Cats are as varied as people, and it is fun to capture their unique qualities in your drawings. In addition to helping you create shape and texture, this demo will give you an opportunity to work on developing your proportioning skills. To sketch the legs and body in the correct proportions, first sketch a baseline. A baseline is used to establish the placement of your subject and to help work out proportions of a drawing.
STEP 1 Sketch the Basic Body Shape
Draw a rectangle to suggest the basic body structure. Take the vertical lines all the way down to the baseline.
STEP 2 Add the Head Shape
Sketch an oval for the head. Position it so it just overlaps the top horizontal line.
STEP 3 Add the Neck and Legs
Add lines for the neck that connect the head to the body. Sketch angled lines for the legs.
STEP 4 Complete the Body
Draw the outline of the tail, and complete the legs. Lightly indicate the legs on the other side of the cat’s body. Add the outline of the ears and position the eye and mouth. Erase any obsolete lines.
STEP 5 Add the Shading and Details
Use back-and-forth strokes to suggest the cat’s fur, varying the lights and darks to imply form. Add details to the eye, mouth, nose, ear and paws.