- Abdi, Mohamed
- Adelman, Madelaine
- Afghanistan
- Africa
- African migrants
- Akkoyunlu, Sule
- Akpinar, Aylin
- American Community Survey (2013)
- American Health Care Association
- Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina
- Andrijasevic, Rutvika
- Angolan migrants
- anti-trafficking legislation
- Antin, Mary Mashke
- Appelbaum, Richard
- Arab migrants
- Armenia
- Asia
- Asian migrants
- asylum seekers
- Atlanta
- Australia
- Avila, Ernestine
- Azam, Mohammed G.
- Bahrain
- Bakker, Matt
- Bangladeshi migrants
- Barajas, Manuel
- Batnitzky, Adina
- Bhabha, Jacqueline
- Bhimji, Fazila
- Bhutan
- Blair, Tony
- Boehm, Deborah
- Bolivian migrants
- Bonacich, Edna
- Boston
- Boyd, Monica
- Bozorgmehr, Mehdi
- Bracero Program (1942–1964)
- Brazilian migrants
- The Breadgivers (Yezierska)
- Brennan, Denise
- Broughton, Chad
- Buckley, Cynthia J.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Burma
- Busza, Joanna
- Cable Act (Married Women’s Independent Nationality Act) (1922)
- Calavita, Kitty
- California
- Cambodia
- Cameron, Ardis
- Canada
- Carling, Jorgen
- Central American migrants
- Chai, Alice
- Chander, Subash
- Chapkis, Wendy
- Chavez, Leo
- Chee, Maria W. L.
- Chiang, Lan-Hung Nora
- Chiang-Hom, Christy
- Chicago
- child migrants
- China
- China Blue (film)
- Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)
- Chinese migrants
- in garment sweatshops
- gender balance
- gender bias
- gender relations
- menial/part-time employment
- participation in labor market
- professional/educated women
- and prostitution
- skilled IT workers
- Chinese Professional Association of Canada
- Chinese Professional Women of Canada
- Chock, Phyllis
- citizenship
- birthright citizenship/anchor babies
- and control of women’s bodies
- cultural
- derivative
- ethnic ground (jus sanquinis)
- gendered/exclusionary
- laws/policies
- moral dimension
- participatory
- racial dimension
- class
- Clinton, Bill
- Clinton, Hillary
- Cohen, Miriam
- Coll, Kathleen
- Collett, Elizabeth
- Colombian migrants
- Constable, Nicole
- Contreras, Ricardo
- Conway, Margaret
- Costa Rica
- Cranford, Cynthia
- Cuba
- Dallalfar, Arlene
- Das Gupta, Monisha
- Das Gupta, Shamita
- Degiuli, Francesca
- Depardieu, Gerard
- detention centres
- Dillingham Commission
- Diner, Hasia
- Direct Provision Program (Ireland)
- Displaced Persons Act (1948)
- domestic/sexual violence
- Dominican migrants
- Dominican Republic
- Donato, Katharine
- Dreby, Joanna
- Durand, Jorge
- Eastern Europe
- economic migrants
- Ecuadoran migrants
- El Salvador
- Ellis Island
- Employment Eligibility Verification Form
- entrepreneurs
- Equal Nationality Act (1934)
- Erel, Umut
- Eschbach, Karl
- Espinal, Gloria
- Espinal, Iván
- Espiritu, Yen Le
- Ethiopia
- European Union
- Expatriation Act see Immigration (or Expatriation) Act
- family migrants
- challenges to gender values/norms
- companionate marriages
- deportation of
- disempowerment of wives/mothers
- division of labor
- domestic violence in
- domus-centred
- and family reunification
- forced-participation household
- fourth wave
- gendered aspects
- household arrangements
- legislation concerning
- legitimacy of marriage
- marriage controversy
- masculinity/fatherhood
- moral aspect
- participation in employment
- remittances
- third wave
- transnational context
- undocumented
- Fee, Lian Kwen
- female migrants
- abuse/resistance
- as asylum seekers
- and birthright citizenship
- citizenship experience
- clandestine
- countries of origin
- data concerning
- and domestic violence/genital cutting
- dominance of
- employment
- gender bias
- impact of gender relations on
- labor force participation
- Latino Threat narrative
- marriage/dependent status of
- moral dimension
- nannies/domestic service
- persecution of
- political practice/socialization
- research on
- as self-employed/entrepreneurs
- status of
- undocumented
- Fernández-Kelly, María Patricia
- Filipino migrants
- abuse/resistance
- citizenship
- as eldercare workers
- female dominance
- labor force participation
- male dominance
- monitoring of daughters
- as nurses
- sex work
- transnational motherhood
- Fix, Michael
- fourth wave immigration
- France
- female migrants
- head-scarf debate
- sans papiers immigrants
- Freedman, Jane
- French-Canadian migrants
- Frisch, Max
- Gabaccia, Donna
- Gallo, Ester
- Gamburd, Michele
- Gardner, Andrew
- Gardner, Martha
- Gee, judge Dolly M.
- gender mobility
- non-US destination countries
- US as destination country
- gendered demography
- countries of origin
- data
- historical perspective
- local/global structural factors
- male/female balance
- typology of
- gendered migration
- complexity
- construction/definition
- delayed
- economic considerations
- families
- feminization of
- gender research
- historical perspective
- identity
- inequality/empowerment
- intersectionality
- legal status
- matrifocal/patriarchal societies
- social, economic, political factors
- structure/agency
- suggested theory of
- theoretical approach
- transnational
- Gentlemen’s Agreement (1907)
- George, Sheba
- Georgia
- German migrants
- Germany
- Ghana
- Ghanaian migrants
- Gjerde, Jon
- Gordon, Linda
- Gould, Chandré
- Gozdziak, Elzbieta
- Grasmuck, Sherri
- Great Famine (Ireland, 1845–1851)
- Greece
- Greek Cypriot migrants
- Green Card (film)
- Green, Nancy
- Griffith, David
- Grimes, Kimberly
- Guatemala
- Guatemalan migrants
- guestworkers
- Gulcur, Leyla
- Gulf states
- Hagan, Jacqueline
- Haiti
- Hardy-Fanta, Carol
- Hart-Cellar Act (Immigration and Nationality Act) (1965)
- Harzig, Christiane
- Hawaii
- Hedberg, Charlotta
- Hermanos Unidos club, Corona
- Hernández, Ramona
- Higham, John
- Hirsch, Jennifer
- Hispanic migrants
- Hofman, Erin Trouth
- Homeland Security
- homosexuals
- Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette
- Honduras
- Hong Kong
- honor killings
- Horton, Sarah
- Huang, Shirlena
- human rights
- Human Rights Watch report (2008)
- Hungry Hearts (Yezierska)
- Ibarra, Maria
- Ilkkaracan, Pinkar
- Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) (1996)
- Immigrant Women in Science
- Immigration Act (1917)
- Immigration and Nationality Act (1965) see Hart-Cellar Act
- Immigration and Naturalization Service
- Immigration Nursing Relief Act (1989)
- Immigration (or Expatriation) Act (1907)
- Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986)
- India
- Indian migrants
- division of labor
- in hospitality sector
- in the Middle East
- as nurses
- skilled professionals
- in US
- Indonesian migrants
- Inlender, Talia
- International Labor Organization (ILO)
- International Migration: The Female Experience (Simon and Brettell)
- International Migration Review
- Iran
- Iranian migrants
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Irish migrants
- Irish Nationality Law (2004)
- Italian migrants
- Italy
- Jamaican migrants
- Jamal, Amaney
- Japan
- Japanese migrants
- Jewish migrants
- Johnson-Reed Act (National Origins Quota Act) (1924)
- Jones-Correa, Michael
- Kanaiaupuni, Shawn Mailai
- Kang, Miliann
- Kerala, southwest India
- Kilkey, Majella
- Kingma, Mireille
- Kofman, Eleonore
- Korean migrants
- labor market
- Bracero Program
- care work
- class differentiations
- day laborers
- domestic service
- eldercare workers
- employment visas
- family business/immigrant entrepreneur
- farming
- female perspective
- gardeners
- gastarbeiter (guest-worker) program
- gender participation
- hospitality sector
- host-language deficiences
- IT workers
- kafala system
- male perspective
- models of migration
- nannies/domestic servants
- native-born/foreign-born participation
- nurses/
- occupational niches
- opportunities in
- segmentation
- self-employment
- sex workers/sex trafficking
- skilled professionals
- sweatshops
- textile industry
- Laos
- Latin American migrants
- female fertility/sexual activity
- gender differences
- labor market participation
- political practice/socialization
- laws/policies
- Acts
- birthright citizenship, anchor babies, trafficking
- citizenship
- and domestic abuse
- Eight Amendment
- family reunification/skills-based policy
- Fourteenth Amendment
- gendered dimensions
- human rights perspective
- Irish
- late twentieth-century immigration
- lesbians/gays
- mixed status families
- point system
- political practice/socialization
- quotas
- refugees/asylum seekers
- and the undocumented
- Leonard, Karen
- Levitt, Peggy
- LGBT migrants
- Liberia
- Light, Ivan
- Lim, In-Sook
- Liu, Yuli
- Los Angeles
- Luibheid, Eithne
- Lutz, Helen
- Lutz, Helma
- McCarren-Walter Act (1952)
- McDowell, Andie
- McIlwaine, Cathy
- McKenzie, Sean
- Mahdi, Ali
- Mahler, Sarah J.
- Malaysia
- male migrants
- dominance of
- education
- labor force participation
- political practice/socialization
- racial/religious targeting
- Man, Guida
- Mann Act (White Slave Traffic Act) (1910)
- Married Women’s Independent Nationality Act see Cable Act
- Martin, Philip
- Massey, Douglas
- Menjívar, Cecilia
- Mexican migrants
- age/education
- and Bracero Program
- companionate marriages
- as day laborers
- deportation of
- as eldercare workers
- as gardeners
- gender ideals/practices
- home-host dichotomy
- labor market participation
- Latino Threat narrative
- masculinity/fatherhood
- size of population
- transnational families
- undocumented
- Mexican-Hindus
- Mexico
- Michoacán, Mexico
- Middle East
- Middleton, Julie
- Millman, Heather
- Min, Pyong Gap
- Miraflores, Dominican Republic
- Mobasher, Mohsen
- Moloney, Deirdre
- Montes, Veronia
- Morocco
- Morokvasic, Mirjana
- Muslims
- Nash, June
- National Association for Home Care
- National Domestic Worker Alliance report (2012)
- National Origins Quota Act see Johnson-Reed Act
- National Security-Entry-Exit Registration System (2002)
- Nationality Act (1940)
- Naturalization Act (1855)
- Netherlands
- New Bedford, Massachusetts
- New England
- New York City
- New York Times
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- Nicolosi, Ann
- Nigeria
- Nigerian migrants
- Nobles, Jenna
- Norwegian migrants
- Nowak, Joanne
- Obama, Barack
- Oceania
- Orsi, Robert
- Page Act (1875)
- Pakistani migrants
- Panama
- Pande, Amrita
- Parreñas, Rhacel
- Pasqua laws (France, 1993)
- Passel, Jeffrey
- Patriot Act (2001)
- Pauli, Julia
- Pe-Pua, Rogelia
- Pei-te Lien
- Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) (1996)
- Peruvian migrants
- Pessar, Patricia R.
- Peterson, Katarina
- Pew Hispanic Center report
- Philadelphia
- Philippines
- Phizacklea, Annie
- picture brides
- Pikkov, Deanna
- Polish migrants
- Portugal
- Portuguese migrants
- families/division of labor
- in France
- gender proportions
- remittances
- whaling industry in US
- Pozo, Susan
- Pribilsky, Jason
- The Promised Land (Antin)
- prostitution
- Providence, Rhode Island
- Puerto Rico
- race
- Raghuram, Parvati
- Rahman, Mizanur
- Raissiguier, Catherine
- Ramirez, Elvia
- Ramirez, Hernan
- Ravenstein, Ernest George
- Red Dust (film)
- Refugee Act (South Africa, 2008)
- refugees
- countries of origin
- gender issues
- human rights perspective
- political consciousness
- as quota immigrants
- UN definition
- remittances
- Renteln, Alison
- Repak, Terry
- Riis, Jacob
- Rivera-Batiz, Francisco
- Rodrigues, Nestor
- Romanian migrants
- Russia
- Russian migrants
- Salcido, Olivia
- Salvadoran migrants
- San Francisco
- Saudi Arabia
- Scott, James
- Seeking Common Ground (Gabaccia)
- Seif, Hinda
- Senegalese migrants
- September 11th, 2001 (9/11)
- sex workers/sex trafficking
- sexual violence see domestic/sexual violence
- Sicilian migrants
- Simon, Rita James
- Singapore
- Sinke, Suzanne
- Slovak migrants
- Smith, Michael Peter
- Solari, Cinzia
- Somali migrants
- Somalia
- South Africa
- South America
- South Korea
- Spain
- Sri Lanka
- Strangers in the Land (Higham)
- Sudan
- Sweden
- Swedish migrants
- Switzerland
- Taylor, Paul
- Texas
- Thai, Hung Cam
- Thai migrants
- Thailand
- third wave immigration
- Tobago
- Trafficking Victims’ Protection Act (2000)
- transnational parenting
- astronauting
- consumption of alcohol
- cultural context
- emotional/personal dimension
- fatherhood
- motherhood
- parachute kids
- sending of gifts
- Trinidad
- Tsong, Yuying
- Turkey
- Turkish migrants
- Tyner, James
- Undocumented in LA (Walta Hart)
- undocumented migrants
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (1951)
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
- United Nations Report on women immigrants (2006)
- United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
- Unruly Immigrants (Das Gupta)
- US Department of Homeland Security
- US Department of Justice
- US Department of Labor
- US immigrants
- countries of origin
- education
- explanations/influences
- family reunification/legitimacy of marriage
- gender ratio
- Kerala nurses in
- Latino Threat narrative
- laws/policies
- as nurses
- as second largest destination country
- spouse categories
- undocumented
- working age
- US Refugee Act (1980)
- Valji, Nahla
- Vanwey, Leah
- Vertovec, Steven
- Vietnam
- Vietnamese migrants
- Violence Against Women Act (1994)
- Walta Hart, Dianne
- Walter, Nicholas
- Walton-Roberts, Margaret
- War Brides Act (1945)
- War Brides Act (1948)
- We Have Already Cried Many Tears (Brettell)
- West Indian migrants
- whaling industry
- White Slave Traffic Act see Mann Act
- Wollstonecraft, Mary
- Women, Men and the International Division of Labor (Nash and Fernández-Kelly)
- Wong, Janelle
- World Bank
- World War I
- World War II
- Yans-McLaughlin, Virginia
- Yemeni migrants
- Yeoh, Brenda S.
- Yezierska, Anzia
- Yugoslavia
- Yung, Judy
- Yuval-Davis, Nira
- Zanoni, Elizabeth
- Zimmerman, Wendy