
Chapter 41 - Tanzie


Chef has outdone herself with this crazy breakfast. I’m alone in the dining room as Grisham meets with his members to tell them about my father’s offer. I’m here with pecan-chocolate waffles, fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and a cappuccino that literally makes me want to create a shrine to cappuccinos.

Sex makes me hungry, apparently, and Grisham and I have had a lot of it. He told me to spend some time thinking about redecorating the bedroom, though I can’t figure out why, because it seems like if we merge clubs, we might have to live in the Blazing Pistons’ house.

Or better yet, maybe we’d find our own place and just have an occasional night in the Blazing Pistons’ headquarters. That would be much better, since I’d rather not get fucked six ways to Sunday with my dad under the same roof. Thank you very much.

After I finish my breakfast, I practically have to roll myself down the hallway to the gym. I do a workout that almost makes me feel less guilty about all the calories I’ve just ingested, and then head for the shower. There’s a palpable energy change in the house. For me, it’s better without worrying that Spree will pop out from behind a corner to threaten or intimidate me. But I know other are worried about what comes next, what Grisham will choose to do, if they made the right choice in retaining their allegiance to him.

It’s afternoon when Grisham comes back in, grim-faced and looking every bit like a man who needs a good night of sleep.

“What happened?” I ask.

He flops onto the chaise lounge. “Well, about two-thirds of them totally get it. They feel like it’s the right move. They don’t want a bloodbath. They have families to protect and none of them want to see their children without fathers. Many of them feel like this will make us stronger as a club because they like what Drew has to offer. More opportunity, more in the brotherhood. So that’s all good. The other one-third want my head on a silver platter. They feel like I’m copping out, taking the easy way. They think we should go down in a blaze of glory.”

“And what did you decide?” I ask, snuggling next to him.

“Majority rules. We go,” he says simply. “It was loud but it was democratic.”

We’re both quiet for a long minute. Then he says, “This is for the best. I think.”

“Maybe,” I say. “What will happen here? To this house?”

He takes a deep breath and strokes my arm, raising goosebumps. “I think he’ll let us stay, actually. Having this house really does expand his territory. What matters is working together, merging our businesses. I think if we all get with his program, he’ll be inclined to allow us a little bit of slack.”

“What about Shannon?”

“Well, I think it depends,” he says. “I own the house she lives in with Cary. We could live there most of the time, I think. Be more parental. Stay here a night or two.”

The thought of living in a home with his daughter ... I get a little panicky about it, actually. She’s never met me. What the heck is she going to think about some strange woman moving in, living in her home with her father, who’s hardly ever around? I can only imagine the battles for attention. And ... I haven’t been around a ton of kids. I have no idea if I’m maternal or not.

Grisham must read it in my body language because he shushes me, tries to soothe me.

“She’ll love you,” he says quietly. He takes a minute and then continues. “Like I do.”

I swear to God my heart stops. Stops beating. I stop breathing. The world stops turning.

“Stop being dramatic,” he says with a chuckle.

The world resumes as I roll on top of him, ready to attack. He’s ready for me, his hands on my ribcage as his mouth meets mine.

I can’t get enough. He loves me.

