t was just four years ago that my work was nearly unknown, and I was bankrupt, working part-time in construction, writing in whatever moments single fatherhood allowed. It is through the generosity of countless friends and supporters that my life has changed so radically since then.
In the last three years I have spoken at least three hundred times in over a hundred cities. None of these events did I organize myself or pay anyone to organize—each was a gift from people who donated their time, energy, networks, and organizational abilities. Nor did I instigate any of the podcasts, interviews, and films that I’ve been part of. I am able to be of effective service only because so many others serve the same thing. My work is truly a collective effort.
The people who have played this role are too numerous to mention. The same goes for the hundreds who have welcomed me into their homes, fed me, and driven me around everywhere I visit. Dear hosts, your generosity has sustained me in more ways than you know, reminding me of the truth of what I write about. Likewise the thousands of people who have given me money online or at events, validating the gift principle by which I make my work freely available. Thanks to your generosity, I am able to continue writing and speaking as I support four children.
In addition to all these people, who will have to remain nameless here, I do want to name some who have had a direct impact on the present book. I want to thank Ken Jordan and Daniel Pinchbeck for their total editorial license in publishing the essays in which I developed many of the ideas herein; Andrew Harvey, for our spirited conversations that pushed me into new territory in my thinking about “evil,” as well as for his unstinting enthusiasm for my work; Joshua Ramey, for his friendship at a key moment of doubt; Patsy, my ex-wife, for staying with me in the crucible of healing; North Atlantic Books, for indulging my unusual demands around copyright, cover art, and editing; and Marie Goodwin, who appeared out of nowhere to assist me with scheduling, logistics, communication, research, and sanity. I would also like to mention with appreciation the following: Glenn Baumgartner, O.J. Haugen, Brad Laughlin, Cynthia Jurs, Polly Higgins, Satish Kumar, Mark Boyle, Manish Jain, Ian MacKenzie, Filipa Pimenatal, Trenna Cormack, Jeff Dardozzi, Filiz Telek … ah, now that I’ve gotten going I want to list hundreds more. Many I have not listed have been just as important as those I have.
Finally and most of all I want to thank my wife, Stella, whose presence in my life has changed everything.