IT WAS A BITTERLY cold night in Copenhagen. The big climate summit of 2009 was over and everyone was heading home. At the cavernous Bella Center, where delegates from 192 countries had spent two weeks in contentious negotiations, no one remained but an army of workers rolling up power cords and taking down hardware. The tens of thousands of protestors who had filled the city streets were long gone, along with the police helicopters that had hovered overhead. President Obama and the Americans were gone. Premier Wen Jinbao and the Chinese were gone. The diplomats, journalists, and activists who had come here to witness policymaking history were gone, and—without anything resembling success to point to—most had departed with the same word on their lips: “failure.”
“What went wrong?” Mattias asked as we stood outside the Bella Center. “The people I talked to had such high hopes.”
Just a few days before, at an exhibition of his photographs, Mattias had given a short presentation to a high-powered group about the global effects of logging in Borneo. Tony Blair, former prime minister of the UK, had been there, as had HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, and Gro Harlem Brundtland, Special Envoy on Climate Change for the United Nations (UN). Having visited Borneo many times during his nearly three decades as a wildlife photographer and filmmaker, Mattias had spoken from the heart when he described the rampant destruction that has claimed 75 percent of the island’s lowland rainforest, threatening both the reclusive Penan tribe and wildlife such as orangutans and pygmy elephants.
“Everybody seemed to get it,” Mattias said.
I had a similar experience that same week, when I took part in a European Union (EU)-sponsored side event on climate change. As panelists, we were asked to offer scenarios for stabilizing global temperatures at no more than 2°C (3.6°F) above pre-industrial levels—the target being widely proposed at the conference. I had remarked to the group that a climate deal alone—as difficult as it might be to achieve—might not be enough to meet a 2°C goal, since the world’s climate was intertwined with other urgent problems such as biodiversity loss and ocean acidification. But other speakers were less cautious, expressing confidence that the goal was still reachable with existing technologies. The general mood was quite positive.
“I’m not really sure what happened,” I replied. “But I think two factors still haunt us. One is a deep distrust between rich and poor. And the other is that we’re still blind, despite all the science, to the fact that wealth in the world depends on the health of our planet.”
The Copenhagen summit was supposed to be the culmination of a long journey. As the fifteenth session of the UN body charged with carrying out the 1992 climate treaty forged in Rio, and the fifth session of the governing body responsible for the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, it was supposed to be the meeting where the world finally came together to sign a new legally binding agreement on climate change. The Kyoto Protocol was set to expire in 2012.
In anticipation of the Copenhagen meeting, the prestigious scientific journal Nature had published an article in its September issue that I’d co-authored with nearly two dozen international researchers. In the article, entitled “A Safe Operating Space for Humanity,” we proposed to track “planetary boundaries” for critical natural systems such as the global climate, stratospheric ozone, biodiversity, and ocean acidification. If humanity wanted to avoid triggering potentially disastrous tipping points, such as the melting of polar ice sheets, extreme storms, or mass extinctions of wildlife, we argued, then the world needed to know where the boundaries for such thresholds were located, which meant measuring them and tracking them. More positively, we wrote, by identifying these boundaries, humanity could chart a safe path into the future for generations to come, opening the door for greater prosperity, justice, and technological advancement.
What we presented, based on the latest science, was evidence that the world needs a new paradigm for development, one that pursues alleviation of poverty and economic growth while staying within the safe planetary boundaries that define a stable and resilient planet.
The editors of Nature called our proposal “a grand intellectual challenge,” saying that it could provide “badly needed information for policymakers,” which was exactly what we were hoping for, of course. As expected, the paper stimulated a lot of debate, including criticism of our methods and assumptions. This was science, after all, which lives and breathes skepticism and disagreement. We wanted to challenge our scientific peers.
But new research and scientific debates since publication of the paper have verified the need for planetary boundary thinking. The most recent science confirms that as long as we manage, within safe boundaries, our planet’s key systems—the climate system, the stratospheric ozone layer, ocean acidification, the remaining forests on Earth, and secure enough freshwater in our rivers and landscapes, safeguard biodiversity, and avoid air pollution and release of chemical compounds—we stand a good chance to secure a prosperous future for the world for many generations to come.
But that was the scientific side of the coin. We also aimed our proposal at a broader audience, including business leaders and political leaders—like those meeting in Copenhagen. We wanted to give the world a new framework to redefine global development by reconnecting economies and societies to the planet. In so doing, we wanted to create a tool providing a practical and comprehensive way to measure human impacts on Earth, and guide our common endeavor toward a sustainable world development, before it was too late.
It soon became obvious, however, that the time hadn’t come yet for such ambitious goals. Despite all the promising talk, world leaders failed miserably in Copenhagen to agree on targets to stay within a safe global budget for carbon in the atmosphere, one of the nine planetary boundaries, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Negotiating sessions unraveled as groups of delegates walked out. Unofficial meetings sprang up right and left. When President Obama and the leaders of four other nations announced on the last day that they’d privately reached an accord, the rest of the conference felt excluded. The media called the summit “disappointing” and “a missed opportunity.” Andreas Carlgren, Sweden’s Environment Minister, went further, describing the talks as a “disaster” and “a great failure.” Outside the Bella Center, protestors cut off their hair in frustration. “The city of Copenhagen is a crime scene tonight, with the guilty men and women fleeing to the airport,” reported John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace UK.
If one looked hard enough, of course, one could find crumbs of progress coming out of Copenhagen. It clearly represented the moment, for example, when world leaders finally recognized that climate change wasn’t just an environmental issue, but also a social and economic one. That meant that any future climate solution would also require fundamental changes in our economies, financial systems, how we build our cities, produce our food, and relate to one another—which was hardly a small change in thinking. Still, there was much to be depressed about as we stood outside the Bella Center.
As a photographer and a scientist, respectively, Mattias and I traveled in different worlds. I always thought it was a scientist’s job to appeal to the rationality of others. But it was becoming painfully clear to me how naïve it was to assume that, just because the facts were on the table, people would make the right decisions. That wasn’t the way the world worked. Any profound changes in society would only happen, I knew, if a large enough percentage of citizens were convinced, felt engaged, and believed in something. A deep mind-shift was required for genuine change, and that couldn’t be reached through numbers alone. It had to come from both the heart and the brain.
As a photographer and filmmaker, Mattias had captivated lecture audiences around the world with his startling images and documentaries about wildlife and native cultures. The stories he’d told about encountering tigers in India’s sal forest, or of getting within striking distance of a cobra’s fangs for one last shot, had enthralled listeners from Seattle to Stockholm, from Beijing to Rio de Janeiro. Yet he, too, had realized that it wasn’t enough to make people care about such places. They also needed evidence-based information to persuade them to take action.
In our different ways, in other words, we’d been moving toward the same conclusion: That the best case for a new relationship with nature would be one that bridged the gap between science and the arts, the rational and the emotional, in the service of change. The knowledge and technology existed, we both believed, to solve the world’s many problems, and the future was full of opportunity as well as of danger.
Why not combine our talents and tell that story together?
We did just that in the spring of 2012, launching our first book, The Human Quest: Prospering Within Planetary Boundaries, with barely enough time to hand out copies to delegates at the UN Summit on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro. That conference, known as Rio+20, was a follow-up 20 years later to the 1992 meeting in Rio, which was the first to bring together concerns about the environment and social development. With support from the Swedish Postcode Lottery, we presented our book, with a foreword by President Bill Clinton, to more than 130 heads of state and government.
At the same time, we were pleased to notice that researchers and policymakers were starting to adopt our concept of planetary boundaries as they framed their discussions of climate change and other global issues. The term was embraced by the UN High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability, for example, as well as by organizations such as Oxfam and the World Wildlife Fund, and supported by both the EU and the large non-governmental organizations’ (NGO) forum in Rio, as an important new way of framing sustainable development in our globalized world with rising global environmental risks. In fact, it was even included, for a time, in the working documents at the Rio+20 conference itself, which was quite encouraging.
We knew that this doorstopper of a book wouldn’t be everybody’s cup of tea. Written primarily for the professional crowd, it was packed with footnotes, references, and more than 40 data-heavy charts and diagrams—as well as Mattias’s amazing photographs—tipping the scales at more than 2 kg (4.4 pounds). But we did this deliberately. We wanted the book to establish an authoritative baseline for a new dialogue on our novel thinking about human development. In the back of our minds, we also harbored the hope of reaching out to a broader audience, as intelligent people everywhere tuned in to the world’s predicament. Heat waves, droughts, floods, and other forms of extreme weather were prompting TV reporters almost weekly to ask if climate change was happening faster than expected. Biologists were warning that habitats for countless species were shifting, threatening extinction for many, risking collapse of ecosystems supporting human wellbeing.
We were also encouraged to observe that business and community leaders were connecting the dots, realizing how changes to the environment were creating a new economic landscape, with both threats and opportunities for their own constituents. While the world’s leaders continued to dither, debating “top down” policies on climate change and other urgent issues, the rest of the world was already in motion, working on “bottom up” solutions at home, in communities, in boardrooms, and across digital networks. Mattias and I wanted to reach out to these groups as well, to share our passion, experience, and stories with them, by providing a state-of-the-art scientific analysis, presenting a new paradigm for world development within a stable planet, and marry these with a narrative of beauty and hope.
The world needs a new narrative—a positive story about new opportunities for humanity to thrive on our beautiful planet by using ingenuity, core values, and humanism to become wise stewards of nature and the entire planet. The dominant narrative until now has been about infinite material growth on a finite planet, assuming that Earth and nature have an endless capacity to take abuse without punching back. That narrative held up as long as we inhabited a relatively small world on a relatively big planet—one in which Earth kept forgiving all the insults we threw at her. But that is no longer the case. We left that era 25 years ago. Today we inhabit a big world on a small planet—one so saturated with environmental pressures that it has started to submit its first invoices to the world economy: the rising costs of extreme weather events and the volatility of world food and resource costs.
We need a new way of thinking about our relationship with nature, and how reconnecting with the planet can open up new avenues to world prosperity.
That’s why we wrote this book.
We’ve divided the book into three parts. The first part summarizes the urgent predicament we’re facing as Earth responds to massive human impacts. It explains our concept of planetary boundaries and details the major threats to our survival if we ignore them. The second part makes the case for a new way of thinking about prosperity, justice, and happiness on a sustainable planet. We believe that preserving nature’s beauty is a universal value among all nations, cultures, and religions. No one wakes up in the morning with the intention of making Earth an uglier place. Whether they express it in scientific, humanistic, or religious terms, all peoples share a deep sense of responsibility for our home. In the third part we offer practical solutions to the biggest challenges facing humanity, such as feeding nine billion people or powering tomorrow’s economies.
Although we find the latest data about human impacts on Earth truly alarming, we believe this book tells a positive story that will inspire hope, innovation, and countless new opportunities for wise stewardship of the planet. Told in the language of science and photography, our new narrative is about what matters most to you and me—to sustain the remaining beauty on Earth, not for the sake of the planet (she doesn’t care) but for ourselves and future generations, a world that in less than two generations will host nine to ten billion people, all with the same right to a thriving life on Earth.
People all over the world are joining this conversation. On Sunday, September 21, 2014, about 400,000 demonstrators crowded into the heart of Manhattan for the People’s Climate March. It was an overwhelming sight. On Central Park West, people of all ages and all walks of life lined the avenue along the length of the park, from Cathedral Parkway in the north to the front of the demonstration at Columbus Circle in the south. This was not a “normal” demonstration. Of course, the die-hard environmentalists were there, from anti-nuclear power activists to the doomsday neo-Malthusians. But there were also middle-class parents with their teenage kids, business leaders and innovators, and in front of them all, Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary General himself.
Together with sister marches in many cities around the world, the event was a call for political leadership on climate change on a scale we’d never seen before. It was impossible not to view it as a potentially significant moment, perhaps even a social tipping point. It wasn’t just the large numbers of participants. It was also the new narrative being put forth, one of working with the political system to enable a better type of economic growth in the future, steering away from the dirty, costly, and risky road we’re on today, and instead choosing a clean, economically and socially attractive, path toward a sustainable future.
The day before, some stunning survey results had been released by the Global Challenges Foundation. The researchers had posed the question of whether humans are the cause behind climate change, and whether political leadership is needed to solve the problem. In countries like Sweden, the UK, and Germany, we know that awareness is very high, with some 70 percent of respondents saying humans are the main cause behind climate change. I often hear people claim that this is an exception and not representative of the world at large, because “you Swedes are so environmentally conscious.” But the survey posed the same question to people in China, India, and Brazil. And, to my great surprise, the figures in these countries are even higher than in Sweden!
Sure, one has to be careful in interpreting this kind of survey. But still, results like these point out the great mismatch between citizens’ awareness and willingness to see political solutions and the limited media attention and weak political leadership we see today. Combined with the enthusiasm I witnessed at the People’s Climate March, they represented a clear and unprecedented message from citizens to their leaders: You have a mandate to act.
In December 2015, world leaders will gather again in Paris for another major summit, the UN Climate Change Conference. Our hope is that, this time, they’ll correct what went wrong in Copenhagen and forge a new globally binding climate deal. But we don’t think you should have to wait for heads of governments to pronounce acceptable solutions to our planetary crisis. With the information in this book, we urge you to embrace challenges for yourself by engaging with others in conversations, dialogues, and meetings—just as those hundreds of thousands did in New York. By sharing this knowledge, as well as your concerns and dreams about thriving families, communities, businesses, and nations, you can help advance the process of reconnecting humanity with nature in harmony with Earth.
That’s our wish for this book—and for you.