Leafy Trees: Mini Demonstration

Trees may be the center of interest in a scene or just a background element. Each tree has a character all its own.

STEP 1 Sketch the Basic Shape
Start with the basic overall shape of the tree. Place the trunk toward the bottom of the page.

STEP 2 Sketch the Branches and Refine the Shape
Sketch in some of the branches. Even if the branches are not visible in the final drawing, sketching them will help you understand both the structure of the tree and the placement of the leaves. Add more definition to the outer form of the tree by outlining the edges of the leaves.

STEP 3 Add the Leaves and Shading
Erase any unnecessary lines. Use a variety of back-and-forth lines to suggest the leaves. Make some lines darker than others to create shadows. Notice that the direction of the lines adds a sense of liveliness to an otherwise static subject. Remove your initial outline with an eraser.