Cat Face

For those of you who are cat lovers, this demo will be lots of fun. For those of you who prefer dogs (we know everyone falls under one of the two categories), go ahead and try this exercise, then give the finished art to one of your cat-loving friends. This demo offers a great way to develop your shading skills.

STEP 1 Sketch the Basic Shapes
To draw the feline face, start with the basic outer oval, two lines for the top and bottom of the eyes, and an oval for the snout.

STEP 2 Place the Facial Elements
Add more lines for the eyes, mouth and the top of the ears, as well as a triangle for the nose.

STEP 3 Add the Ears and Neck
Add lines to indicate the ears and neck.

STEP 4 Refine the Lines and Add Details
Refine the structural lines, rounding and curving where necessary. Add details, including the pupils, nose and muzzle.

STEP 5 Finish the Drawing
For those of you who are cat lovers, this demo will be lots of fun. For those of you who prefer dogs (we know everyone falls under one of the two categories), go ahead and try this exercise, then give the finished art to one of your cat-loving friends. This demo offers a great way to develop your shading skills.