
All quotations that are not attributed in the text or in these endnotes are from interviews by the authors or from presentations attended by the authors.

1. Calvino quote: Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities, trans. William Weaver (New York: Harcourt, 1974), 44.

2. Margulis quote: from Lynn Margulis, “Gaia Is a Tough Bitch,” in John Brockman, The Third Culture: Beyond the Scientific Revolution (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995).

3. Kuhn quote: Cited in Lisa Bennett, “10 Things You Want to Know about Human Nature If You’re Fighting Climate Change,” Grist, June 10, 2015,

Prologue: Creation Stories

1. Aboriginal guided tour of Melbourne: Dean Stewart owns and operates Aboriginal Tours and Education Melbourne. The guided walk of Melbourne on which this account is based occurred on July 9, 2017, with members of the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance. For more on Stewart and the inspiring walks he leads, see,, and For a cultural landscape map Stewart helped produce, see


1. Monbiot quote: George Monbiot, “Neoliberalism: The Deep Story That Lies beneath Donald Trump’s Triumph,” Guardian, November 14, 2016,

2. Travis quote: Will Travis, “Shoreline of the Future: Permanently Temporary,” Meeting of the Minds, August 3, 2017,

3. Where an estimated . . . live today: For the US estimate, see Mark Crowell et al., “How Many People Live in Coastal Areas?,” Journal of Coastal Research 23, no. 5 (2007), Note that 30 percent of the US population would be more than one hundred million people; for China’s estimate, see Henry Gass, “More Chinese on the Coast, Less Fish in the Sea,” Scientific American, August 8, 2014,

4. Their climate innovations are generating . . . energy costs: See C40 Cities and LSE Cities, “Co-benefits of Urban Climate Action: A Framework for Cities,” September 2016,

5. Glaeser quote: Edward Glaeser, Triumph of the City: How Our Greatest Invention Makes Us Richer, Smarter, Greener, Healthier, and Happier (New York: Penguin, 2011), 1.

6. Mumford quote: Lewis Mumford, The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects (New York: Harcourt, 1989), 34, 35.

7. Just a few cities . . . as one million residents: Only six other cities are believed by demographers to have reached this size before the eighteenth century: Alexandria in Egypt; Rome in the centuries before and after Christ; Chang’an, Kaifeng, and Hangzou in China between AD 700 and 1200; and Ayutthaya in Thailand, destroyed militarily in 1767.

8. Worldwide, more than five hundred . . . ten million people each: United Nations, “The World’s Cities in 2016: Data Booklet,” accessed September 5, 2017,

9. A single megacity . . . lifetimes ago: “Megacity,” Wikipedia, accessed January 21, 2018,

10. By 2050, the United Nations . . . dwell in cities: United Nations, “World’s Population Increasingly Urban with More than Half Living in Urban Areas,” July 10, 2014,

11. Shepard quote: Wade Shepard, Ghost Cities of China: The Story of Cities without People in the World’s Most Populated Country (London: Zed, 2015), 44–45.

12. Rohter quote: Larry Rohter, “Rio: The War of the Favelas,” New York Review of Books, May 12, 2016, 62.

Chapter 1: Innovation Proliferation

1. Hidalgo quote: Compact of Mayors, “Climate Leaders from around the World Show Support for Compact of Mayors and Covenant of Mayors Merger,” Medium, June 22, 2016,

2. The $60-million Living Breakwaters . . . Hurricane Sandy: Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery, “Learn More about the Living Breakwaters Project,”; and Rebuild By Design, “Living Breakwaters,”, both accessed September 10, 2017.

3. Living Breakwaters project designers’ quote: Buckminster Fuller Institute, “Living Breakwaters,” accessed September 10, 2017,

4. Hayes quote: Sadhu Aufochs Johnson, Steven S. Nicholas, and Julia Parzen, The Guide to Greening Cities (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2013), 46.

5. In Minneapolis . . . forty thousand riders each weekday: Wikipedia contributors, “Metro Green Line (Minnesota),” accessed January 21, 2018,

6. The first African . . . change strategy: City of Cape Town, “Energy Futures Report: Cape Town,” September 2015,

7. Johnston quote: Peter Plastrik et al., Connecting to Change the World: Harnessing the Power of Networks for Social Impact (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2014), 14.

8. Bloomberg quote: C40 Cities, “C40 Forum, Paris 2015,” video, 2:04:05, filmed December 4, 2015, Paris, France,

9. UN quote: UN-Habitat, “Hot Cities: Battle-ground for Climate Change,” release with “Cities and Climate Change: Global Report on Human Settlements 2011,” accessed September 17, 2017,

10. Ban Ki-Moon quote: United Nations, “‘Our Struggle for Global Sustainability Will Be Won or Lost in Cities,’ Says Secretary-General, at New York Event,” press release, April 12, 2012,

11. Membership in the Global Covenant . . . this century: Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, accessed July 26, 2017,

12. The 100 Resilient Cities . . . urban population: 100 Resilient Cities, accessed July 26, 2017,

13. Urban CO2 Reduction Project: Around 1990, thirteen municipalities in North America, Europe, and Turkey launched a two-year experiment to see what could be planned at the city level to reduce emissions. The thirteen cities were: Ankara, Turkey; Bologna, Italy; Copenhagen, Denmark; Saarbrücken and Hannover, Germany; Helsinki, Finland; Toronto, Canada; Denver, Miami/Dade County, Minneapolis, Portland, St. Paul, and San Jose, United States. See Jeb Brugmann and Philip Jessup, “Cities for Climate Protection: An International Campaign to Reduce Urban Emissions of Greenhouse Gases,” International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), Urban CO2 Reduction Project, February 15, 1993,

14. Ovink quote: Michael Kimmelman, “The Dutch Have Solutions to Rising Seas. The World Is Watching,” New York Times, June 15, 2017,

15. C40 Cities . . . $10 million each: C40 Cities and Arup, “Climate Action in Megacities 3.0,” December 2015,

16. Researchers looking . . . climate changes: Lucien Georgeson et al., “Adaptation Responses to Climate Change Differ between Global Megacities,” Nature Climate Change 6 (2016): 584–88, The ten cities are London, Paris, New York, Mexico City, São Paulo, Beijing, Mumbai, Jakarta, Lagos, and Addis Ababa.

18. In China . . . low-carbon development: Compact of Mayors, “The Compact of Mayors, Alliance of Peaking Pioneer Cities Sign MOU,” press release, June 7, 2016,

19. And 189 cities . . . disclosure system: See CDP, “Citywide Emissions 2016, Map,” accessed November 11, 2017,

20. When the Carbon Neutral Cities . . . energy-efficiency projects: Examples drawn from materials distributed at the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance annual meeting in Melbourne, July 10, 2017.

Chapter 2: Urban Climate Innovation Laboratories

1. Andersson quote: Åke Andersson et al., “Creative People Need Creative Cities,” Regional Science and Urban Economics 47 (2014): 128–37.

2. Barber quote: Benjamin Barber, If Mayors Ruled the World: Dysfunctional Nations, Rising Cities (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2014), 88–89.

3. Aboutaleb quote: City of Rotterdam, “Rotterdam: Climate Change Adaptation Strategy,” October 2013,, 2.

4. Walsh quote: City of Boston, “Climate Ready Boston: Final Report,” December 2016,, 2.

5. De Lille quote: City of Cape Town, “Moving Mountains: Cape Town’s Action Plan for Energy and Climate Change,” November 2011,, 7.

6. Hydropower that produces relatively low GHG emissions: For discussion of emissions produced by hydropower, see Bobby Magill, “Hydropower May Be Huge Source of Methane Emissions,” Climate Central, October 29, 2014,; and Chris Mooney, “Reservoirs Are a Major Source of Greenhouse Gases, Scientists Say,” Washington Post, September 28, 2016,

7. In Cape Town . . . household income: For low-income users of transport, the average cost is 45 percent of monthly household income. See City of Cape Town Transport and Urban Development Authority, “What We Do,” accessed March 24, 2018,

8. Cape Town went . . . electricity: Patricia De Lille, “Cape Town Taking Control of Its Energy Future,” statement issued, PoliticsWeb, November 2, 2016,

Chapter 3: Goals, Systems, Clusters, and Waves

1. SimCity quote: SimCity, game info, accessed August 5, 2017,

2. Vancouver . . . renewable sources by 2050: City of Vancouver, “Renewable City Strategy: 2015–2050,” 2015,

3. Cape Town . . . by 37 percent: City of Cape Town, “Report to the Mayoral Committee and Council: Cape Town’s Energy2040 Vision and Commitment to the Associated Energy and Carbon Emissions Targets For 2020,” Cape Town Energy, Environment, and Spatial Planning draft memorandum provided to authors.

4. Boston’s adaptation plan quote: City of Boston, “Climate Ready Boston: Final Report,” December 2016,, 74.

5. Rotterdam quote: City of Rotterdam, “Rotterdam: Climate Change Adaptation Strategy,” October 2013,, 7.

6. Boston’s storm-water . . . flooding in parts of the city: City of Boston, “Climate Ready Boston,” 18.

7. In New York City . . . peak month: Emma G. Fitzsimmons and Winnie Hu, “The Downside of Ride-Hailing: More New York City Gridlock,” New York Times, March 6, 2017,

8. Boulder, with about 108,000 residents . . . 650,000 trees: City of Boulder, website, accessed December 18, 2016,

9. DC Water . . . $600 million a year in revenue: District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority, “Executive Budget Summary: Approved FY 2018, Adopted December 1, 2016,” 2016,

10. Shanghai’s port . . . containers: “Shanghai Keeps Lead as World’s Busiest Port,” World Maritime News, January 20, 2015,

11. New York City’s property is worth more than $1 trillion: Javier David, “NYC Total Property Value Surges over $1 Trillion, Setting a Record,” CNBC, January 16, 2016,

12. Williams quote: Peter Williams, “Protecting Cities’ Critical Assets,” Meeting of the Minds, August 31, 2017,

13. 2015 report by C40 Cities . . . act directly on its own: C40 Cities, “Climate Action in Megacities 3.0,” December 2015,, 19, 32.

14. Portland assessment quote: City of Portland, Letter of Intent to Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance Innovation Fund, April 13, 2017. Not publicly available; for related information, see Urban Sustainability Directors Network, “CNCA Kicks off Research around Autonomous Vehicles in Pacific Northwest,” January 2018,

15. C40 Cities report quote: C40 Cities and Arup, “Deadline 2020: How Cities Will Get the Job Done,” December 2016,, 79.

16. In 2011, Boulder’s voters . . . serving the city: Alex Burness, “Plurality of Voters Backs Boulder Municipalization—but Support Has Waned, Daily Camera Poll Finds,” Daily Camera, December 5, 2016,

17. When Sidewalk Labs . . . intense community conversation: Ian Austen, “City of the Future? Humans, Not Technology, Are the Challenge in Toronto,” New York Times, December 29, 2107,

18. 1.2 billion automobiles and trucks: John Voelcker, “1.2 Billion Vehicles on World’s Roads Now, 2 Billion By 2035: Report,” Green Car Reports, July 29, 2014,

19. Seventy million new vehicles sold annually: Statista, “Number of Cars Sold Worldwide from 1990 to 2018 (in Million Units),” accessed December 27, 2017,

20. Worldwide, transportation systems . . . 14 percent of all GHG emissions: US Environmental Protection Agency, “Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions,” accessed September 15, 2017,

21. London had the largest electric bus fleet in Europe: Gunjan Parik, “Cities are Leading an Electric Bus Revolution,” C40 Cities, accessed March 28, 2018,

22. In 2015, San Francisco tested . . . use the renewable fuel: Rachel Matsuoka, “San Francisco Switches City Vehicles to Biodiesel,” SFBay, July 21, 2015,

23. The city also started . . . a technology that is only beginning to reach the market: Tina Casey, “Land and Sea: San Francisco Doubles Down on Hydrogen Fuel Cell EVs,” Gas2, May 23, 2016,

24. In the US, cities . . . thirty-five thousand public charging stations by 2016: US Department of Energy data cited in Greg Gardner, “The Self-Driving Revolution Will Be Mostly Electric,” Detroit Free Press, September 18, 2016, The US also had about 150,000 gas stations, each with between six and twelve pumps.

25. Shanghai had about 3,500 . . . add twenty-eight thousand more by 2020: Dale Hall, Marissa Moultak, and Nic Lutsey, “Electric Vehicle Capitals of the World: Demonstrating the Path to Electric Drive,” International Council on Clean Transportation, March 2017,

26. San Francisco opened . . . licensed diesel vehicles: US Environmental Protection Agency, “San Francisco Opens First Biodiesel Fueling Station—Trucks Running on Waste Oil from City Restaurants,” accessed January 21, 2018,

27. Half of the world’s . . . contain innovation lab cities: Hall et al., “Electric Vehicle Capitals.”

28. The city provides . . . buses and taxis: Sture Portvik, “Oslo—the EV Capital of the World” (presentation, Annual Meeting of Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance, Oslo, Norway, June 22, 2016).

29. Shanghai . . . new car license plates: Hall et al., “Electric Vehicle Capitals.”

30. San Francisco 2004 climate action plan: San Francisco Department of Environment and San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, “Climate Action Plan for San Francisco: Local Actions to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions,” September 2004,

31. Vancouver, for instance, decided . . . 60 percent in 2008: City of Vancouver, “Transportation 2040 Plan,” accessed November 12, 2017,

32. The Xinzhuang Metro Station . . . shopping mall: Arup, “A Mini-City Well Connected by Various Rail and Road Networks,” accessed January 22, 2018,

33. In 2016, transit-oriented development . . . jobs in the city: See Brett Herron, “A New Approach to Transportation Planning—Cape Town,” PoliticsWeb, March 15, 2016,; and Cape Town Green Map, “Cape Town a Finalist in 2016 C40 Cities Awards,” September 26, 2016,

34. Mexico City . . . BRT system: “Mexico City’s Metrobus Celebrates 10 Years of Service,” World Resources Institute, June 23, 2015,’s-metrobus-celebrates-10-years-service.

35. Plans for connecting overcrowded . . . cities every day: Adam Minter, “How Big Can China’s Cities Get?,” Bloomberg View, August 25, 2016,

36. Minneapolis initiated . . . bicycles into the fleet: Janet Moore, “Dockless Bike Sharing: Coming Soon to the Twin Cities,” Star Tribune, November 6, 2017,

37. Singapore . . . the city’s tropical downpours: D’Artagnan Consulting, “Singapore Will Have World’s First GNSS Urban Congestion Pricing Scheme By 2020,” March 18, 2016,

38. In an effort to reduce driving . . . $485 million in annual fees: Christina Anderson et al., “3 Far-Flung Cities Offer Clues to Unsnarling Manhattan’s Streets,” New York Times, February 26, 2018,

39. The Obama effect: One Gear, Two Legs and Fourteen Islands, “The Obama Effect,” accessed August 22, 2017,

40. During the presidential visit . . . the inner city: Frida Sundkvist, “Nätjubel Över Ren Luft i Stockholm,” Metro, September 5, 2013,!XtgWjaeiHh4Q2/.

41. A commenter . . . keep our city clean?:“New Obama Effect after Stockholm Visit,”, September 10, 2013,

42. Montgomery quote: Charles Montgomery, Happy City: Transforming Our Lives through Urban Design (New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2013), 8.

43. When Paris . . . along the Seine River: Kim Willsher, “Paris’s First Attempt at Car-Free Day Brings Big Drop in Air and Noise Pollution,” Guardian, October 3, 2015,

44. Sadik-Khan quote: Janette Sadik-Khan, “C40 Mayors Summit—Day 2: Beyond Cars: Walking, Cycling and Mass Transit” (presentation at C40 Mayors Summit 2016, Mexico City, Mexico, December 22, 2016),

Chapter 4: Making a Better City

1. Geddes quote: Cited in Michael Batty, The New Science of Cities (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2013), 1.

2. A big change in . . . eight thousand residents, plus shops and businesses: See CBC News, “Vancouver Viaducts to Be Removed, Votes Council,” October 28, 2015,; and Frances Bula, “Vancouver Prepares for Life after Viaducts,” Globe and Mail, November 20, 2015,

3. Riise quote: Bakken Riise, “Green, Alive and Car Free” (presentation, Annual Meeting of Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance, Oslo, Norway, June 2016).

4. China Development Bank guidelines: China Development Bank Capital, “12 Green Guidelines: CDBC’s Green and Smart Urban Development Guidelines,” Draft for Comment, October 2015,

5. The shift toward . . . the air we breathe cleaner: C40 Cities, “Our Commitment to Green and Healthy Streets,” accessed January 22, 2018,

6. C40 Cities identified . . . quality of life: London School of Economics and C40, “Co-benefits of Urban Climate Action: A Framework for Cities,” September 2016,

7. China Development Bank quote: China Development Bank Capital, “12 Green Guidelines.”

8. Seattle plan quote: City of Seattle, “Seattle Climate Action Plan,” June 2013,, 16.

9. London School of Economics quote: LSE Cities, “Copenhagen: Green Economy Leader,”, 34.

10. The city’s per-capita . . . 1991 and 2012: LSE Cities, 34.

11. 29 percent . . . taken on bicycles: City of Copenhagen, “Copenhagen City of Cyclists: The Bicycle Account 2016,” September 2017, PDF downloaded at

12. Since 2014, it has built ten bridges in the harbor area: City of Copenhagen, “Copenhagen City of Cyclists.”

Chapter 5: The Rebel Alliance

1. Barber quote: Benjamin Barber, If Mayors Ruled the World: Dysfunctional Nations, Rising Cities (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2014).

2. Clover Moore . . . 750 stations around London: C40 Cities, “2015 C40 Forum,” video, 2:04:05, filmed December 4, 2015, Paris, France,

3. Workshop, “China: Towards a Zero Carbon Built Environment”: Architecture 2030, “Net Zero Carbon Professional Training Program,” September 28, 2017,

4. More than $17 million . . . work: Nils Moe, email to authors, August 31, 2017.

5. USDN’s annual meeting: The development of the Urban Sustainability Directors Network is described in Peter Plastrik et al., Connecting to Change the World: Harnessing the Power of Networks for Social Impact (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2014).

Chapter 6: The Power of Transformational Ideas

1. Goethe quote: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, source unknown, Goodreads, accessed March 30, 2018,

2. The design and use of . . . open to all: Joan DeJean, How Paris Became Paris: The Invention of the Modern City (New York: Bloomsbury, 2014), 22, 26.

3. Kotkin quote: Joel Kotkin, The City: A Global History (New York: Modern Library, 2005), 7.

4. Bennett quote: Lisa Bennett, “10 Things You Want to Know about Human Nature If You’re Fighting Climate Change,” Grist, June 10, 2015,

5. Shanghai’s stunning . . . a century ago: Wikipedia contributors, “List of Tallest Buildings in Shanghai,” Wikipedia, accessed March 30, 2016,

6. Zoom in on London: Drawn from several sources: H. W. Brands, The First American: The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin (New York: Anchor, 2000), 60–63; Clive Emsley, Tim Hitchcock, and Robert Shoemaker, “London History—Material London,” The Proceedings of the Old Bailey,; and Julie L. Horan, The Porcelain God: A Social History of the Toilet (New York: Citadel Press, 2000), 64, 73–74. See more at

7. Kearney quote: Richard Kearney, The Wake of Imagination (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1988), 156.

8. Hughes quote: Robert Hughes, The Shock of the New and the Century of Change (London: BBC Publications, 1980), 11. Cited in Kearney, Wake of Imagination, 22.

9. Rifkin quotes: Jeremy Rifkin, The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power Is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2011), see chapter 7, “Retiring Adam Smith,” 193–228.

10. Barry quote: John M. Barry, Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How It Changed America (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1997), 21.

11. Adams quote: Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams (, 2009), 233–34.

12. Trentmann quote (What the department store . . .): Frank Trentmann, Empire of Things: How We Became a World of Consumers, from the Fifteenth Century to the Twenty-First (New York: Harper Perennial, 2016), 192–94.

13. Trentmann quote (Cities were battle zones . . .): Trentmann, 207.

14. Trentmann quote (Across the world . . .): Trentmann, 207.

15. Steinberg quotes: Ted Steinberg, Down to Earth: Nature’s Role in American History (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), see chapter 10, “Death of the Organic City.”

16. General Motors . . . Futurama: See Wikipedia contributors, “New York World’s Fair,” September 19, 2017, A film made in 1939 about the General Motors pavilion can be seen at

17. Brook quote: Daniel Brook, A History of Future Cities (New York: W. W. Norton, 2013), 7–8.

18. Hall quote: Peter Hall, Cities of Tomorrow, 3rd ed. (Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2002), 347.

19. Car ownership and driving . . . city planning: Hall, 347–48. Peter Newman and Jeffrey Kenworthy note, in The End of Automobile Dependence: How Cities Are Moving beyond Car-Based Planning (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2015), chapter 1, that it wasn’t until the last decade of the twentieth century that growth of vehicle-kilometers-traveled plateaued in European cities in their Global Cities Database.

20. A 2016 ranking . . . congested city in the US: TomTom, “TomTom Traffic Index 2016—the Results Are In! Mexico City Takes Crown of ‘Most Traffic Congested City’ in World from Istanbul,” press release, March 22, 2016,

21. Shepard quote: Wade Shepard, Ghost Cities of China: The Story of Cities without People in the World’s Most Populated Country (London: Zed, 2015), 119–20.

22. Malm quote: Andreas Malm, Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming (London: Verso, 2016), 300.

23. Florida quote: Richard Florida, The Rise of the Creative Class, 10th anniversary ed. (New York: Basic, 2012), e-book location 5919.

24. Wilson quote: E. O. Wilson, foreword to Timothy Beatley, Biophilic Cities: Integrating Nature into Urban Design and Planning (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2011), xv.

25. Connell quote: David J. Connell, “Planning and Its Orientation to the Future,” International Planning Studies 14, no. 1 (February 2009): 85–98, accessed September 27, 2017,

26. Janareen quote: Yosef Janareen, The Risk City: Cities Countering Climate Change—Emerging Planning Theories and Practices around the World (Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer Netherlands, 2015), 3, 8.

27. Peñalosa quote: Neil Peirce and Gregory Scruggs, “Bogotá Mayor Enrique Peñalosa on Making Better Cities,” Citiscope, October 7, 2016,

Chapter 7: Carbon-Free Advantage

1. Jacobs quote: Jane Jacobs, conversation with authors, November 25, 1999.

2. Sixty-one thousand vehicles: Guo Jianli, email to authors, January 12, 2018.

3. The one hundred thousand residents of Boulder . . . decarbonization goal: City of Boulder, “Energy Future,” accessed September 7, 2017,

4. Went to court . . . monopoly: Zara Nicholson, “Cape Town Taking Control of Its Energy Future—Patricia De Lille,” PoliticsWeb, November 2, 2016,

5. Renewable energy has . . . the US alone: Advanced Energy Economy, “Advanced Energy Now 2016 Market Report,” accessed September 19, 2017,

6. Ørsted Energy: On November 1, 2017, DONG Energy changed its name to Ørsted, after Danish physicist and chemist Charles Hans Ørsted, who in 1820 found that electric current produces magnetic fields.

7. Shanghai has negotiated with Tesla: Bloomberg News, “Auto Suppliers Jump on Report Tesla to Fully Own China Plant,” Bloomberg, October 22, 2017,

8. The city was where . . . in EV development: Keith Bradsher, “China Will Lead an Electric Car Future, Ford’s Chairman Says,” New York Times, December 5, 2017,

9. In Cape Town . . . about 25 percent: City of Cape Town, “Frequently Asked Questions,” accessed February 7, 2018,

10. In South Africa . . . charged to supply cities: Chris Yelland, “Cape Town Takes Govt to Court in Bid to Buy Electricity from IPPs,” Fin24, August 7, 2017,

11. Around 1800, Berlin . . . a century earlier: Alexandra Richie, Faust’s Metropolis: A History of Berlin (New York: Carroll and Grad, 1998), 143–52.

12. Mumford quote: Lewis Mumford, The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects (New York: Harcourt, 1989), 458.

13. About half of the residents . . . where they lived: Andrew Lees, The City: A World History (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), 67.

14. Cities developed . . . conditions of industrial work: Andreas Malm, Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming (London: Verso, 2016), 149.

15. Rifkin quote: Jeremy Rifkin, The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power Is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2011), 108.

16. The new towers allowed . . . beacon of commerce: Jason M. Barr, “Asia Dreams in Skyscrapers,” New York Times, October 11, 2017,

17. Florida quote (The economic importance . . .): Richard Florida, The Rise of the Creative Class, 10th anniversary ed. (New York: Basic, 2012), e-book location 3090.

18. Florida quote (Cities are not . . .): Florida, e-book location 3074.

19. Florida quote (The clustering force . . .): Richard Florida, Who’s Your City?: How the Creative Economy Is Making Where to Live the Most Important Decision of Your Life (New York: Basic, 2008), e-book location 164.

20. Porter quote: Eduardo Porter, “Why Big Cities Thrive, and Smaller Ones Are Being Left Behind,” New York Times, October 10, 2017,

21. Storper quote: Emily Badger, “What Happens When the Richest U.S. Cities Turn to the World?,” New York Times, December 22, 2017,

22. Rifkin quote: Rifkin, Third Industrial Revolution, see chapter 2, “A New Narrative,” 33–36.

23. Rifkin quote (boutique, high-tech . . .): Rifkin, 264.

24. Education levels . . . complexity of its systems: Rifkin, 127.

25. Global energy consumption . . . the entire year: Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser, “Energy Production and Changing Energy Sources,” Our World in Data, accessed September 17, 2017,

26. Cities were left . . . more energy efficient: ICLEI, “Cities for Climate Protection Campaign 1993,” February 15, 1993,

27. Thanks to lowering costs . . . global electricity: Damian Carrington, “‘Spectacular’ Drop in Renewable Energy Costs Leads to Record Global Boost,” Guardian, June 6, 2017,

28. Even at these modest . . . four million in China: Paul Horn, “U.S. Renewable Energy Jobs Employ 800,000+ People and Rising: In Charts,” InsideClimate News, May 30, 2017,

29. A 2016 US government report . . . than in fossil fuels: James B. Stewart, “Electric Vehicle Tax Credit Survives, but G. M. and Tesla Aren’t Cheering,” New York Times, January 11, 2018,

30. The world’s expenditure . . . on electricity: “World Energy Expenditures Have More than Doubled in 20 Years,” Enerdata, November 28, 2011,

31. Stockholm is phasing out . . . the city’s electricity: Jesper Starn, “Stockholm Power Goes Green as Biomass Ousts Coal,” Bloomberg, February 9, 2015,

32. Rio de Janeiro . . . resilience officer: Frances Bula, “At ‘Renewable Cities’ Forum, Envisioning a City That Produces More Energy than It Uses,” Citiscope, May 19, 2017,

33. Peduto quote: Anne Hidalgo and William Peduto, “The Mayors of Pittsburgh and Paris: We Have Our Own Climate Deal,” New York Times, June 7, 2017,

34. Full electrification of transportation . . . 56 percent: The Brattle Group, “Transportation and Heating Electrification Could Aid in Increasing Utility Sales and Reducing Carbon Emissions, According to Brattle Economists,” January 24, 2017,

35. By 2020, there will be more than twelve million EV charging stations: “Global EV Charging Stations to Skyrocket by 2020, IHS Report Says,” IHS Markit, May 28, 2015,

36. In September 2017 . . . two thousand charging stations: Steve Hanley, “40% of New Cars in Oslo = Fully Electric Cars, 20% = Plug-In Hybrids,” Clean Technica, October 3, 2017,

37. London, Portland, San Francisco . . . any city in the world: Dale Hall, Marissa Moultak, and Nic Lutsey, “Electric Vehicle Capitals of the World Demonstrating the Path to Electric Drive,” International Council on Clean Transportation, March 2017,

38. Rifkin quote: Rifkin, Third Industrial Revolution, 36.

39. In the last decade . . . start-up companies: Nick Wingfield, “Next Big Tech Corridor? Between Seattle and Vancouver, Planners Hope,” New York Times, October 2, 2016,

41. Redevelopment-district promoters quote: London Sustainable Development Commission, “Better Future: A Route Map to Creating a Cleantech Cluster in London,” accessed March 30, 2018,

42. In 2017, Mayor Sadiq Khan . . . one hundred business start-ups: Natasha Lomas, “London’s Mayor Announces £1.6M Clean Tech Incubator,” TechCrunch, June 12, 2017,

43. Boulder 2017 climate action-plan quote: City of Boulder, “Boulder’s Climate Commitment: Rising to the Climate Challenge, Powering a Vibrant Future,” May 2017,

44. In 1979, the first wind turbine . . . produced offshore: “A World-Leader in Wind Energy,” Denmark, official website, November 2015,

45. Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster: Cleantech, “Copenhagen’s Cleantech Cluster Wins Best-Practice Award,” Copenhagen Capacity, October 19, 2016,

46. In 2015, Danish companies’ . . . the nation’s exports: “World-Leader,” Denmark, official website.

47. In 2017, China . . . offshore wind power: Teis Jensen, “China to Call on Denmark to Help Build Offshore Wind Farm,” Reuters, September 4, 2017,

48. In October 2017, the US government . . . for Danish companies: “US to Tap Into Denmark’s Offshore Wind Know-How,” Offshore Wind, October 27, 2017,

49. Nordhavn district: Dan Howis Lauritsen, “Copenhagen’s Northern Harbour to Serve as Lab and Showroom for Danish Energy Technology,” State of Green, January 5, 2015,

50. The city also declared . . . capacities in the city: “Hitachi Opens Big Data Laboratory in Copenhagen,” Copenhagen Capacity, accessed October 4, 2017,

51. Jacobs quote: Jane Jacobs, Cities and the Wealth of Nations: Principles of Economic Life (New York: Random House, 1984), 35, 39.

52. Washington, DC. . . . and six US states: Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance, “Washington D.C. Residents, Businesses and Local Government Spend $1.8 Billion on Fossil Fuels Every Year,” accessed October 11, 2017,

53. Boulder 2017 climate plan quote: City of Boulder, “Boulder’s Climate Commitment.”

54. In Australia . . . cost them to produce the electricity: Michael Slezak, “From Solar Boom to Bill Shock: Australians Face Loss of Rooftop Payments,” Guardian, July 31, 2016,

55. Pacific Gas and Electricity: Pacific Gas and Electricity, “PG&E Launches Distributed Energy Resource Projects Testing Technology to Unlock Benefits of the Grid,” news release, July 12, 2016,

56. In New York State . . . energy-storage industry alone: Leslie Kaufman, “How New York Is Building the Renewable Energy Grid of the Future,” InsideClimate News, May 25, 2017,

57. In Germany . . . government financial incentives: Richard Heinberg and David Fridley, Our Renewable Future: Laying the Path for One Hundred Percent Clean Energy (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2016), 77.

58. Cumbers quote: Andrew Cumbers, “Remunicipalization, the Low-Carbon Transition, and Energy Democracy,” in Worldwatch Institute, Can a City Be Sustainable? (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2016), 281.

59. C40 Cities quote: C40 Cities and Arup, “Deadline 2020: How Cities Will Get the Job Done,” December 2016,, 65.

60. In 2016 Rio de Janeiro . . . reliability of hydropower: Rio Renewables, “Energy Toolkit for Buildings,” accessed January 8, 2018,

61. The resilience of microgrids . . . will double: Erica Gies, “Microgrids Keep These Cities Going When the Power Goes,” InsideClimate News, December 4, 2017,

62. The number of solar installations . . . in 2011: Kaya Laterman, “Is New York Ready for Solar Power?,” New York Times, September 30, 2016,

63. In Hamburg . . . city’s boundaries: Andrew Cumbers, “Remunicipalization,” 284.

64. Rotterdam’s vision quote: TIR Consulting Group, “The Third Industrial Revolution Roadmap Next Economy for the Metropolitan Region of Rotterdam and the Hague,” November 4, 2016,, 227.

65. Kraemer quote: Stanley Reed, “A Small Firm in Germany Has Big Ambitions in Green Energy,” New York Times, October 17, 2017,

66. Oslo’s FutureBuilt program . . . manage energy use: Clayton Moore, “Beneath the Futuristic Architecture, Oslo Really Is as Smart as It Looks,” Digital Trends, July 10, 2017,

67. A scenario developed for Shanghai: Natural Resources Defense Council, “The Potential of Grid Integration of Electric Vehicles in Shanghai,” obtained from Natural Resources Defense Council, September 2016, 3.

68. This also could earn money . . . the 2016 report: Barbara Finamore, “Uncovering the Full Potential of Electric Vehicles in China,” Natural Resources Defense Council, August 10, 2016,

69. In Puerto Rico . . . cheaper way of restoring service: Emma Foehringer Merchant, “Puerto Rico Energy Commission Lays Out Rules for a Future Microgrid Landscape,” Green Tech Media, January 8, 2018,

70. Some companies in Germany . . . these businesses: Reed, “Small Firm in Germany.”

71. Baum quote: “Written Evidence of Edgar Baum, Brand Finance (Canada) Inc.,” accessed October 12, 2017, Brand scores for each city: Vancouver, seventy-seven; Singapore, sixty-nine; San Francisco, sixty-four; Sydney, sixty-two; Hong Kong, forty-six; Shanghai, forty-four.

72. City website quote: City of Vancouver, “Be Part of Vancouver’s Story,” accessed October 12, 2017,

73. Sustainable Sydney 2030 quote: City of Sydney, “Sustainable Sydney 2030: Green. Global. Connected,” accessed October 5, 2017,

74. Co-Create Copenhagen quote: City of Copenhagen Technical and Environmental Administration, “Co-Create Copenhagen: Vision for 2025,” accessed August 11, 2017,

75. Boulder climate-plan quote: City of Boulder, “Boulder’s Climate Commitment.”

76. Ljungkvist quote: Karen Ljungkvist, The Global City 2.0: From Strategic Site to Global Actor (New York: Routledge, 2016), 20.

77. Florida quote: Florida, Who’s Your City?, e-book location 117.

78. University of Virginia report: Demographics Research Group, “The Changing Shape of American Cities,” Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, University of Virginia, February 25, 2015,

79. Amazon Request for Proposals quote: Amazon, “Amazon HQ2 RFP,” accessed November 12, 2017,

80. Zhu Dajiang quote: Zhang Chun, “Shanghai Must Target Heavy Industry to Peak Emissions,” ClimateChange News, April 29, 2016,

Chapter 8: Efficient Abundance

1. Montgomery quote: Charles Montgomery, Happy City: Transforming Our Lives through Urban Design (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013), 42.

2. 60 percent from natural gas and fuel oils: New York City Mayor’s Office of Sustainability, “Inventory of New York City Greenhouse Gas Emissions in 2015,” April 2017,

3. Three-quarters of its power from carbon-emitting sources: US Energy Information Administration, “New York: Profile Overview,” accessed October 11, 2017,

4. De Blasio report quotation: New York City Mayor’s Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability, “One City: Built to Last,” 2014,, 12.

5. So began the global rise . . . a new height: Katie Medlock, “Worldwide Fossil Fuel Consumption Set a New Record In 2015,” Inhabitat, June 10, 2016, In 2015, coal production declined, but petroleum and natural gas production increased more than the amount of that decline.

6. Trentmann quote: Frank Trentmann, Empire of Things: How We Became a World of Consumers, from the Fifteenth Century to the Twenty-First (New York: Harper Perennial, 2016), 118.

7. History of consumption quote: Neva Goodwin et al., “Consumption and the Consumer Society,” Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts University, accessed September 11, 2017,, 5.

8. Trentmann quote: Trentmann, Empire of Things, 147.

9. McDonough and Braungart quote: William McDonough and Michael Braungart, The Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability—Designing for Abundance (New York: North Point Press, 2013), e-book location 157.

10. Heinberg quote: Richard Heinberg, “Think Resilience,” Post Carbon Institute, series of twenty-two video lectures, available by subscription. Transcript available at

11. Dickinson quote: Elizabeth Dickinson, “GDP: A Brief History: One Stat to Rule Them All,” Foreign Policy, January 3, 2011,

12. Trentmann quote: Trentmann, Empire of Things, 175.

13. Electric streetcars . . . ridership: Samuel I. Schwartz and William Rosen, Street Smart: The Rise of Cities and the Fall of Cars (New York: Public Affairs, 2015), 6–7.

14. Cohen quote: Deborah Cohen, “More Is More,” New York Review of Books, May 25, 2017, 43.

15. With consumption patterns . . . and transit facilities: David W. Dunlap, “Zoning Arrived 100 Years Ago. It Changed New York City Forever,” New York Times, July 25, 2016,

16. Barnett and Beasley quote: Jonathan Barnett and Larry Beasley, Ecodesign for Cities and Suburbs (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2015), 97–98.

17. Re-use and recycling . . . 1812 fire: Trentmann, Empire of Things, 628.

18. Hanchao Lu quote: Hanchao Lu, Beyond the Neon Lights: Everyday Shanghai in the Early Twentieth Century (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999). See chapter 6, “Beyond Stone Portals.”

19. “Smellbourne”: Julie L. Horan, The Porcelain God: A Social History of the Toilet (New York: Citadel Press, 2000), 79.

20. By the beginning of the twenty-first century . . . three million tons every day: Perinaz Bhada-Tata and Daniel Hoornweg, “Solid Waste and Climate Change,” in Worldwatch Institute, Can a City Be Sustainable? (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2016), 241.

21. Stockholm per capita annual disposal: City of Stockholm, “Waste Management Plan for Stockholm, 2017–2020,” April 3, 2017,, 8.

22. New York City . . . demolition of buildings: City of New York, “PlaNYC: New York City’s Pathways to Deep Carbon Reductions,” December 2013,, 100.

23. Wenar quote: Leif Wenar, “Is Humanity Getting Better?,” New York Times, February 15, 2016,

24. Kristof quote: Nicholas Kristof, “Why 2017 Was the Best Year in Human History,” New York Times, January 6, 2018,

25. Global Footprint Network quote: Global Footprint Network, “Ecological Footprint,” accessed October 15, 2017,

26. Calgary footprint: Global Footprint Network, “Calgary,” April 10, 2015,

27. McDonough and Braungart quote: McDonough and Braungart, The Upcycle, e-book location 156.

28. Yangtze River plastic pollution: Russell McLendon, “10 Rivers May Deliver Bulk of Ocean Plastic,” Mother Nature Network, October 13, 2017,

29. Costanza quote: Robert Costanza et al., An Introduction to Ecological Economics, 2nd ed. (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2015), 21.

30. Calthorpe quote: Peter Calthorpe, “Urbanism and Global Sprawl,” in Worldwatch Institute, Can a City Be Sustainable? (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2016), 92.

31. Brundtland report: “Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future,” United Nations, April 1987,

32. McDonough and Braungart quote (the item is designed . . .): McDonough and Braungart, The Upcycle, e-book location 156.

33. McDonough and Braungart quote (If human beings . . .): McDonough and Braungart, e-book location 146.

34. Brynjolfsson and McAfee quote: Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies (New York: W. W. Norton, 2016), 165.

35. Heinberg quote: Richard Heinberg, “Think Resilience,” Post Carbon Institute, series of twenty-two video lectures, available by subscription. Transcript available at

36. Costanza quote: Costanza, Introduction, 1.

37. Florida quote: Richard Florida, The Rise of the Creative Class, 10th anniversary ed. (New York: Basic, 2012), e-book location 5962.

38. Murray quote: City of Seattle, “Seattle Equity Agenda,” accessed November 12, 2017,, 1.

39. Movement Generation collaborators quote: Movement Generation, “Redefining Resilience: Principles, Practices and Pathways,” in Movement Strategy Center, “Pathways to Resilience: Transforming Cities in a Changing Climate,” January 2015, 25,

40. Boston resilience-plan quote: City of Boston, “The Blueprint: A Preview of the Principles & Framework for Boston’s Resilience Strategy,” November 19, 2016,

41. Austin . . . elsewhere in the city: Philip Jankowski, “Austin Affordability Plan Shows Incentives to Build Taller, Denser,” Austin-American Statesman, June 16, 2017,

42. When New York City . . . empowered to act: Urban Sustainability Directors Network, “Marketing for Action Guidebook,” download available at, 24.

43. Efficiency gains in . . . Energy-Efficient Economy: American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, “The Greatest Energy Story You Haven’t Heard,” accessed December 12, 2017,, 8.

44. Top ten US cities for energy efficiency: American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, “Cities Boost Efforts to Reduce Energy Waste: Here’s How They Rank,” May 10, 2017, The top ten cities were, in order: Boston, New York City, Seattle, Los Angeles, Portland, Austin, Chicago, Washington, DC, Denver, and San Francisco.

45. The average building energy . . . about 15 percent: Gregory H. Kats, “Energy Efficiency in Buildings: A Crisis of Opportunity,” in Worldwatch Institute, Can a City Be Sustainable?, 144.

46. In September 2017 . . . to make GHG reductions: William Neuman, “De Blasio Vows to Cut Emissions in New York’s Larger Buildings,” New York Times, September 14, 2017,

47. Vancouver Net Zero Emissions: Stefan Labbé, “Vancouver to Eliminate New Greenhouse Gas Building Emissions by 2030,” CBC News, July 13, 2016,

48. Pander quote: City of Vancouver, Green Building Manager, “Zero Emissions Building Plan,” policy report to Vancouver City Council, July 5, 2016,

49. An analysis prepared . . . have been upgraded: Architecture 2030, “Achieving Zero: Emissions Reduction in the Built Environment,” accessed November 15, 2017,, 5.

50. In New York . . . 45 percent of citywide energy use: New York City Mayor’s Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability, “One City: Built to Last,” 31.

51. San Francisco quote: Bay Area Air Quality Management District, “Consumption-based GHG Emissions Inventory,” January 6, 2016,

52. Oslo bus company announcement: Nancy Bazilchuk, “Food Waste Recycling Not Always the Best Idea,” Gemini, January 12, 2016,

53. San Francisco “zero waste” goal: San Francisco Environment, “Zero Waste,” accessed December 18, 2017,

54. Rifkin quote: TIR Consulting Group, “The Third Industrial Revolution Roadmap Next Economy for the Metropolitan Region of Rotterdam and The Hague,” November 4, 2016,, 250.

55. In Europe . . . used only 35–50 percent of the time: Ellen MacArthur Foundation, “Cities in the Circular Economy: An Initial Exploration,” accessed October 15, 2017,, 5.

56. European Commission study: World Economic Forum, “Toward the Circular Economy: Accelerating the Scale-up across Global Supply Chains,” January 2014,

57. But by 2016 . . . unused capacity: Håkon Jentoft, “Circular Bio-Resources: Treatment of Food Waste, Garden Waste, and Sludge from Wastewater,” Eurocities 2017, accessed September 19, 2017,

58. Owen quote: David Owen, Green Metropolis: Why Living Smaller, Living Closer, and Driving Less Are the Keys to Sustainability (New York: Riverhead, 2009), 7–9.

59. Research shows that . . . economic productivity: Ellen MacArthur Foundation, “Cities,” 5.

60. In Seattle . . . traffic in 2014: Editorial Board, “Waking Up to Shorter Commutes,” New York Times, October 29, 2016,

61. Calthorpe quote (Mixed use, walkable . . .): Calthorpe, “Urbanism and Global Sprawl,” 91.

62. Calthorpe quote (Single-use residential . . .): Calthorpe, 94.

63. Energy Foundation China quote: Energy Foundation China, “Shaping China’s Sustainable Future through Cities: Could China’s Early Peaking Cities Play a Role?,” Draft for discussion, September 2016, 3.

64. Street design guide for Shanghai quote: Deng Han and Huang Runjie, “Taking Back the Streets of Shanghai,” Citiscope, October 12, 2017,

65. Portland long-range comprehensive plan quote: City of Portland, “2035 Comprehensive Plan,” accessed September 15, 2017,, 6.

Chapter 9: Nature’s Benefits

1. Aboriginal saying: City of Melbourne and Monash University, “Caring for Country: An Urban Application—the Possibilities for Melbourne,” accessed August 20, 2017,, 8.

2. History of city’s forest quote: City of Melbourne, “Urban Forest Strategy: Making a Great City Greener, 2012–2032,” accessed August 15, 2017,, 18.

3. Annual rainfall . . . 2002 and 2009: Dave Kendal and Jess Baumann, “The City of Melbourne’s Future Urban Forest: Identifying Vulnerability to Future Temperatures,” June 2016,, 7.

4. Residents adapted . . . over mountains: Brittany Patterson, “What Australia Can Teach the World about Surviving Drought,” Scientific American, May 28, 2015,

5. Since 2012 . . . three thousand trees a year: City of Melbourne, “Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Refresh 2017,” accessed December 12, 2017,, 24.

6. Urban Forest Fund: City of Melbourne, untitled draft media release, obtained July 11, 2017; and City of Melbourne, “$1.2 Million Fund for New Green Projects in Melbourne,” media release, May 31, 2017.

7. Brechin quote: Gray Brechin, Imperial San Francisco: Urban Power, Earthly Ruin (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001), xxiv.

8. Brundtland report: “Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future,” United Nations, April 1987,

9. Especially in Western society . . . human agency: See Richard Kearney, The Wake of Imagination (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1988) for an excellent explanation of this development in thinking.

10. Register quote: Richard Register, Ecocities: Rebuilding Cities in Balance with Nature, rev. ed. (Gabriola Island, BC: New Society, 2006), 80–81.

11. Sanderson quote: Eric Sanderson, Mannahatta: A Natural History of New York City (New York: Abrams, 2009), 13.

12. Barnett and Beasley quote: Jonathan Barnett and Larry Beasley, Ecodesign for Cities and Suburbs (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2015), 96–97.

13. Today, nearly 15 percent . . . protected status: World Bank, “Terrestrial Protected Areas (% of Total Land Area),” accessed September 11, 2017,

14. National Geographic reports: “How Green Buildings Could Save Our Cities,” National Geographic, January 24, 2017,

15. The US Environmental Protection Agency website: US Environmental Protection Agency, “Green Infrastructure,” accessed August 7, 2017,

16. Rotterdam adaptation plan quote: City of Rotterdam, “Rotterdam: Climate Change Adaptation Strategy,” October 2013,, 100.

17. The Zoho . . . a giant rainwater collector: Vittoria Zanuso, “Water Management and Multi-benefit Solutions: The Rotterdam Exchange,” 100 Resilient Cities, February 23, 2016,

18. Especially important is . . . enables urban development: Victoria State Government, “Yarra River Protection (Birrarung): Discussion Paper Summary,” 2016,

19. Kay quote: Jane Kay, “How the Bay Area Is Restoring Nature’s Delicate Balance,” National Geographic, June 13, 2017,

20. In 2015 Vancouver . . . outside the city’s borders: City of Vancouver, “Greenest City: 2020 Action Plan, Part Two: 2015–2020,” accessed November 6, 2017,, 39–55.

21. Wilson quote: Edward O. Wilson, Half-Earth: Our Planet’s Fight for Life (New York: Liveright, 2016), 106.

22. City Biodiversity Index: Singapore Government National Parks, “Singapore Index on Cities’ Biodiversity,” accessed September 1, 2017,

23. United Kingdom’s Future of Cities project quote: Joe Ravetz, “The Future of the Urban Environment and Ecosystem Services in the UK,” October 2015, UK Government Office for Science, 8.

24. TNC report quote: The Nature Conservancy, “Assessing the Return on Investment in Watershed Conservation,” September 16, 2017,

25. Plan to protect the Yarra River quote: Victoria State Government, “Yarra River Protection (Birrarung),” 10.

26. “Caring for Country” initiative quote: City of Melbourne, “Nature in the City: Thriving Biodiversity and Healthy Ecosystems,” accessed October 1, 2017,, 25.

27. Caring for Country quote (is a practice of resource use . . .): City of Melbourne and Monash University, “Caring for Country,” 7, 12.

28. New York City . . . building filtration plants: Alice Kenny, “Ecosystem Services in the New York City Watershed,” Ecosystem Marketplace, accessed September 20, 2017,

29. They are among the twenty-four . . . daily lives: Timothy Beatley, in email communication to authors on August 15, 2017, identified twenty-four cities that were either original partner cities, newly joined cities that have gone through the protocol process, or cities in some stage of joining the Biophilic Cities Network.

30. Biophilic projects in cities: For eight city case studies, see Timothy Beatley, Handbook of Biophilic City Planning and Design (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2016), part 2, “Creating Biophilic Cities: Emerging Global Practice,” 49–138.

31. Beatley quote: Christopher Swope, “What’s a ‘Biophilic City’? Let Tim Beatley Explain,” Citiscope, January 23, 2015,

Chapter 10: Adaptive Futures

1. Hoffer quote: Quote from Eric Hoffer, Reflections on the Human Condition (Titusville, NJ: Hopewell, 2006); cited in “Eric Hoffer,” Goodreads,

2. A ton of carbon per passenger: Carbon emissions calculated for a one-person, one-way flight between Boston and Shanghai, at Carbon Neutral®, accessed December 1, 2017,

3. A 2013 study . . . inundate 30 percent of the city: Casey Ross, “Rising Water Levels Threaten Boston’s Waterfront,” Boston Globe, August 4, 2013,

4. Boston Globe quote: David Abel and Tim Logan, “Floods Seen as Warning of Boston’s Future,” Boston Globe, January 6, 2018,

5. The US opened . . . and a freeze: Kendra Pierre-Louis, “These Billion-Dollar Natural Disasters Set a U.S. Record in 2017,” New York Times, January 8, 2018,

6. Bernstein quote: Peter L. Bernstein, Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk (New York: Wiley and Sons, 1998), 1–2.

7. Connell quote: David J. Connell, “Planning and Its Orientation to the Future,” International Planning Studies 14, no. 1 (February 2009): 93,

8. Connell quote: Connell, 95.

9. An assessment of the state of climate adaptation in the US: Susanne Moser, Joyce Coffee, and Aleka Seville, “A Review and Critical Assessment of the State of the US Climate Adaptation Field,” December 2017,, 7.

10. Ovink was working . . . Indonesia: Architecture Workroom Brussels, “Water as Leverage for Resilient Cities: Asia,” November 10, 2017,

11. Actions to prevent . . . over several decades: Abel and Logan, “Floods.”

12. Room for the River initiative: Ruimte voor de Rivier, “Fact Sheet: Dutch Water Programme—Room for the River,” May 14, 2011,

13. Living Breakwaters: New York Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery, “Learn More about the Living Breakwaters Project,” accessed February 7, 2018,

14. Charles River Water Association model: Charles River Watershed Association, Transformation: Water Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future (self-pub., Kindle, 2016). Also see

15. Lempert and Knopman quote: Debra Knopman and Robert J. Lempert, Urban Responses to Climate Change: Framework for Decisionmaking and Supporting Indicators (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2016), 21.

16. In Boston . . . and limited English proficiency: City of Boston, “Climate Ready Boston,” 2016,

17. USDN Racial Equity Toolkit Guide: Urban Sustainability Directors Network, “USDN Innovation Products on Social Equity,” May 2017,

18. Publication (coedited by Taj James) quote: Movement Strategy Center, “Executive Summary,” Pathways to Resilience: Transforming Cities in a Changing Climate, accessed January 3, 2018,

19. Rodin quote: Judith Rodin, The Resilience Dividend: Being Strong in a World Where Things Go Wrong (New York: Public Affairs, 2014), 7.

20. Kostof quote: Spiro Kostof, The City Assembled: The Elements of Human Form through History (London: Thames and Hudson, 1992), 298.

Chapter 11: New Thinking Spreads

1. Mandela quote: Quote Investigator, “It Always Seems Impossible until It’s Done,” January 5, 2016, Quote attributed to Mandela in 2001.

2. “Cultural creative” values: Wikipedia contributors, “The Cultural Creatives,” Wikipedia,

3. Strauss and Howe: William Strauss and Neil Howe, The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy (New York: Three Rivers Press, 1997).

4. LEED standards: “Better Buildings Are Our Legacy,” US Green Building Council, accessed December 21, 2017,

5. Boston Green Ribbon Commission: Coauthor John Cleveland serves as executive director of the Boston Green Ribbon Commission.

6. Boston Properties: “About,” Boston Properties, accessed February 6, 2018,

7. Carbon pricing incentives: Jennifer Gallé, “The Price Is Right for a Corporate Carbon Tax,” November 29, 2017, The High-Level Commission on Carbon Prices acknowledged in 2017 that 85 percent of global emissions of greenhouse gases are currently not priced, and about three-quarters of the emissions that are covered by a carbon price are priced below $10 per ton of carbon dioxide–equivalent.

8. Half the coal plants . . . phased out: Michael R. Bloomberg and Jerry Brown, “The U.S. Is Tackling Global Warming, Even If Trump Isn’t,” New York Times, November 14, 2017,

9. McKibben quote: Bill McKibben, “Cashing Out from the Climate Casino,” New York Times, December 15, 2017,

10. Bain and Company quote: Aaron Denman, Arnaud Leroi, and Hubert Shen, “How Utilities Can Make the Most of Distributed Energy Resources,” Bain and Company, February 1, 2017,

11. In March 2018 . . . forecasted local demand: Robert Walton, “Efficiency, DERs Saving $2.6B in Avoided Transmission Costs, CAISO Says,” Utility Dive, March 26, 2018,

12. China had more EV sales: Keith Bradsher, “China Hastens the World toward an Electric-Car Future,” New York Times, October 9, 2017,

13. Norway . . . alternative fuels: Amie Tsang and Henrik Pryser Libell, “In Norway, Electric and Hybrid Cars Outsell Conventional Models,” New York Times, January 4, 2018,

14. Germany’s highest administrative court . . . air pollution: Melissa Eddy, “German Court Rules Cities Can Ban Vehicles to Tackle Air Pollution,” New York Times, February 27, 2018,

15. Royal Dutch purchase: Matt Egan, “Oil Giant Shell Bets on Electric Cars,” CNN Money, October 12, 2017,

16. LEED standards . . . ninety-two thousand projects: US Green Building Council, “Better Buildings Are Our Legacy,” accessed December 12, 2017,

17. Zero-net-carbon building code: “Zero Net Carbon (ZNC): A Definition,” Architecture 2030, July 11, 2016,

18. Choho quote: Abdeluheb Choho, “How Cities Are Transitioning to a Circular Economy,” Cities Today, September 22, 2017,

19. About 80 percent . . . disposed in the US every year: “Ikea U.S. Introduces National Mattress Recycling Program,” Ikea Corporate News, October 2, 2017,

20. European Environment Agency quote: European Environment Agency, “Urban Adaptation to Climate Change in Europe 2016—Transforming Cities in a Changing Climate,” August 18, 2016,, 36.

21. In a prod for US cities . . . climate changes: Moody’s Investors Services, “Climate Change Forecast to Heighten US Exposure to Economic Loss Placing Short- and Long-Term Credit Pressure on US States and Local Governments,” announcement, November 28, 2017,

22. Swiss foundation issued a new standard quote: Global Infrastructure Basel, “The Standard for Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure,” accessed January 6, 2018,

23. Arup quotation: Arup, “Cities Alive—Rethinking Green Infrastructure” (London: Arup, 2014),, 9.

24. Illman quotation: Arup, 5.

25. European . . . to varying degrees: The Australian government in 2016 issued a plan for working with cities to set goals for each decade leading to 2050 to increase urban tree canopies; see Nicole Hasham, “Turnbull Government’s Plan to Make Cities Cooler and Greener,” Sydney Morning Herald, January 18, 2016, In the US, the Environmental Protection Agency issued a guidebook for cities to increase green infrastructure, including green streets, rainwater harvesting, and retrofitting storm-water systems; see US Environmental Protection Agency, “Green Infrastructure,” accessed December 28, 2017, The 2015 green guidelines of the equity-investment arm of China Development Bank, the national government–founded bank for development, called for 20 to 40 percent of new construction to be publicly accessible and usable green space and more for residential areas; see China Development Bank Capital, “12 Green Guidelines: CDBC’s Green and Smart Urban Development Guidelines,” October 2015,

Chapter 12: Continuous Innovation

1. Wilde quote: From Oscar Wilde, “The Soul of Man under Socialism,” an essay published in 1891; quote found at Goodreads,

2. Moore quote: Kenneth R. Wise, “Vancouver’s Green Dream,” Science 352, no. 6288 (May 20, 2016): 921.

3. Sanderson quote: Eric W. Sanderson, Mannahatta: A Natural History of New York City (New York: Abrams, 2009), 237–43.

4. Van Begin quote: Gino van Begin, “How to Globalize the Sustainable City,” Citiscope, July 4, 2016,

5. $2.6 billion for streets, parks, and other infrastructure: Christina Salmhofer, email to authors, January 8, 2018.

6. When the city . . . to plot new investments: Mark Sutton, “Copenhagen Crowd Maps Cycling Infrastructure Needs as It Shoots for 50+% Modal Share,” Cycling Industry News, October 19, 2017,

7. Some research shows . . . thirty feet tall: Matthew Gordy, “High-Performance Urban Forestry for Green Infrastructure,” Boston Society of Architects, April 4, 2011,

8. A 2015 assessment . . . condition impacted this performance: Carter H. Strickland Jr., “Green Infrastructure Performance in NYC” (presentation, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, January 8, 2015),

9. Shanghai and fifteen . . . water shortages: Asit K. Biswas and Kris Hartley, “China’s ‘Sponge Cities’ Aim to Re-use 70% of Rainwater,” CNN, September 17, 2017,

10. Sydney, Melbourne . . . international best practices: Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance, “A Blueprint for Development Approval of Hydrogen Re-fuelling Stations,” accessed October 18, 2017,

11. Badger quote: Emily Badger, “Google’s Founders Wanted to Shape a City. Toronto Is Their Chance,” New York Times, October 10, 2018,

12. Seattle Public Utilities goal quote: Seattle Public Utilities, “Strategic Business Plan,” accessed November 12, 2017,

13. Its 2014 strategic plan . . . 4.6 percent: Seattle Public Utilities, “Progress Report to Council: Second Quarter, 2017,” accessed November 12, 2017,

14. Portland’s comprehensive plan quote: City of Portland Planning and Sustainability, “Urban Design Direction,”, 38.

15. San Francisco’s Proposition . . . for two decades: “San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority ‘Clean and Healthy Bay’ Parcel Tax, Measure AA (June 2016),” Ballotpedia, November 11, 2017,“Clean_and_Healthy_Bay”_Parcel_Tax,_Measure_AA_(June_2016).

16. Cumbers quote: Andrew Cumbers, “Remunicipalization, the Low-Carbon Transition, and Energy Democracy,” in Worldwatch Institute, Can a City Be Sustainable? (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2016), 276.

17. Barber quote: Benjamin R. Barber, If Mayors Ruled the World: Dysfunctional Nations, Rising Cities (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2014), xvi.

18. Barber quote, President Clinton story: Barber, 84–85.

19. In 2016, C40 estimated . . . reduction goals: C40 and Arup, “Deadline 2020,” December 2016,, 47.

20. The city also launched . . . other local projects: Washington, DC, Department of Energy and Environment, “DC Green Bank,” accessed January 8, 2018,

Chapter 13: A New Urban Future?

1. Rifkin quote: Rifkin quoted in Jeff Beer, “Will the Third Industrial Revolution Create an Economic Boom That Saves the Planet?,” Fast Company, April 26, 2017,

2. Wilson quote: Edward O. Wilson, Half-Earth: Our Planet’s Fight for Life (New York: Liveright, 2016), 192.

3. Batty quote: Michael Batty, The New Science of Cities (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2013), 245.

4. The amount of CO2 in the air increased in 2017: Craig Welch, “Carbon Emissions Had Leveled Off. Now They’re Rising Again,” National Geographic, November 13, 2017,

5. Australia’s emissions . . . electricity soared: Michael Slezak, “Australia’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Highest on Record,” Guardian, December 10, 2017,

6. Although Germany . . . GHG-emissions reduction: Megan Darby, “Germany Set to Abandon 2020 Climate Target: Reports,” Climate Home News, August 1, 2017,

7. Oslo . . . North Sea oil and gas: Anca Gurzu, “The Norwegians Who Would Slay Golden Energy Goose,” Politico, September 5, 2017,

8. Companies that . . . changes in America: Rachel Leven, “These Companies Support Climate Action, So Why Are They Funding Opposition to It?,” Center for Public Integrity, September 19, 2017,

9. Geoengineering: See Alister Doyle, “Scientists Dim Sunlight, Suck up Carbon Dioxide to Cool Planet,” Reuters, July 26, 2017,; John Flakla, “Should We Change Earth to Halt Warming? Scientists Say Maybe,” E&E News, July 11, 2017,; and Laurie Goering, “Carbon-sucking Technology Needed by 2030s, Scientists Warn,” Thompson Reuters Foundation News, October 10, 2017,

10. “Big-impact” ways: Damian Carrington, “Want to Fight Climate Change? Have Fewer Children,” Guardian, July 12, 2017,

11. When Californians . . . mandated water restrictions: Karen Kaplan, “More Ink, Less Water: News Coverage of the Drought Prompted Californians to Conserve, Study Suggests,” Los Angeles Times, October 27, 2017,

12. “Science of cities”: See Batty, New Science, 245.

13. “The century of the City” report: Neil R. Peirce, Curtis Johnson, and Farley M. Peters, Century of the City: No Time to Lose (New York: Rockefeller Foundation, 2008), 18.

14. We took these . . . concerned, aligned, and action-oriented community: City of Boulder, “Boulder’s Climate Commitment: Rising to the Climate Challenge, Powering a Vibrant Future,” May 2017, Details from the city’s data include the following:

Epilogue: Time Is Our Frenemy

1. Ibn al Jawzi quote: Cited in Sam Knight, “Sadiq Khan Takes on Brexit and Terror,” New Yorker, July 29, 2017, Knight quotes Sadiq Khan, mayor of London, quoting Ibn Al Jawzi.

2. Half of today’s global population wasn’t yet born: In July 2016, the median age of the world population was 30.1 years, per “World Demographics Profile 2018,” Index Mundi, June 5, 2017,

3. If this happens . . . at risk from climate changes: C40 Cities and Arup, “Deadline 2020: How Cities Will Get the Job Done,” December 2016,

4. Figueres quotes: Christiana Figueres, “Climate at a Crossroads” (speech, UMass Boston Speaker Series, University of Massachusetts–Boston, Boston, MA, April 6, 2016),


1. Goodall quote: In Melena Ryzik, “Jane Goodall’s Unparalleled Life, in Never-Before-Seen Footage,” New York Times, October 20, 2017,