We have been blessed to connect with many people who share our passion for the study of personality differences:
Peter and Katharine Myers, for continuing to support new applications of personality type.
David Keirsey, whose book Please Understand Me introduced us to temperaments, and Linda Berens, whose ongoing research continues to enrich our understanding of the model.
U.S. District Judge Paul Crotty for his generous introductions.
Linda Konner, our agent, for seeing the potential of the manuscript and providing steadfast focus, support, and wisdom.
The vibrant AMACOM team: Andrew Ambraziejus and Ellen Kadin for their professionalism and dedication to the publishing of this book; Louis Greenstein, Barry Richardson, and William Helms for their editing savvy and Jim Bessent for copyediting and production coordination; and the AMACOM publicity group for their creativity and enthusiasm.
Members of the APTi, FWA, and training communities for sharing anecdotes, tips, and insights, especially: Nancy Ancowitz, Suzanne Brue, Emily Christakis, Robert Cuddy, Juanita Davies, Mary Davis, Phyllis Weiss Haserot, Iris Jacobs, Craig Jennings, Laurie Lawson, Ray Linder, Mary Lippitt, Jane Maloney, Susanne Mueller, Andrea Nierenberg, Jim Oher, Jeannette Paladino, Pamela Fox Rollin, Hile Rutledge, Jeri Sedlar, Cynthia Sefton, Jerry Solomons, Tanya Straker, Rob Toomey, Malachy Vance, and Kathryn Wankel.
Participants of Shoya’s two mastermind groups for always being there to evaluate new ideas: Galit Ben-Joseph, Diane DiResta, Libby Dubick, Bonnie Halpern, Laura Hill, Kathryn Mayer, Maureen McCarthy, Lynne Morton, and Barbara Stein.
Our interns Olga Geletina, Brisejda Gjoka, Mina Hirsch, and Elena Shneider, for taking time from their studies to help with research and social media.
Brendan Newman, program director, Bike & Build, Inc., for allowing us to share stories of how Color Q was applied during their crosscountry bicycle and building tours. Donation and participation information is available at www.bikeandbuild.org.
Greg Bidou, for his constant support, belief, patience, and encouragement.
And last but certainly not least, thanks to Shoya’s family: Mother, Charles, Sheila, and Fiona, for always being the cheerleaders.