85 i.e. Nicholas Hubert.

86 i.e. parts of the body.

87 i.e. set.

88 See chapters 1718.

89 i.e. sans.

90 i.e. grief or mourning.

91 i.e. care or keeping.

92 The fact that Lennox was at Glasgow and not Kirk o’Field on 7 February does not seem to have worried the Lords.

93 His correction is clearly visible. Cecil’s ‘t’ can sometimes look like a ‘k’. The reading is erroneously given as ‘make’ in the modern scholarly editions, which makes the meaning obscure; and yet no one appears to have gone back to the handwritten transcript to check it.

94 This could mean either that Bothwell can choose between his wife and Mary, or that he could mend his fences with the Lords and ditch her.

95 i.e. indexing it for filing.

96 The cipher of Francis II.

97 This really means the original Casket Letters and not the transcripts or copies.