31 What do I need to know to survive a flood?

You need to determine if a flood is a possibility for you. If your area has ever flooded before or floods have come close to your location, then you need a plan. An increasingly unstable climate has resulted in flash flooding of areas that have never had flooding in the past. So-called two-hundred-year floods have been happening much more frequently. Flood-control plans for these events have often failed. Massive rainstorms have inundated even elevated areas. Storm surges can wipe out coastal areas. No one is completely safe from flooding possibilities.

Maintain vigilance on weather predictions and river levels.

Keep your survival packs, important documents, and valuables in waterproof tote bins ready to load and go. Preselect routes of escape that avoid low-lying areas.

If flooding or a storm surge is imminent, close up your home and evacuate beforehand.

If this is not practical, move the elderly and children to safer areas so they do not inhibit your survival actions.

Place your valuables and survival gear in your vehicle and be ready to drive out of danger immediately. Park other vehicles in safe uphill areas well in advance.

If flooding is a high probability you may be wise to invest in a small boat or inflatable raft that can be used to float out or carry your possessions as you wade to safety.

Have a method of evacuation for your pets which provides for them once you are out of the flooded zone.

Turn off your gas at the meter and your electricity at the main breaker before the flood gets to your home or before you evacuate. Failure to do so may result in a fire or explosion that will level your home completely.


All that remains of a house after the gas line ruptured during a flood. The explosion also destroyed three adjoining houses.

When the flooding subsides, massive cleanup starts. All contaminated carpeting, drywall, paneling, furniture, and other items must be discarded. A 10 percent bleach and water solution sprayed from a garden sprayer must be applied to all contaminated surfaces to prevent mold and contaminations. Avoid contact with floodwaters. Wear gloves and N95 respirators. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after contact with floodwater-contaminated materials. Be vigilant for looters and do not fall for unlicensed repair contractors that push you to sign up for repair work. Contact your insurance company first.


The water is gone, but everything is lost. The carpeting, flooring, paneling, appliances, and drywall all had to go.