18 How can I survive a home fire that starts while I am asleep in bed?
A fire that starts while you are asleep is especially dangerous because it takes you by surprise. You must have at least two smoke and carbon monoxide detectors with fresh batteries in your home to give you a chance to survive, but you must also act quickly and correctly. If you awaken to a smoke-filled room, do not sit up! The air just above you may be heated to several hundred degrees, and filled with toxic gases. Roll out of bed and crawl to the nearest exit. If the bedroom door is closed, feel it for heat before opening it. If it’s too hot, you may need to open or break a window to escape. If you are trapped or you have time, call 911. You have only seconds to get out! A dust mask and a flashlight kept in the bedside drawer may save your life in the dark, smoke-filled house. Once outside, never return to a burning building. You will probably not come out again! You should have trained every member of your family in escaping fire and have a meeting place outside. Fire doubles in size every one to two minutes. You must move quickly.