People make fascinating subjects to draw. While at a mall, just look at all the different sizes, shapes and proportions of the people around you. Though you may observe that people come in many different “varieties,” there are basic principles that apply to all humans.
Proportions for Adults
Though men are generally taller than women, they are shown as the same height here for comparison. For both sexes, almost half the height is made up of the legs, with the tips of the hands falling to the mid-thigh region. The waist is lower in men than in women. Another difference is that men are generally bulkier and wider than women.
Proportions for Children
Children are proportioned differently from adults, more noticeably in younger children. Their bodies are smaller in relation to their heads, and their legs are shorter, with the tops of their legs well below the middle line.
Equal Height and Width
For most adults, their height is equal to the width of their outstretched arms.
Figure Drawing
Once you become familiar with basic body structure and proportions, you can draw more confidently, using a minimum of structural guidelines.
Structural Sketch
This sketch has its structural elements blocked in.