Train: Mini Demonstration

This type of steam engine is a Norfolk and Western 4-8-4. The structural elements of this scene are drawn using one-point perspective. Make use of the principles of atmospheric perspective as you apply the lights and darks. When you want to shade subjects like these, friskets and erasing shields may be handy tools to use.

STEP 1 Sketch the Basic Shapes
Draw the horizon line, with the vanishing point on the left side. Start with the basic shape in one-point perspective. Notice that all the vertical lines are perpendicular to the horizon at this stage.

STEP 2 Indicate the Basic Shapes of the Front
Fill the previously drawn square with a circle. Add other lines to indicate the basic shaping of the front of the engine.

STEP 3 Add More Structural Lines
Add the more obvious lines, including the vertical lines that define the individual cars. Add a cross in the upper middle of the circle, to mark the placement of the engine lights.

STEP 4 Add Details to the Train’s Structure
Add the tracks, wheels, engine light and smaller details such as the handrail and the steps. Also add trim to the tops of the cars.

STEP 5 Add Shading
Erase any unnecessary lines, and finish with shading. Use uniform up-and-down pencil strokes to make a smooth appearance. Create atmospheric perspective by drawing the closer portion of the train with more contrasts and details than the more distant portion.

Draw a Steam Engine

Sketch the basic shapes, chisel out the shape of the train, and add feature lines. Next add the shading, paying close attention to subtle value changes.