Friday, 17 June 1892
Nowadays in the evenings I get up onto the land and stroll around for a long time—when I turn towards the east I see one sort of sight, and another sort in the west—it’s as if there is peace dropping slow from the sky overhead, as if a golden stream of auspiciousness is entering my heart through my entranced pair of eyes. It’s as if this breeze, this sky and this light makes new leaves grow in my mind, and I am fulfilled by new life and a new strength. It has become very easy for me to perform my duties in society and to interact with people. Actually, everything is easy—there is only one straight road and it’s enough if you keep your eyes on that road and keep going; no point in looking for the clever short cut—there are joys and sorrows on every road—there’s no way you can avoid them on any road—but peace reigns only on this main road.