing the right thing?’

Rosedale changed gear. Swerved around the potholes. ‘Probably not, but when have you ever worried about doing the right thing? There are four facts we got to keep in mind. Fact one, we’ve got nothing or as little as nothing to go on. Fact two, the little as we do have is that it’s clear this Emmanuel guy seems to have pissed off Papa Bemba in some way, or at least he’s involved in something which makes people want us to stop asking questions. Fact three, people wanting me to stop asking questions makes me want to ask them.’

‘I don’t know.’

Rosedale glanced at him sideward. ‘Well I do and besides, we haven’t got to my fact four yet. Fact four, as we saw when they sped away, the plates on the cars of Papa Bemba and his men are from the Buziba area of South Kivu, which, according to our hotelier is where the headquarters of the New Revivalist Church is. It’s also where Emmanuel’s aunt and uncle’s neighbor said Emmanuel and his family came from. Which means if we want anything more than Granger being on our backs, about us not being able to do the job properly, then we need to get to Buziba and ask questions. Which is exactly why we’re going there… Can I give you another fact?’


‘You know, you can be a real spoilsport, Thomas. Maybe if you lightened up a bit, you might have more luck with the ladies.’

Cooper stared at him with as much incredulity as he could muster. ‘I do want to ask what the hell you’re talking about, I really do, but you know something, Rosedale? I think I’m afraid of the answer.’

Rosedale laughed. Peered out from underneath his cowboy hat as the car headlights did an inadequate job of lighting up the road.

Cooper took a swig of water from the bottle in his bag.

‘You taking them pills again?’

Cooper’s tone was flat. ‘I’m drinking water.’

‘Don’t try to deny it, Thomas. We both know in your bag in the side pocket, where the zipper could be stronger, you keep some of your pills, which are conveniently loose for moments just like these. We also both know that when you went in your bag to get the water you quickly slipped a couple in your hand. You’ve done it a thousand times before. Expertly done and put in your mouth without anybody noticing. Anybody apart from me, that is.’

‘Leave me alone Rosedale, you’re talking bull again.’

‘Am I? Well how about this then? We both know when you swallow liquid your throat’s relaxed, with complex volitional and reflex interactions. Yet your cricopharyngeus muscle pulled up harder on your anterior cricoid cartilage. Which means the difference although subtle, but obvious to the trained eye, is that you, Thomas J. Cooper, have just swallowed something solid.’

Cooper didn’t deny it. But he didn’t admit it. Felt too much like a confessional. Instead he shook his head. ‘Things just don’t make sense anymore.’

‘Why the sudden rush of doubt, boy? Is all this spiritual stuff taking over? Do Maddison and I need to start worrying?’

‘No… it’s…’

‘It’s just you’ve been listening to the likes of Granger, and all that stuff about you calming your ass down. But you haven’t crossed any lines.’

‘It’s not that. It feels like something’s not right here. Like I should be doing more. I’ve got a real sense of unease, Rosedale.’

‘That’s what I don’t understand about you. Everything is always so personal. Like you’re on some kind of quest. You look into things too deeply, Thomas. This is just a job. The job we were told to do and the job we get well paid for. That’s it, honey. Nothing more. Track down Emmanuel and seize the plane. Fly it back to Nairobi. And that’s exactly what we’re trying to do. And if we don’t, well, Granger will be bitching our ass off for a while because his recovery rate stats will drop. But that’s all. It’s a job. Stop trying to make everything your own private mission. Don’t look beyond.’

Cooper stared out, unable to see anything in the pitch darkness. ‘Maybe so.’

‘I know so. It’s not the job, it’s you. Calm will never be inside of you, Thomas. Even if the accident never happened, I doubt you’d ever have peace. You’d always be looking for something which isn’t there.’

Cooper’s face twisted into a frown. His words followed suit. ‘Thanks a lot, Rosedale. You certainly know how to make a guy feel good.’

‘Like I say, Thomas, you need to lighten up. The American Indians used to talk about people like you. The people with restless souls who ran with the buffalo.’

Cooper tilted his head to one side, studying Rosedale. ‘Have you been watching Dances With Wolves again?’

‘So what if I have? There’s not a film that comes close and I’m telling you, Thomas, Kevin Costner was robbed. He should’ve won the Oscar.’

‘It won best picture, and he did get one for best director.’

Rosedale shook his head. ‘But not best actor. You seriously going to sit here and tell me Jeremy Irons deserved it over Costner?’

Closing his eyes, Cooper couldn’t help but smile. ‘I liked that film… What was it? Reversal of Fortune?’

‘Thomas, you know nothing, which is why you need to listen when I tell you to stop worrying. Stop medicating yourself before you get into real trouble again, like how it was before… By the way, did I ever tell you about the time I met Costner?’